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Dataset Title:  "Profile - R1.x134.073.0043 - 131210014 - 30.39N, 86.51W - 2013-12-10" Subscribe RSS
Institution:  University of Florida   (Dataset ID: R1_x134_073_0043_131210014)
Information:  Summary ? | License ? | FGDC | ISO 19115 | Metadata | Background (external link) | Data Access Form | Make a graph

Select a subset:      (Current number of distinct combinations of matching data: 211)
Make as many selections as you want, in any order. Each selection changes the other options (and the map and data below) accordingly.

    time ?  =  53 options
    depth ?  =  m   190 options
    temperature ?  =  degree_C   203 options
    cond ?  =  S/m   167 options
    salinity ?  =  PSU   201 options
    sigma ?  =  kg/m^3   203 options

View:      Map of All Related Data ?      Distinct Data Counts ?     Distinct Data ?      Related Data Counts ?     Related Data ?

Map of All Related Data ?   (Refine the map and/or download the image)

To view the map, check View : Map of All Related Data above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

Distinct Data Counts ?

To view the counts of distinct combinations of the variables listed above,
check View : Distinct Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.


Distinct Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)  

time depth temperature cond salinity sigma
UTC m degree_C S/m PSU kg/m^3
2013-12-10T18:08:54Z 0.23 19.9451 0.0607345067 0.3289 -1.5316
2013-12-10T18:08:54Z 0.229 19.9453 0.0601140689 0.3255 -1.5343
2013-12-10T18:08:54Z 0.227 19.9454 0.0614519378 0.3329 -1.5286
2013-12-10T18:08:54Z 0.227 19.9448 0.059994556100000006 0.3248 -1.5347
2013-12-10T18:08:55Z 0.226 19.9449 0.05898750290000001 0.3192 -1.539
2013-12-10T18:08:55Z 0.227 19.9445 0.052637709500000004 0.284 -1.5658
2013-12-10T18:08:55Z 0.226 19.9447 0.048869899 0.2632 -1.5818
2013-12-10T18:08:56Z 0.244 19.9436 0.049852273300000007 0.2686 -1.5774
2013-12-10T18:08:56Z 0.288 19.7414 0.0670203592 0.3658 -1.4616
2013-12-10T18:08:56Z 0.293 19.2255 0.0732305106 0.4056 -1.3272
2013-12-10T18:08:56Z 0.262 18.8887 0.0480154642 0.2647 -1.3687
2013-12-10T18:08:56Z 0.279 18.695 0.33129000000000003 1.9964 -0.0075
2013-12-10T18:08:57Z 0.335 18.5853 1.497 10.0727 6.1534
2013-12-10T18:08:57Z 0.404 18.448 1.9053 13.1344 8.5067
2013-12-10T18:08:57Z 0.457 18.3452 2.8724000000000003 20.634 14.2277
2013-12-10T18:08:58Z 0.51 18.2717 2.8651 20.6132 14.2284
2013-12-10T18:08:58Z 0.551 18.2183 2.8596 20.5966 14.2278
2013-12-10T18:08:58Z 0.584 18.1723 2.8598000000000003 20.6209 14.2566
2013-12-10T18:08:58Z 0.589 18.1227 2.8597 20.6451 14.2861
2013-12-10T18:08:58Z 0.574 18.0828 2.8632 20.6927 14.3313
2013-12-10T18:08:59Z 0.585 18.0596 2.8677 20.7404 14.3728
2013-12-10T18:08:59Z 0.617 18.0458 2.8744 20.8008 14.4218
2013-12-10T18:08:59Z 0.645 18.0421 2.8752 20.8084 14.4284
2013-12-10T18:09:00Z 0.676 18.0867 2.8793 20.8187 14.4263
2013-12-10T18:09:00Z 0.713 18.168 2.8839 20.8139 14.4044
2013-12-10T18:09:00Z 0.735 18.2708 2.8858 20.7774 14.3535
2013-12-10T18:09:00Z 0.748 18.4011 2.8852 20.7072 14.2707
2013-12-10T18:09:01Z 0.762 18.526 2.8844000000000003 20.6388 14.1904
2013-12-10T18:09:01Z 0.773 18.599 2.8813 20.5781 14.1276
2013-12-10T18:09:01Z 0.776 18.6287 2.8795 20.5488 14.0985
2013-12-10T18:09:01Z 0.769 18.6258 2.8773 20.533 14.0872
2013-12-10T18:09:01Z 0.767 18.6195 2.8748 20.5168 14.0763
2013-12-10T18:09:02Z 0.765 18.6144 2.8739000000000003 20.5121 14.0739
2013-12-10T18:09:02Z 0.759 18.5835 2.8724000000000003 20.5154 14.0835
2013-12-10T18:09:02Z 0.744 18.5417 2.8709000000000002 20.5247 14.1
2013-12-10T18:09:03Z 0.73 18.5116 2.8693 20.5266 14.1084
2013-12-10T18:09:03Z 0.727 18.4596 2.8686000000000003 20.5474 14.1359
2013-12-10T18:09:03Z 0.72 18.4166 2.8679 20.563 14.1575
2013-12-10T18:09:03Z 0.719 18.3944 2.8674 20.5701 14.168
2013-12-10T18:09:03Z 0.71 18.3621 2.8651 20.5681 14.1737
2013-12-10T18:09:04Z 0.694 18.3275 2.8639 20.576 14.1876
2013-12-10T18:09:04Z 0.671 18.2876 2.8639 20.5953 14.2112
2013-12-10T18:09:04Z 0.653 18.2588 2.8649 20.6176 14.2347
2013-12-10T18:09:05Z 0.648 18.2423 2.8648000000000002 20.6255 14.2444
2013-12-10T18:09:05Z 0.661 18.241 2.8642000000000003 20.6214 14.2416
2013-12-10T18:09:05Z 0.685 18.241 2.8627000000000002 20.6093 14.2324
2013-12-10T18:09:05Z 0.705 18.2353 2.8612 20.6001 14.2267
2013-12-10T18:09:05Z 0.704 18.2172 2.8599 20.5987 14.2296
2013-12-10T18:09:06Z 0.683 18.1951 2.8591 20.6035 14.2382
2013-12-10T18:09:06Z 0.652 18.1821 2.8592 20.6108 14.2467
2013-12-10T18:09:06Z 0.624 18.1739 2.8593 20.6156 14.2522
2013-12-10T18:09:06Z 0.612 18.177 2.8601 20.6211 14.2557
2013-12-10T18:09:07Z 0.632 18.1882 2.8597 20.6123 14.2465
2013-12-10T18:09:07Z 0.66 18.1853 2.8586 20.6047 14.2414
2013-12-10T18:09:07Z 0.692 18.1746 2.8572 20.5989 14.2393
2013-12-10T18:09:08Z 0.702 18.1548 2.8561 20.5999 14.2445
2013-12-10T18:09:08Z 0.688 18.1357 2.8555 20.6047 14.2525
2013-12-10T18:09:08Z 0.669 18.1326 2.8554 20.6055 14.2538
2013-12-10T18:09:08Z 0.642 18.1388 2.855 20.5991 14.2475
2013-12-10T18:09:08Z 0.625 18.1367 2.8547000000000002 20.5977 14.2469
2013-12-10T18:09:09Z 0.608 18.1176 2.8544 20.6054 14.2571
2013-12-10T18:09:09Z 0.605 18.107 2.8544 20.6105 14.2633
2013-12-10T18:09:09Z 0.608 18.1008 2.8539000000000003 20.6097 14.2641
2013-12-10T18:09:10Z 0.622 18.0965 2.8535 20.6089 14.2644
2013-12-10T18:09:10Z 0.63 18.0877 2.8531 20.6102 14.2674
2013-12-10T18:09:10Z 0.63 18.0795 2.853 20.6129 14.2712
2013-12-10T18:09:10Z 0.628 18.0758 2.8526000000000002 20.6117 14.2712
2013-12-10T18:09:10Z 0.622 18.0732 2.8524000000000003 20.6113 14.2715
2013-12-10T18:09:11Z 0.617 18.0734 2.8522000000000003 20.6099 14.2704
2013-12-10T18:09:11Z 0.619 18.0802 2.8523 20.6069 14.2666
2013-12-10T18:09:11Z 0.627 18.0864 2.8518000000000003 20.6006 14.2603
2013-12-10T18:09:12Z 0.634 18.0838 2.8515 20.5995 14.2601
2013-12-10T18:09:12Z 0.633 18.0775 2.8511 20.5992 14.2613
2013-12-10T18:09:12Z 0.624 18.0719 2.8511 20.6021 14.2648
2013-12-10T18:09:12Z 0.614 18.0671 2.8511 20.604 14.2673
2013-12-10T18:09:12Z 0.603 18.0713 2.8509 20.6006 14.2637
2013-12-10T18:09:13Z 0.605 18.0774 2.8515 20.6027 14.264
2013-12-10T18:09:13Z 0.617 18.0775 2.8511 20.5994 14.2615
2013-12-10T18:09:13Z 0.637 18.0772 2.8498 20.5892 14.2538
2013-12-10T18:09:13Z 0.646 18.0778 2.8494 20.5851 14.2505
2013-12-10T18:09:14Z 0.645 18.0695 2.8492 20.5879 14.2545
2013-12-10T18:09:14Z 0.631 18.0628 2.8495 20.5935 14.2602
2013-12-10T18:09:14Z 0.632 18.0671 2.8497000000000003 20.5932 14.259
2013-12-10T18:09:15Z 0.637 18.0847 2.8491 20.5799 14.245
2013-12-10T18:09:15Z 0.642 18.0895 2.849 20.5765 14.2414
2013-12-10T18:09:15Z 0.64 18.0778 2.8480000000000003 20.5741 14.2422
2013-12-10T18:09:15Z 0.628 18.0681 2.8474 20.5747 14.2447
2013-12-10T18:09:15Z 0.611 18.0596 2.8480000000000003 20.5832 14.2531
2013-12-10T18:09:16Z 0.598 18.0543 2.8501000000000003 20.6027 14.2691
2013-12-10T18:09:16Z 0.616 18.0549 2.8565 20.6532 14.3075
2013-12-10T18:09:16Z 0.662 18.0609 2.8574 20.6573 14.3092
2013-12-10T18:09:17Z 0.708 18.0691 2.8480000000000003 20.579 14.2478
2013-12-10T18:09:17Z 0.722 18.0884 2.8465000000000003 20.5572 14.2269
2013-12-10T18:09:17Z 0.702 18.1145 2.846 20.5401 14.2081
2013-12-10T18:09:17Z 0.681 18.1113 2.846 20.5417 14.21
2013-12-10T18:09:17Z 0.666 18.1001 2.8472 20.5572 14.2243
2013-12-10T18:09:18Z 0.665 18.0937 2.8495 20.5783 14.2417
2013-12-10T18:09:18Z 0.676 18.0951 2.8468 20.5565 14.2248
2013-12-10T18:09:18Z 0.695 18.1003 2.8443 20.5334 14.2061
2013-12-10T18:09:19Z 0.721 18.101 2.8446000000000002 20.5359 14.2079
2013-12-10T18:09:19Z 0.744 18.0874 2.8444000000000003 20.541 14.2148
2013-12-10T18:09:19Z 0.765 18.0731 2.8437 20.5423 14.219
2013-12-10T18:09:19Z 0.782 18.0633 2.8428 20.5401 14.2195
2013-12-10T18:09:19Z 0.789 18.0579 2.8423000000000003 20.5392 14.22
2013-12-10T18:09:20Z 0.802 18.0535 2.842 20.5387 14.2206
2013-12-10T18:09:20Z 0.817 18.0514 2.8409 20.5309 14.2151
2013-12-10T18:09:20Z 0.837 18.0493 2.8400000000000003 20.525 14.2111
2013-12-10T18:09:20Z 0.848 18.0475 2.839 20.518 14.2062
2013-12-10T18:09:21Z 0.857 18.0453 2.8384 20.5142 14.2038
2013-12-10T18:09:21Z 0.866 18.0462 2.8398000000000003 20.5247 14.2116
2013-12-10T18:09:21Z 0.889 18.0502 2.8427000000000002 20.5463 14.2271
2013-12-10T18:09:22Z 0.941 18.0548 2.8405 20.5258 14.2105
2013-12-10T18:09:22Z 0.991 18.0692 2.8373 20.4933 14.1826
2013-12-10T18:09:22Z 1.029 18.0804 2.8362000000000003 20.4795 14.1696
2013-12-10T18:09:22Z 1.049 18.0694 2.8354 20.478 14.1709
2013-12-10T18:09:22Z 1.044 18.0547 2.8352 20.4842 14.1789
2013-12-10T18:09:23Z 1.028 18.0504 2.8362000000000003 20.4939 14.1872
2013-12-10T18:09:23Z 1.019 18.0624 2.8368 20.4932 14.184
2013-12-10T18:09:23Z 1.032 18.074 2.8375000000000004 20.4928 14.1811
2013-12-10T18:09:24Z 1.073 18.0837 2.8373 20.4866 14.1742
2013-12-10T18:09:24Z 1.13 18.0919 2.8354 20.4668 14.1573
2013-12-10T18:09:24Z 1.184 18.0838 2.8346 20.4645 14.1574
2013-12-10T18:09:24Z 1.234 18.0616 2.8341000000000003 20.4718 14.1678
2013-12-10T18:09:24Z 1.267 18.0413 2.8338 20.4796 14.1783
2013-12-10T18:09:25Z 1.263 18.0254 2.8329 20.4802 14.1823
2013-12-10T18:09:25Z 1.22 18.0134 2.8325 20.4834 14.1874
2013-12-10T18:09:25Z 1.168 18.0042 2.8341000000000003 20.5008 14.2028
2013-12-10T18:09:26Z 1.151 18.0035 2.8382 20.5334 14.2277
2013-12-10T18:09:26Z 1.161 18.0083 2.8384 20.5326 14.226
2013-12-10T18:09:26Z 1.187 18.0133 2.8381000000000003 20.5273 14.2209
2013-12-10T18:09:26Z 1.212 18.0163 2.8353 20.5042 14.2026
2013-12-10T18:09:26Z 1.214 18.0195 2.8339000000000003 20.4911 14.192
2013-12-10T18:09:27Z 1.203 18.0276 2.8326000000000002 20.4768 14.1792
2013-12-10T18:09:27Z 1.175 18.0285 2.8320000000000003 20.4714 14.1749
2013-12-10T18:09:27Z 1.109 18.0264 2.8316000000000003 20.4697 14.1741
2013-12-10T18:09:27Z 1.02 18.0174 2.8316000000000003 20.4744 14.1797
2013-12-10T18:09:28Z 0.951 18.0079 2.8354 20.5093 14.2084
2013-12-10T18:09:28Z 0.903 18.0042 2.8369 20.5225 14.2193
2013-12-10T18:09:28Z 0.899 18.0068 2.8373 20.5245 14.2202
2013-12-10T18:09:29Z 0.951 18.0067 2.8349 20.5054 14.2056
2013-12-10T18:09:29Z 1.037 17.9911 2.8338 20.5047 14.2086
2013-12-10T18:09:29Z 1.141 17.9656 2.8336 20.5154 14.2224
2013-12-10T18:09:29Z 1.243 17.943 2.834 20.5304 14.2389
2013-12-10T18:09:29Z 1.296 17.9281 2.8358000000000003 20.5516 14.2583
2013-12-10T18:09:30Z 1.31 17.92 2.8356000000000003 20.5543 14.2621
2013-12-10T18:09:30Z 1.31 17.9241 2.8354 20.5509 14.2586
2013-12-10T18:09:30Z 1.298 17.9358 2.8353 20.5439 14.2507
2013-12-10T18:09:31Z 1.3 17.943 2.8369 20.553 14.2561
2013-12-10T18:09:31Z 1.334 17.9474 2.8374 20.5551 14.2566
2013-12-10T18:09:31Z 1.403 17.9523 2.8369 20.5483 14.2504
2013-12-10T18:09:31Z 1.507 17.953 2.8356000000000003 20.5377 14.2422
2013-12-10T18:09:31Z 1.603 17.944 2.8359 20.5445 14.2494
2013-12-10T18:09:32Z 1.69 17.9327 2.837 20.5589 14.2628
2013-12-10T18:09:32Z 1.775 17.9219 2.8378 20.5708 14.2743
2013-12-10T18:09:32Z 1.818 17.9137 2.8385000000000002 20.5804 14.2834
2013-12-10T18:09:33Z 1.823 17.9068 2.8386 20.5847 14.2882
2013-12-10T18:09:33Z 1.822 17.9102 2.839 20.5867 14.289
2013-12-10T18:09:33Z 1.826 17.9228 2.8397 20.5853 14.2851
2013-12-10T18:09:33Z 1.858 17.9326 2.8404000000000003 20.5861 14.2836
2013-12-10T18:09:34Z 1.924 17.9379 2.8403 20.5827 14.2798
2013-12-10T18:09:34Z 2.004 17.939 2.8401 20.5806 14.278
2013-12-10T18:09:34Z 2.088 17.9309 2.8405 20.5875 14.285
2013-12-10T18:09:34Z 2.175 17.9192 2.8416 20.6023 14.2988
2013-12-10T18:09:34Z 2.245 17.9088 2.8424 20.6144 14.3104
2013-12-10T18:09:35Z 2.286 17.9032 2.8428 20.62 14.3159
2013-12-10T18:09:35Z 2.328 17.9 2.8435 20.6274 14.3223
2013-12-10T18:09:35Z 2.403 17.8957 2.8437 20.6312 14.3261
2013-12-10T18:09:36Z 2.5 17.892 2.8445 20.6391 14.3329
2013-12-10T18:09:36Z 2.605 17.889 2.8454 20.6482 14.3405
2013-12-10T18:09:36Z 2.701 17.8863 2.8464 20.6572 14.3479
2013-12-10T18:09:36Z 2.787 17.8829 2.8472 20.665 14.3546
2013-12-10T18:09:36Z 2.852 17.8784 2.8477 20.6718 14.3608
2013-12-10T18:09:37Z 2.908 17.8752 2.8487 20.6811 14.3686
2013-12-10T18:09:37Z 2.96 17.8713 2.8493 20.6876 14.3744
2013-12-10T18:09:37Z 3.007 17.8678 2.8498 20.6934 14.3796
2013-12-10T18:09:38Z 3.075 17.8658 2.8504 20.6994 14.3846
2013-12-10T18:09:38Z 3.164 17.8634 2.8520000000000003 20.7136 14.396
2013-12-10T18:09:38Z 3.261 17.8602 2.8531 20.7238 14.4045
2013-12-10T18:09:38Z 3.371 17.856 2.8545000000000003 20.7373 14.4157
2013-12-10T18:09:38Z 3.5 17.8505 2.8562000000000003 20.7532 14.4289
2013-12-10T18:09:39Z 3.641 17.843 2.8582 20.7732 14.4458
2013-12-10T18:09:39Z 3.751 17.8337 2.8585000000000003 20.78 14.4531
2013-12-10T18:09:39Z 3.772 17.8251 2.8576 20.7774 14.453
2013-12-10T18:09:40Z 3.752 17.827 2.8589 20.7868 14.4598
2013-12-10T18:09:40Z 3.773 17.8433 2.8593 20.7819 14.4524
2013-12-10T18:09:40Z 3.823 17.8537 2.8594 20.7768 14.4462
2013-12-10T18:09:40Z 3.889 17.8536 2.8599 20.7808 14.4493
2013-12-10T18:09:41Z 3.991 17.8447 2.8609 20.7936 14.461
2013-12-10T18:09:41Z 4.125 17.8227 2.8604000000000003 20.8008 14.4713
2013-12-10T18:09:41Z 4.261 17.7918 2.8594 20.8088 14.4843
2013-12-10T18:09:41Z 4.385 17.7602 2.859 20.8213 14.5008
2013-12-10T18:09:41Z 4.463 17.7349 2.8606000000000003 20.8468 14.5258
2013-12-10T18:09:42Z 4.531 17.7161 2.8609 20.8592 14.5394
2013-12-10T18:09:42Z 4.579 17.7032 2.8615 20.8706 14.5509
2013-12-10T18:09:42Z 4.586 17.6982 2.8619000000000003 20.8757 14.5559
2013-12-10T18:09:43Z 4.628 17.7175 2.8619000000000003 20.8659 14.5441
2013-12-10T18:09:43Z 4.713 17.7377 2.8613 20.8512 14.5285
2013-12-10T18:09:43Z 4.812 17.7391 2.8604000000000003 20.843 14.522
2013-12-10T18:09:43Z 4.914 17.7263 2.8595 20.8421 14.5241
2013-12-10T18:09:43Z 5.042 17.7083 2.8589 20.8469 14.5317
2013-12-10T18:09:44Z 5.164 17.6914 2.8604000000000003 20.8672 14.5509
2013-12-10T18:09:44Z 5.215 17.6774 2.8619000000000003 20.8864 14.5686
2013-12-10T18:09:44Z 5.217 17.6688 2.8623000000000003 20.8943 14.5765
2013-12-10T18:09:45Z 5.216 17.6706 2.8629000000000002 20.898 14.5789
2013-12-10T18:09:45Z 5.22 17.678 2.8636 20.8996 14.5785
2013-12-10T18:09:45Z 5.231 17.6852 2.8642000000000003 20.9008 14.5779
2013-12-10T18:09:45Z 5.243 17.6906 2.8647 20.9024 14.5779
2013-12-10T18:09:45Z 5.256 17.6923 2.8652 20.9056 14.58
2013-12-10T18:09:46Z 5.267 17.6936 2.8657000000000004 20.9085 14.5819
2013-12-10T18:09:46Z 5.276 17.6953 2.8661000000000003 20.9109 14.5833
2013-12-10T18:09:46Z 5.282 17.6969 2.8666 20.9139 14.5853

In total, there are 211 rows of distinct combinations of the variables listed above. All of the rows are shown above.
To change the maximum number of rows displayed, change View : Distinct Data above.

Related Data Counts ?

To view the related data counts,
check View : Related Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

Related Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)

To view the related data, change View : Related Data above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

ERDDAP, Version 2.02
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