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Dataset Title:  Trajectory - R4.x268.000.0067 - EN586-SCS_Data600Sec_EG_20160806-000000 - -
49985.03N, 50043.68W - 2016-08-06
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Institution:  UNKNOWN   (Dataset ID: R4_x268_000_0067_EN586_SCS_Data600Sec_EG_20160806_000000)
Information:  Summary ? | License ? | FGDC | ISO 19115 | Metadata | Background (external link) | Data Access Form | Make a graph

Select a subset:      (Current number of distinct combinations of matching data: 144)
Make as many selections as you want, in any order. Each selection changes the other options (and the map and data below) accordingly.

    time ?  =  144 options
    longitude ?  =  degrees_east   128 options
    latitude ?  =  degrees_north   119 options
    trajectory ?  =  1 option:

View:      Map of Distinct Data ?      Distinct Data Counts ?     Distinct Data ?      Related Data Counts ?     Related Data ?

Map of Distinct Data ?   (Refine the map and/or download the image)
Optional: Click on the map to select the closest data.
Map of Distinct Data

Distinct Data Counts ?

To view the counts of distinct combinations of the variables listed above,
check View : Distinct Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.


Distinct Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)  

time longitude latitude trajectory
UTC degrees_east degrees_north
2063-08-07T00:00:00Z -88.3804 28.6884
2063-08-07T00:10:00Z -88.3829 28.6876
2063-08-07T00:20:00Z -88.3856 28.6868
2063-08-07T00:30:00Z -88.3886 28.6857
2063-08-07T00:40:00Z -88.3917 28.6837
2063-08-07T00:50:00Z -88.3866 28.6866
2063-08-07T01:00:00Z -88.3806 28.6909
2063-08-07T01:10:00Z -88.3777 28.6912
2063-08-07T01:20:00Z -88.3773 28.6909
2063-08-07T01:30:00Z -88.3794 28.6916
2063-08-07T01:40:00Z -88.3788 28.6913
2063-08-07T01:50:00Z -88.3788 28.6918
2063-08-07T02:00:00Z -88.3802 28.6918
2063-08-07T02:10:00Z -88.382 28.6908
2063-08-07T02:20:00Z -88.384 28.6897
2063-08-07T02:30:00Z -88.3863 28.6887
2063-08-07T02:50:00Z -88.3917 28.6869
2063-08-07T03:00:00Z -88.3857 28.6897
2063-08-07T03:10:00Z -88.3678 28.6939
2063-08-07T03:20:00Z -88.3615 28.6952
2063-08-07T03:30:00Z -88.3614 28.6955
2063-08-07T03:40:00Z -88.3618 28.6959
2063-08-07T03:50:00Z -88.3623 28.6963
2063-08-07T04:00:00Z -88.3627 28.6969
2063-08-07T04:10:00Z -88.3629 28.6974
2063-08-07T04:20:00Z -88.3634 28.6979
2063-08-07T04:30:00Z -88.364 28.6984
2063-08-07T04:40:00Z -88.3643 28.6989
2063-08-07T04:50:00Z -88.3663 28.6991
2063-08-07T05:00:00Z -88.3685 28.6991
2063-08-07T05:10:00Z -88.3707 28.6991
2063-08-07T05:20:00Z -88.3729 28.6992
2063-08-07T05:30:00Z -88.3751 28.6996
2063-08-07T05:40:00Z -88.3774 28.7002
2063-08-07T05:50:00Z -88.381 28.6964
2063-08-07T06:00:00Z -88.3779 28.6899
2063-08-07T06:10:00Z -88.3751 28.6958
2063-08-07T06:20:00Z -88.3822 28.6943
2063-08-07T06:30:00Z -88.3852 28.695
2063-08-07T06:40:00Z -88.3876 28.6961
2063-08-07T06:50:00Z -88.3896 28.6972
2063-08-07T07:00:00Z -88.3916 28.6984
2063-08-07T07:10:00Z -88.3934 28.6997
2063-08-07T07:20:00Z -88.395 28.7009
2063-08-07T07:30:00Z -88.3965 28.7023
2063-08-07T07:40:00Z -88.3978 28.7038
2063-08-07T07:50:00Z -88.399 28.7053
2063-08-07T08:00:00Z -88.3999 28.7068
2063-08-07T08:10:00Z -88.4006 28.7082
2063-08-07T08:20:00Z -88.4013 28.7095
2063-08-07T08:30:00Z -88.3998 28.7124
2063-08-07T08:40:00Z -88.3931 28.707
2063-08-07T08:50:00Z -88.3865 28.701
2063-08-07T09:00:00Z -88.3807 28.6941
2063-08-07T09:10:00Z -88.3779 28.6919
2063-08-07T09:20:00Z -88.3778 28.6914
2063-08-07T09:30:00Z -88.3779 28.6904
2063-08-07T09:40:00Z -88.3778 28.6907
2063-08-07T09:50:00Z -88.3781 28.6916
2063-08-07T10:00:00Z -88.3783 28.6918
2063-08-07T10:10:00Z -88.3781 28.6916
2063-08-07T10:20:00Z -88.3778 28.6913
2063-08-07T10:30:00Z -88.3775 28.6919
2063-08-07T10:40:00Z -88.3771 28.6922
2063-08-07T10:50:00Z -88.3767 28.6918
2063-08-07T11:00:00Z -88.3761 28.6911
2063-08-07T11:10:00Z -88.3757 28.6903
2063-08-07T11:20:00Z -88.3751 28.6895
2063-08-07T11:30:00Z -88.3744 28.6888
2063-08-07T11:40:00Z -88.3784 28.6922
2063-08-07T11:50:00Z -88.3774 28.6921
2063-08-07T12:00:00Z -88.3769 28.6926
2063-08-07T12:10:00Z -88.3768 28.6937
2063-08-07T12:20:00Z -88.3783 28.6935
2063-08-07T12:30:00Z -88.3794 28.6918
2063-08-07T12:40:00Z -88.3796 28.6914
2063-08-07T12:50:00Z -88.3786 28.6907
2063-08-07T13:00:00Z -88.3775 28.69
2063-08-07T13:10:00Z -88.3766 28.689
2063-08-07T13:20:00Z -88.3756 28.6879
2063-08-07T13:30:00Z -88.3744 28.6874
2063-08-07T13:40:00Z -88.3658 28.6932
2063-08-07T13:50:00Z -88.3594 28.6976
2063-08-07T14:00:00Z -88.36 28.6968
2063-08-07T14:10:00Z -88.359 28.6955
2063-08-07T14:20:00Z -88.3598 28.6933
2063-08-07T14:30:00Z -88.3603 28.6914
2063-08-07T14:40:00Z -88.3606 28.6895
2063-08-07T14:50:00Z -88.3605 28.6874
2063-08-07T15:00:00Z -88.362 28.6867
2063-08-07T15:10:00Z -88.3649 28.6894
2063-08-07T15:20:00Z -88.3661 28.6905
2063-08-07T15:30:00Z -88.3673 28.6896
2063-08-07T15:40:00Z -88.3682 28.6888
2063-08-07T15:50:00Z -88.369 28.6879
2063-08-07T16:00:00Z -88.3866 28.6938
2063-08-07T16:10:00Z -88.4126 28.7053
2063-08-07T16:20:00Z -88.4408 28.7167
2063-08-07T16:30:00Z -88.4704 28.7284
2063-08-07T16:40:00Z -88.5002 28.7395
2063-08-07T16:50:00Z -88.5301 28.7504
2063-08-07T17:00:00Z -88.5605 28.761
2063-08-07T17:10:00Z -88.5907 28.7719
2063-08-07T17:20:00Z -88.6209 28.7818
2063-08-07T17:30:00Z -88.6516 28.7906
2063-08-07T17:40:00Z -88.682 28.8003
2063-08-07T17:50:00Z -88.7124 28.8102
2063-08-07T18:00:00Z -88.7424 28.822
2063-08-07T18:10:00Z -88.7723 28.8338
2063-08-07T18:20:00Z -88.8024 28.8457
2063-08-07T18:30:00Z -88.8323 28.8582
2063-08-07T18:40:00Z -88.8622 28.8705
2063-08-07T18:50:00Z -88.8914 28.8841
2063-08-07T19:00:00Z -88.92 28.8981
2063-08-07T19:10:00Z -88.949 28.9101
2063-08-07T19:20:00Z -88.973 28.9292
2063-08-07T19:30:00Z -88.9777 28.9382
2063-08-07T19:40:00Z -88.9645 28.935
2063-08-07T19:50:00Z -88.961 28.9322
2063-08-07T20:00:00Z -88.9572 28.9289
2063-08-07T20:10:00Z -88.9673 28.9292
2063-08-07T20:20:00Z -88.9821 28.937
2063-08-07T20:30:00Z -88.9858 28.9368
2063-08-07T20:40:00Z -88.9869 28.9368
2063-08-07T20:50:00Z -88.9884 28.9362
2063-08-07T21:00:00Z -88.9906 28.9355
2063-08-07T21:10:00Z -88.9923 28.9346
2063-08-07T21:20:00Z -88.9915 28.9331
2063-08-07T21:30:00Z -88.9902 28.9317
2063-08-07T21:40:00Z -88.9904 28.9303
2063-08-07T21:50:00Z -88.9905 28.9304
2063-08-07T22:00:00Z -88.9906 28.9311
2063-08-07T22:10:00Z -88.9913 28.9323
2063-08-07T22:20:00Z -88.9958 28.9142
2063-08-07T22:30:00Z -89.0076 28.8857
2063-08-07T22:40:00Z -89.0261 28.8606
2063-08-07T22:50:00Z -89.0519 28.8409
2063-08-07T23:00:00Z -89.0732 28.8166
2063-08-07T23:10:00Z -89.0949 28.7923
2063-08-07T23:20:00Z -89.1227 28.7741
2063-08-07T23:30:00Z -89.1529 28.759
2063-08-07T23:40:00Z -89.1828 28.7429
2063-08-07T23:50:00Z -89.2123 28.7265

In total, there are 144 rows of distinct combinations of the variables listed above. All of the rows are shown above.
To change the maximum number of rows displayed, change View : Distinct Data above.

Related Data Counts ?

To view the related data counts,
check View : Related Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

Related Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)

To view the related data, change View : Related Data above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

ERDDAP, Version 2.02
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