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Dataset Title:  "Profile - R1.x134.073.0043 - 131210030 - 30.39N, 86.52W - 2013-12-10" Subscribe RSS
Institution:  University of Florida   (Dataset ID: R1_x134_073_0043_131210030)
Information:  Summary ? | License ? | FGDC | ISO 19115 | Metadata | Background (external link) | Data Access Form | Make a graph

Select a subset:      (Current number of distinct combinations of matching data: 182)
Make as many selections as you want, in any order. Each selection changes the other options (and the map and data below) accordingly.

    time ?  =  46 options
    depth ?  =  m   135 options
    temperature ?  =  degree_C   164 options
    cond ?  =  S/m   177 options
    salinity ?  =  PSU   182 options
    sigma ?  =  kg/m^3   179 options

View:      Map of All Related Data ?      Distinct Data Counts ?     Distinct Data ?      Related Data Counts ?     Related Data ?

Map of All Related Data ?   (Refine the map and/or download the image)

To view the map, check View : Map of All Related Data above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

Distinct Data Counts ?

To view the counts of distinct combinations of the variables listed above,
check View : Distinct Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.


Distinct Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)  

time depth temperature cond salinity sigma
UTC m degree_C S/m PSU kg/m^3
2013-12-10T22:48:14Z 0.222 18.8706 0.14543 0.8353 -0.9284
2013-12-10T22:48:14Z 0.254 18.8633 0.35249 2.1236 0.0562
2013-12-10T22:48:14Z 0.363 18.7297 2.267 15.7703 10.4464
2013-12-10T22:48:15Z 0.452 18.5543 3.0376000000000003 21.8342 15.093
2013-12-10T22:48:15Z 0.506 18.4317 3.3499000000000003 24.3962 17.071
2013-12-10T22:48:15Z 0.562 18.3614 3.6430000000000002 26.8166 18.9316
2013-12-10T22:48:15Z 0.591 18.3202 3.6589 26.9733 19.0609
2013-12-10T22:48:15Z 0.63 18.2955 3.7185 27.4777 19.4513
2013-12-10T22:48:16Z 0.664 18.2823 3.8115 28.2504 20.044
2013-12-10T22:48:16Z 0.679 18.2762 3.8806000000000003 28.8248 20.4837
2013-12-10T22:48:16Z 0.679 18.2751 3.8902 28.9053 20.5454
2013-12-10T22:48:17Z 0.665 18.276 3.8769 28.7945 20.4606
2013-12-10T22:48:17Z 0.654 18.2766 3.8155 28.2875 20.0736
2013-12-10T22:48:17Z 0.652 18.2794 3.7785 27.9808 19.839
2013-12-10T22:48:17Z 0.695 18.2904 3.8032000000000004 28.177 19.986
2013-12-10T22:48:17Z 0.729 18.3043 3.6882 27.2231 19.2551
2013-12-10T22:48:18Z 0.742 18.3198 3.6566 26.9542 19.0464
2013-12-10T22:48:18Z 0.752 18.326 3.6656 27.0239 19.0981
2013-12-10T22:48:18Z 0.752 18.322 3.7417000000000002 27.6502 19.5766
2013-12-10T22:48:19Z 0.749 18.3263 3.7971000000000004 28.1021 19.9204
2013-12-10T22:48:19Z 0.753 18.352 3.8277 28.3365 20.093
2013-12-10T22:48:19Z 0.766 18.3831 3.8367 28.3891 20.1257
2013-12-10T22:48:19Z 0.778 18.4137 3.8331000000000004 28.3384 20.0797
2013-12-10T22:48:19Z 0.777 18.4432 3.8254 28.2543 20.0085
2013-12-10T22:48:20Z 0.763 18.4604 3.8280000000000003 28.2639 20.0117
2013-12-10T22:48:20Z 0.757 18.4634 3.8327 28.3009 20.0392
2013-12-10T22:48:20Z 0.76 18.4617 3.8382 28.347 20.0748
2013-12-10T22:48:20Z 0.766 18.4593 3.8495000000000004 28.441 20.1471
2013-12-10T22:48:21Z 0.765 18.4543 3.8631 28.5563 20.2362
2013-12-10T22:48:21Z 0.762 18.4404 3.8753 28.6663 20.3234
2013-12-10T22:48:21Z 0.757 18.4264 3.886 28.7641 20.4014
2013-12-10T22:48:22Z 0.756 18.4144 3.8948 28.8453 20.4663
2013-12-10T22:48:22Z 0.758 18.4069 3.9035 28.9217 20.5263
2013-12-10T22:48:22Z 0.76 18.3989 3.9134 29.0094 20.5952
2013-12-10T22:48:22Z 0.766 18.3898 3.9250000000000003 29.1109 20.6749
2013-12-10T22:48:22Z 0.777 18.3821 3.9311000000000003 29.1675 20.7198
2013-12-10T22:48:23Z 0.793 18.3752 3.9413 29.2564 20.7894
2013-12-10T22:48:23Z 0.803 18.3695 3.9520000000000004 29.3487 20.8612
2013-12-10T22:48:23Z 0.804 18.3629 3.9656000000000002 29.4662 20.9525
2013-12-10T22:48:24Z 0.797 18.3587 3.9754 29.55 21.0174
2013-12-10T22:48:24Z 0.787 18.3552 3.9813 29.6014 21.0575
2013-12-10T22:48:24Z 0.775 18.3515 3.9908 29.6821 21.12
2013-12-10T22:48:24Z 0.765 18.3495 4.0012 29.7702 21.1878
2013-12-10T22:48:24Z 0.767 18.3511 4.0074000000000005 29.82 21.2254
2013-12-10T22:48:25Z 0.792 18.3534 4.01 29.8403 21.2403
2013-12-10T22:48:25Z 0.818 18.3545 4.0082 29.8245 21.228
2013-12-10T22:48:25Z 0.823 18.3559 4.0269 29.9782 21.345
2013-12-10T22:48:26Z 0.803 18.3562 4.0364 30.0569 21.405
2013-12-10T22:48:26Z 0.777 18.3548 4.0404 30.091 21.4313
2013-12-10T22:48:26Z 0.764 18.3528 4.0411 30.0984 21.4375
2013-12-10T22:48:26Z 0.77 18.3505 4.042 30.1074 21.4449
2013-12-10T22:48:27Z 0.788 18.3527 4.041300000000001 30.1004 21.4391
2013-12-10T22:48:27Z 0.814 18.3602 4.0426 30.1052 21.4409
2013-12-10T22:48:27Z 0.835 18.3654 4.0441 30.1137 21.4461
2013-12-10T22:48:27Z 0.831 18.3677 4.05 30.1615 21.4821
2013-12-10T22:48:27Z 0.809 18.3665 4.0507 30.1684 21.4876
2013-12-10T22:48:28Z 0.771 18.3655 4.0518 30.1782 21.4954
2013-12-10T22:48:28Z 0.738 18.3625 4.0536 30.1954 21.5092
2013-12-10T22:48:28Z 0.735 18.3587 4.0442 30.1198 21.4525
2013-12-10T22:48:29Z 0.757 18.3566 4.0283 29.9891 21.3532
2013-12-10T22:48:29Z 0.79 18.358 4.0248 29.9596 21.3303
2013-12-10T22:48:29Z 0.819 18.3602 4.0308 30.0079 21.3667
2013-12-10T22:48:29Z 0.823 18.3634 4.0544 30.2009 21.5132
2013-12-10T22:48:29Z 0.805 18.3689 4.067 30.3018 21.5889
2013-12-10T22:48:30Z 0.781 18.3723 4.0736 30.3537 21.6278
2013-12-10T22:48:30Z 0.764 18.3673 4.0751 30.3702 21.6415
2013-12-10T22:48:30Z 0.758 18.3637 4.0763 30.3829 21.6521
2013-12-10T22:48:31Z 0.759 18.3618 4.0777 30.3958 21.6625
2013-12-10T22:48:31Z 0.762 18.362 4.080900000000001 30.4223 21.6826
2013-12-10T22:48:31Z 0.764 18.3634 4.0841 30.4475 21.7015
2013-12-10T22:48:31Z 0.77 18.3641 4.0846 30.4509 21.7039
2013-12-10T22:48:31Z 0.784 18.3633 4.083600000000001 30.4437 21.6986
2013-12-10T22:48:32Z 0.802 18.3609 4.082 30.4318 21.6901
2013-12-10T22:48:32Z 0.819 18.359 4.081 30.4252 21.6856
2013-12-10T22:48:32Z 0.821 18.358 4.0782 30.4024 21.6684
2013-12-10T22:48:33Z 0.804 18.358 4.0744 30.3713 21.6446
2013-12-10T22:48:33Z 0.776 18.3571 4.0738 30.3664 21.6411
2013-12-10T22:48:33Z 0.749 18.3535 4.0745000000000005 30.375 21.6485
2013-12-10T22:48:33Z 0.736 18.3502 4.0751 30.3828 21.6553
2013-12-10T22:48:34Z 0.744 18.35 4.0721 30.358 21.6364
2013-12-10T22:48:34Z 0.773 18.3542 4.0675 30.3163 21.6036
2013-12-10T22:48:34Z 0.814 18.358 4.0667 30.3071 21.5956
2013-12-10T22:48:34Z 0.838 18.3614 4.0749 30.3724 21.6446
2013-12-10T22:48:34Z 0.834 18.3656 4.0829 30.4357 21.692
2013-12-10T22:48:35Z 0.807 18.3682 4.0872 30.4696 21.7172
2013-12-10T22:48:35Z 0.77 18.3635 4.0881 30.481 21.7271
2013-12-10T22:48:35Z 0.746 18.3563 4.0858 30.4673 21.7183
2013-12-10T22:48:36Z 0.746 18.3522 4.0864 30.4754 21.7255
2013-12-10T22:48:36Z 0.767 18.3551 4.0824 30.44 21.6978
2013-12-10T22:48:36Z 0.798 18.3602 4.08 30.4163 21.6784
2013-12-10T22:48:36Z 0.828 18.3632 4.0868 30.4705 21.7191
2013-12-10T22:48:36Z 0.843 18.3666 4.089 30.4858 21.7299
2013-12-10T22:48:37Z 0.838 18.3687 4.0868 30.4658 21.7142
2013-12-10T22:48:37Z 0.814 18.3666 4.0821000000000005 30.4285 21.6862
2013-12-10T22:48:37Z 0.788 18.3619 4.0787 30.4041 21.6687
2013-12-10T22:48:38Z 0.776 18.3566 4.0768 30.3917 21.6605
2013-12-10T22:48:38Z 0.779 18.3516 4.0758 30.3871 21.6582
2013-12-10T22:48:38Z 0.794 18.3485 4.0757 30.3889 21.6604
2013-12-10T22:48:38Z 0.81 18.3492 4.0745000000000005 30.3781 21.652
2013-12-10T22:48:38Z 0.814 18.3516 4.0666 30.311 21.6001
2013-12-10T22:48:39Z 0.807 18.3536 4.0528 30.1952 21.5112
2013-12-10T22:48:39Z 0.801 18.3518 4.0422 30.108 21.4451
2013-12-10T22:48:39Z 0.808 18.3464 4.0376 30.0737 21.4202
2013-12-10T22:48:40Z 0.817 18.3427 4.0326 30.0349 21.3915
2013-12-10T22:48:40Z 0.819 18.3408 4.0251 29.9746 21.3459
2013-12-10T22:48:40Z 0.807 18.3393 4.0082 29.8358 21.2403
2013-12-10T22:48:40Z 0.783 18.3381 3.9863000000000004 29.6551 21.1026
2013-12-10T22:48:41Z 0.765 18.3377 3.9784 29.5902 21.0532
2013-12-10T22:48:41Z 0.769 18.3372 3.9916 29.6994 21.1367
2013-12-10T22:48:41Z 0.791 18.3361 4.0151 29.8949 21.2862
2013-12-10T22:48:41Z 0.819 18.3369 4.0178 29.917 21.3029
2013-12-10T22:48:41Z 0.836 18.3386 3.9923 29.7041 21.1399
2013-12-10T22:48:42Z 0.837 18.3413 3.9707000000000003 29.5231 21.0011
2013-12-10T22:48:42Z 0.828 18.3435 3.9336 29.215 20.7654
2013-12-10T22:48:42Z 0.804 18.3443 3.8898 28.8526 20.4886
2013-12-10T22:48:43Z 0.775 18.344 3.8584 28.594 20.2914
2013-12-10T22:48:43Z 0.754 18.3384 3.8558000000000003 28.5771 20.2798
2013-12-10T22:48:43Z 0.757 18.3316 3.9120000000000004 29.0455 20.6389
2013-12-10T22:48:43Z 0.778 18.3295 3.9451 29.3203 20.8491
2013-12-10T22:48:43Z 0.808 18.3302 3.9568000000000003 29.4166 20.9224
2013-12-10T22:48:44Z 0.834 18.3314 3.95 29.3593 20.8784
2013-12-10T22:48:44Z 0.846 18.3334 3.9191000000000003 29.1023 20.6818
2013-12-10T22:48:44Z 0.835 18.3356 3.8458 28.4962 20.2187
2013-12-10T22:48:45Z 0.809 18.3398 3.7891000000000004 28.0271 19.8599
2013-12-10T22:48:45Z 0.784 18.341 3.7654 27.8315 19.7104
2013-12-10T22:48:45Z 0.776 18.3369 3.8002000000000002 28.12 19.9315
2013-12-10T22:48:45Z 0.78 18.3327 3.8232000000000004 28.3122 20.0791
2013-12-10T22:48:45Z 0.787 18.3329 3.7932 28.0653 19.8907
2013-12-10T22:48:46Z 0.799 18.3352 3.7825 27.9761 19.8221
2013-12-10T22:48:46Z 0.812 18.3388 3.7874000000000003 28.0141 19.8502
2013-12-10T22:48:46Z 0.815 18.3416 3.7550000000000003 27.746 19.6451
2013-12-10T22:48:47Z 0.81 18.3452 3.7172 27.4335 19.4059
2013-12-10T22:48:47Z 0.796 18.3447 3.7035 27.3217 19.3208
2013-12-10T22:48:47Z 0.782 18.3364 3.7008 27.3055 19.3103
2013-12-10T22:48:47Z 0.795 18.3257 3.7812 27.972 19.8212
2013-12-10T22:48:48Z 0.84 18.322 3.8265000000000002 28.3469 20.1081
2013-12-10T22:48:48Z 0.893 18.3227 3.8208 28.2995 20.0718
2013-12-10T22:48:48Z 0.954 18.3266 3.8253000000000004 28.334 20.0972
2013-12-10T22:48:48Z 1.038 18.3238 3.8676000000000004 28.6838 20.3647
2013-12-10T22:48:48Z 1.158 18.3137 3.9181000000000004 29.108 20.6908
2013-12-10T22:48:49Z 1.241 18.3025 3.9115 29.0612 20.6579
2013-12-10T22:48:49Z 1.281 18.294 3.8732 28.7507 20.4229
2013-12-10T22:48:49Z 1.341 18.2883 3.9166000000000003 29.1132 20.7009
2013-12-10T22:48:50Z 1.45 18.2867 3.9644000000000004 29.5105 21.0046
2013-12-10T22:48:50Z 1.54 18.2845 3.9693 29.5525 21.0372
2013-12-10T22:48:50Z 1.613 18.2831 3.9746 29.5971 21.0716
2013-12-10T22:48:50Z 1.709 18.2816 4.0298 30.0562 21.4225
2013-12-10T22:48:50Z 1.823 18.2812 4.0692 30.3844 21.6732
2013-12-10T22:48:51Z 1.886 18.285 4.0294 30.0504 21.4172
2013-12-10T22:48:51Z 1.931 18.289 4.0266 30.0246 21.3966
2013-12-10T22:48:51Z 2.025 18.2914 4.1029 30.6568 21.8788
2013-12-10T22:48:52Z 2.148 18.2938 4.1822 31.3163 22.382
2013-12-10T22:48:52Z 2.237 18.2986 4.1784 31.2809 22.3538
2013-12-10T22:48:52Z 2.321 18.3028 4.210100000000001 31.5424 22.5526
2013-12-10T22:48:52Z 2.435 18.3057 4.2888 32.1998 23.0543
2013-12-10T22:48:52Z 2.54 18.3092 4.3068 32.3477 23.1665
2013-12-10T22:48:53Z 2.605 18.3124 4.2758 32.0855 22.9653
2013-12-10T22:48:53Z 2.673 18.3147 4.2996 32.2833 23.1159
2013-12-10T22:48:53Z 2.757 18.3163 4.3315 32.5496 23.3191
2013-12-10T22:48:54Z 2.825 18.3173 4.3209 32.4599 23.2503
2013-12-10T22:48:54Z 2.904 18.3184 4.3364 32.589 23.3488
2013-12-10T22:48:54Z 3.052 18.3192 4.3619 32.8026 23.5118
2013-12-10T22:48:54Z 3.191 18.3206 4.3676 32.8489 23.5469
2013-12-10T22:48:55Z 3.285 18.3227 4.3575 32.7626 23.4804
2013-12-10T22:48:55Z 3.377 18.3241 4.3666 32.838 23.5377
2013-12-10T22:48:55Z 3.468 18.3251 4.3727 32.888 23.5757
2013-12-10T22:48:55Z 3.508 18.3263 4.351 32.7051 23.4356
2013-12-10T22:48:55Z 3.549 18.3277 4.357 32.754 23.4726
2013-12-10T22:48:56Z 3.674 18.3288 4.3811 32.9554 23.6263
2013-12-10T22:48:56Z 3.836 18.3303 4.3954 33.0748 23.7172
2013-12-10T22:48:56Z 3.954 18.3319 4.393800000000001 33.0602 23.7057
2013-12-10T22:48:57Z 4.053 18.3329 4.3945 33.0654 23.7094
2013-12-10T22:48:57Z 4.185 18.3335 4.4027 33.1336 23.7614
2013-12-10T22:48:57Z 4.287 18.334 4.3977 33.0909 23.7287
2013-12-10T22:48:57Z 4.325 18.3349 4.3939 33.0583 23.7035
2013-12-10T22:48:57Z 4.361 18.3355 4.3959 33.0746 23.7158
2013-12-10T22:48:58Z 4.471 18.3362 4.4003000000000005 33.1113 23.7437
2013-12-10T22:48:58Z 4.59 18.3365 4.4047 33.1476 23.7714
2013-12-10T22:48:58Z 4.681 18.3368 4.4049000000000005 33.1496 23.7728
2013-12-10T22:48:59Z 4.724 18.3369 4.401400000000001 33.12 23.7502
2013-12-10T22:48:59Z 4.736 18.3367 4.401400000000001 33.1199 23.7502
2013-12-10T22:48:59Z 4.737 18.3367 4.4017 33.1227 23.7523

In total, there are 182 rows of distinct combinations of the variables listed above. All of the rows are shown above.
To change the maximum number of rows displayed, change View : Distinct Data above.

Related Data Counts ?

To view the related data counts,
check View : Related Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

Related Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)

To view the related data, change View : Related Data above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

ERDDAP, Version 2.02
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