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griddap Subset tabledap Make A Graph wms files Title Summary FGDC ISO 19115 Info Background Info RSS Email Institution Dataset ID Methane data from CTD, METS sensor (R/V Atlantis: AT18-02), Gulf of Mexico, April 1-30, 2014 Methane data from Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) - METS sensor (R/V Atlantis: AT18-02), Gulf of Mexico, April 1-30, 2014. Methane data taken from around the northern gulf with the METS sensor. This data is to look at the concentration difference within the area. Data was collected on the R/V Atlantis Cruise AT26-13 that took place from March 30 to April 22 2014.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GOM-Nothern-Gulf-CTD-CH4-All-42014-GC246)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nregion (site region)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nmethane (methane CH4_from_Mets1_G107_E312(nmol l-1), nmol l-1)\nlaserCH4 (Laser_CH4[ppmv], nmol l-1)\nlaserCH4_2 (laser 2 CH4 concentration, nmols)\nplatform (RV_Atlantis)\ninstrument (CTD)\ninstrument1 (METS)\ncrs (grid mapping variable for horizontal spatial coordinate reference system (CRS))\n (external link) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill R1_x132_134_0119_GOM_Nothern_Gulf_CTD_CH4_All_42014_GC246 Profile - R1.x132.134.0119 - GOM-Nothern-Gulf-CTD-CH4-All-41214-GC600 - 27.37N, 90.57W - 2014-04-12 Methane data from Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) - METS sensor (R/V Atlantis: AT18-02), Gulf of Mexico, April 1-30, 2014. Methane data taken from around the northern gulf with the METS sensor. This data is to look at the concentration difference within the area. Data was collected on the R/V Atlantis Cruise AT26-13 that took place from March 30 to April 22 2014.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GOM-Nothern-Gulf-CTD-CH4-All-41214-GC600)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nregion (site region)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nmethane (methane CH4_from_Mets1_G107_E312(nmol l-1), nmol l-1)\nlaserCH4 (Laser_CH4[ppmv], nmol l-1)\nlaserCH4_2 (laser 2 CH4 concentration, nmols)\nplatform (RV_Atlantis)\ninstrument (CTD)\ninstrument1 (METS)\ncrs (grid mapping variable for horizontal spatial coordinate reference system (CRS))\n (external link) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill R1_x132_134_0119_GOM_Nothern_Gulf_CTD_CH4_All_41214_GC600 Profile - R1.x132.134.0119 - GOM-Nothern-Gulf-CTD-CH4-All-42014-GC600 - 27.37N, 90.57W - 2014-04-05 Methane data from Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) - METS sensor (R/V Atlantis: AT18-02), Gulf of Mexico, April 1-30, 2014. Methane data taken from around the northern gulf with the METS sensor. This data is to look at the concentration difference within the area. Data was collected on the R/V Atlantis Cruise AT26-13 that took place from March 30 to April 22 2014.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GOM-Nothern-Gulf-CTD-CH4-All-42014-GC600)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nregion (site region)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nmethane (methane CH4_from_Mets1_G107_E312(nmol l-1), nmol l-1)\nlaserCH4 (Laser_CH4[ppmv], nmol l-1)\nlaserCH4_2 (laser 2 CH4 concentration, nmols)\nplatform (RV_Atlantis)\ninstrument (CTD)\ninstrument1 (METS)\ncrs (grid mapping variable for horizontal spatial coordinate reference system (CRS))\n (external link) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill R1_x132_134_0119_GOM_Nothern_Gulf_CTD_CH4_All_42014_GC600 Profile - R1.x132.134.0119 - GOM-Nothern-Gulf-CTD-CH4-All-42014-HotSite-45 - 27.31N, 92.11W - 2014-04-20 Methane data from Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) - METS sensor (R/V Atlantis: AT18-02), Gulf of Mexico, April 1-30, 2014. Methane data taken from around the northern gulf with the METS sensor. This data is to look at the concentration difference within the area. Data was collected on the R/V Atlantis Cruise AT26-13 that took place from March 30 to April 22 2014.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GOM-Nothern-Gulf-CTD-CH4-All-42014-HotSite-45)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nregion (site region)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nmethane (methane CH4_from_Mets1_G107_E312(nmol l-1), nmol l-1)\nlaserCH4 (Laser_CH4[ppmv], nmol l-1)\nlaserCH4_2 (laser 2 CH4 concentration, nmols)\nplatform (RV_Atlantis)\ninstrument (CTD)\ninstrument1 (METS)\ncrs (grid mapping variable for horizontal spatial coordinate reference system (CRS))\n (external link) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill R1_x132_134_0119_GOM_Nothern_Gulf_CTD_CH4_All_42014_HotSite_45 Profile - R1.x132.134.0119 - GOM-Nothern-Gulf-CTD-CH4-All-42014-MC118 - 28.85N, 88.49W - 2014-04-01 Methane data from Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) - METS sensor (R/V Atlantis: AT18-02), Gulf of Mexico, April 1-30, 2014. Methane data taken from around the northern gulf with the METS sensor. This data is to look at the concentration difference within the area. Data was collected on the R/V Atlantis Cruise AT26-13 that took place from March 30 to April 22 2014.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GOM-Nothern-Gulf-CTD-CH4-All-42014-MC118)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nregion (site region)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nmethane (methane CH4_from_Mets1_G107_E312(nmol l-1), nmol l-1)\nlaserCH4 (Laser_CH4[ppmv], nmol l-1)\nlaserCH4_2 (laser 2 CH4 concentration, nmols)\nplatform (RV_Atlantis)\ninstrument (CTD)\ninstrument1 (METS)\ncrs (grid mapping variable for horizontal spatial coordinate reference system (CRS))\n (external link) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill R1_x132_134_0119_GOM_Nothern_Gulf_CTD_CH4_All_42014_MC118 Profile - R1.x132.134.0119 - GOM-Nothern-Gulf-CTD-CH4-All-42014-OrcaBasin-80 - 27.98N, 91.28W - 2014-04-13 Methane data from Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) - METS sensor (R/V Atlantis: AT18-02), Gulf of Mexico, April 1-30, 2014. Methane data taken from around the northern gulf with the METS sensor. This data is to look at the concentration difference within the area. Data was collected on the R/V Atlantis Cruise AT26-13 that took place from March 30 to April 22 2014.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GOM-Nothern-Gulf-CTD-CH4-All-42014-OrcaBasin-80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nregion (site region)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nmethane (methane CH4_from_Mets1_G107_E312(nmol l-1), nmol l-1)\nlaserCH4 (Laser_CH4[ppmv], nmol l-1)\nlaserCH4_2 (laser 2 CH4 concentration, nmols)\nplatform (RV_Atlantis)\ninstrument (CTD)\ninstrument1 (METS)\ncrs (grid mapping variable for horizontal spatial coordinate reference system (CRS))\n (external link) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill R1_x132_134_0119_GOM_Nothern_Gulf_CTD_CH4_All_42014_OrcaBasin_80 Profile - R6.x811.000.0006 - Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_1 - 28.71N, 88.26W - 2018-05-18 This dataset contains short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data collected aboard R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2018-05-18 to 2018-05-23. Short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data are generated for selected core sub-samples at 2mm sampling intervals for ?surficial unit? and 5mm sampling resolution intervals to the base of cores. SLRad data generated include sample activity as disintegrations per minute per gram (dpm/g) of 1) Excess Thorium-234 (234Thxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Thorium-234 (234ThTot) activity and the subtraction of the measured or estimated ?Supported? Thorium-234  (234ThSup) activity, 2) Excess Lead-210 (210Pbxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Lead-210 (210PbTot) activity and subtraction of the measured background Lead-210 (210PbSup) activity {average of Lead-214 (214Pb) at 295 kiloelectron volts (keV), 214Pb at 351keV, and Bismuth-214 (214Bi) at 609keV}, 3) Cesium-137 (137Cs) activity, and 4) Berilium-7 (7Be) activity. The dataset also includes the date and location of sample collection. The cruise documentation was provided for the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 led by chief scientist Dr. Arne Diercks.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\ncore_id (core Identification)\ntop_depth_of_interval (Top Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nbottom_depth_of_interval (Bottom Depth of core Inteval, mm)\naverage_depth_of_interval (Average Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nPb210_total_activity (Total Lead 210  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nPb210_total_activity_Error (Total Lead 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity (Total Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity_Error (Total Thorium 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nRATh234_activity (Reanalysis of Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram, dpm g-1)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) Eckerd College / Marine Science R6_x811_000_0006_Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_1 Profile - R6.x811.000.0006 - Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_10 - 28.30N, 87.97W - 2018-05-19 This dataset contains short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data collected aboard R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2018-05-18 to 2018-05-23. Short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data are generated for selected core sub-samples at 2mm sampling intervals for ?surficial unit? and 5mm sampling resolution intervals to the base of cores. SLRad data generated include sample activity as disintegrations per minute per gram (dpm/g) of 1) Excess Thorium-234 (234Thxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Thorium-234 (234ThTot) activity and the subtraction of the measured or estimated ?Supported? Thorium-234  (234ThSup) activity, 2) Excess Lead-210 (210Pbxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Lead-210 (210PbTot) activity and subtraction of the measured background Lead-210 (210PbSup) activity {average of Lead-214 (214Pb) at 295 kiloelectron volts (keV), 214Pb at 351keV, and Bismuth-214 (214Bi) at 609keV}, 3) Cesium-137 (137Cs) activity, and 4) Berilium-7 (7Be) activity. The dataset also includes the date and location of sample collection. The cruise documentation was provided for the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 led by chief scientist Dr. Arne Diercks.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_10)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\ncore_id (core Identification)\ntop_depth_of_interval (Top Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nbottom_depth_of_interval (Bottom Depth of core Inteval, mm)\naverage_depth_of_interval (Average Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nPb210_total_activity (Total Lead 210  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nPb210_total_activity_Error (Total Lead 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity (Total Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity_Error (Total Thorium 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nRATh234_activity (Reanalysis of Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram, dpm g-1)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) Eckerd College / Marine Science R6_x811_000_0006_Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_10 Profile - R6.x811.000.0006 - Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_11 - 28.50N, 87.96W - 2018-05-19 This dataset contains short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data collected aboard R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2018-05-18 to 2018-05-23. Short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data are generated for selected core sub-samples at 2mm sampling intervals for ?surficial unit? and 5mm sampling resolution intervals to the base of cores. SLRad data generated include sample activity as disintegrations per minute per gram (dpm/g) of 1) Excess Thorium-234 (234Thxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Thorium-234 (234ThTot) activity and the subtraction of the measured or estimated ?Supported? Thorium-234  (234ThSup) activity, 2) Excess Lead-210 (210Pbxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Lead-210 (210PbTot) activity and subtraction of the measured background Lead-210 (210PbSup) activity {average of Lead-214 (214Pb) at 295 kiloelectron volts (keV), 214Pb at 351keV, and Bismuth-214 (214Bi) at 609keV}, 3) Cesium-137 (137Cs) activity, and 4) Berilium-7 (7Be) activity. The dataset also includes the date and location of sample collection. The cruise documentation was provided for the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 led by chief scientist Dr. Arne Diercks.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_11)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\ncore_id (core Identification)\ntop_depth_of_interval (Top Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nbottom_depth_of_interval (Bottom Depth of core Inteval, mm)\naverage_depth_of_interval (Average Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nPb210_total_activity (Total Lead 210  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nPb210_total_activity_Error (Total Lead 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity (Total Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity_Error (Total Thorium 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nRATh234_activity (Reanalysis of Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram, dpm g-1)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) Eckerd College / Marine Science R6_x811_000_0006_Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_11 Profile - R6.x811.000.0006 - Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_12 - 28.62N, 88.05W - 2018-05-19 This dataset contains short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data collected aboard R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2018-05-18 to 2018-05-23. Short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data are generated for selected core sub-samples at 2mm sampling intervals for ?surficial unit? and 5mm sampling resolution intervals to the base of cores. SLRad data generated include sample activity as disintegrations per minute per gram (dpm/g) of 1) Excess Thorium-234 (234Thxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Thorium-234 (234ThTot) activity and the subtraction of the measured or estimated ?Supported? Thorium-234  (234ThSup) activity, 2) Excess Lead-210 (210Pbxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Lead-210 (210PbTot) activity and subtraction of the measured background Lead-210 (210PbSup) activity {average of Lead-214 (214Pb) at 295 kiloelectron volts (keV), 214Pb at 351keV, and Bismuth-214 (214Bi) at 609keV}, 3) Cesium-137 (137Cs) activity, and 4) Berilium-7 (7Be) activity. The dataset also includes the date and location of sample collection. The cruise documentation was provided for the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 led by chief scientist Dr. Arne Diercks.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_12)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\ncore_id (core Identification)\ntop_depth_of_interval (Top Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nbottom_depth_of_interval (Bottom Depth of core Inteval, mm)\naverage_depth_of_interval (Average Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nPb210_total_activity (Total Lead 210  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nPb210_total_activity_Error (Total Lead 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity (Total Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity_Error (Total Thorium 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nRATh234_activity (Reanalysis of Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram, dpm g-1)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) Eckerd College / Marine Science R6_x811_000_0006_Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_12 Profile - R6.x811.000.0006 - Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_13 - 28.67N, 88.09W - 2018-05-19 This dataset contains short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data collected aboard R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2018-05-18 to 2018-05-23. Short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data are generated for selected core sub-samples at 2mm sampling intervals for ?surficial unit? and 5mm sampling resolution intervals to the base of cores. SLRad data generated include sample activity as disintegrations per minute per gram (dpm/g) of 1) Excess Thorium-234 (234Thxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Thorium-234 (234ThTot) activity and the subtraction of the measured or estimated ?Supported? Thorium-234  (234ThSup) activity, 2) Excess Lead-210 (210Pbxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Lead-210 (210PbTot) activity and subtraction of the measured background Lead-210 (210PbSup) activity {average of Lead-214 (214Pb) at 295 kiloelectron volts (keV), 214Pb at 351keV, and Bismuth-214 (214Bi) at 609keV}, 3) Cesium-137 (137Cs) activity, and 4) Berilium-7 (7Be) activity. The dataset also includes the date and location of sample collection. The cruise documentation was provided for the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 led by chief scientist Dr. Arne Diercks.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_13)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\ncore_id (core Identification)\ntop_depth_of_interval (Top Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nbottom_depth_of_interval (Bottom Depth of core Inteval, mm)\naverage_depth_of_interval (Average Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nPb210_total_activity (Total Lead 210  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nPb210_total_activity_Error (Total Lead 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity (Total Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity_Error (Total Thorium 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nRATh234_activity (Reanalysis of Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram, dpm g-1)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) Eckerd College / Marine Science R6_x811_000_0006_Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_13 Profile - R6.x811.000.0006 - Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_14 - 28.77N, 88.01W - 2018-05-19 This dataset contains short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data collected aboard R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2018-05-18 to 2018-05-23. Short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data are generated for selected core sub-samples at 2mm sampling intervals for ?surficial unit? and 5mm sampling resolution intervals to the base of cores. SLRad data generated include sample activity as disintegrations per minute per gram (dpm/g) of 1) Excess Thorium-234 (234Thxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Thorium-234 (234ThTot) activity and the subtraction of the measured or estimated ?Supported? Thorium-234  (234ThSup) activity, 2) Excess Lead-210 (210Pbxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Lead-210 (210PbTot) activity and subtraction of the measured background Lead-210 (210PbSup) activity {average of Lead-214 (214Pb) at 295 kiloelectron volts (keV), 214Pb at 351keV, and Bismuth-214 (214Bi) at 609keV}, 3) Cesium-137 (137Cs) activity, and 4) Berilium-7 (7Be) activity. The dataset also includes the date and location of sample collection. The cruise documentation was provided for the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 led by chief scientist Dr. Arne Diercks.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_14)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\ncore_id (core Identification)\ntop_depth_of_interval (Top Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nbottom_depth_of_interval (Bottom Depth of core Inteval, mm)\naverage_depth_of_interval (Average Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nPb210_total_activity (Total Lead 210  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nPb210_total_activity_Error (Total Lead 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity (Total Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity_Error (Total Thorium 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nRATh234_activity (Reanalysis of Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram, dpm g-1)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) Eckerd College / Marine Science R6_x811_000_0006_Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_14 Profile - R6.x811.000.0006 - Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_15 - 28.67N, 87.92W - 2018-05-20 This dataset contains short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data collected aboard R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2018-05-18 to 2018-05-23. Short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data are generated for selected core sub-samples at 2mm sampling intervals for ?surficial unit? and 5mm sampling resolution intervals to the base of cores. SLRad data generated include sample activity as disintegrations per minute per gram (dpm/g) of 1) Excess Thorium-234 (234Thxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Thorium-234 (234ThTot) activity and the subtraction of the measured or estimated ?Supported? Thorium-234  (234ThSup) activity, 2) Excess Lead-210 (210Pbxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Lead-210 (210PbTot) activity and subtraction of the measured background Lead-210 (210PbSup) activity {average of Lead-214 (214Pb) at 295 kiloelectron volts (keV), 214Pb at 351keV, and Bismuth-214 (214Bi) at 609keV}, 3) Cesium-137 (137Cs) activity, and 4) Berilium-7 (7Be) activity. The dataset also includes the date and location of sample collection. The cruise documentation was provided for the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 led by chief scientist Dr. Arne Diercks.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_15)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\ncore_id (core Identification)\ntop_depth_of_interval (Top Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nbottom_depth_of_interval (Bottom Depth of core Inteval, mm)\naverage_depth_of_interval (Average Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nPb210_total_activity (Total Lead 210  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nPb210_total_activity_Error (Total Lead 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity (Total Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity_Error (Total Thorium 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nRATh234_activity (Reanalysis of Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram, dpm g-1)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) Eckerd College / Marine Science R6_x811_000_0006_Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_15 Profile - R6.x811.000.0006 - Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_16 - 28.64N, 87.69W - 2018-05-20 This dataset contains short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data collected aboard R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2018-05-18 to 2018-05-23. Short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data are generated for selected core sub-samples at 2mm sampling intervals for ?surficial unit? and 5mm sampling resolution intervals to the base of cores. SLRad data generated include sample activity as disintegrations per minute per gram (dpm/g) of 1) Excess Thorium-234 (234Thxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Thorium-234 (234ThTot) activity and the subtraction of the measured or estimated ?Supported? Thorium-234  (234ThSup) activity, 2) Excess Lead-210 (210Pbxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Lead-210 (210PbTot) activity and subtraction of the measured background Lead-210 (210PbSup) activity {average of Lead-214 (214Pb) at 295 kiloelectron volts (keV), 214Pb at 351keV, and Bismuth-214 (214Bi) at 609keV}, 3) Cesium-137 (137Cs) activity, and 4) Berilium-7 (7Be) activity. The dataset also includes the date and location of sample collection. The cruise documentation was provided for the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 led by chief scientist Dr. Arne Diercks.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_16)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\ncore_id (core Identification)\ntop_depth_of_interval (Top Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nbottom_depth_of_interval (Bottom Depth of core Inteval, mm)\naverage_depth_of_interval (Average Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nPb210_total_activity (Total Lead 210  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nPb210_total_activity_Error (Total Lead 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity (Total Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity_Error (Total Thorium 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nRATh234_activity (Reanalysis of Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram, dpm g-1)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) Eckerd College / Marine Science R6_x811_000_0006_Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_16 Profile - R6.x811.000.0006 - Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_17 - 28.56N, 87.84W - 2018-05-20 This dataset contains short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data collected aboard R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2018-05-18 to 2018-05-23. Short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data are generated for selected core sub-samples at 2mm sampling intervals for ?surficial unit? and 5mm sampling resolution intervals to the base of cores. SLRad data generated include sample activity as disintegrations per minute per gram (dpm/g) of 1) Excess Thorium-234 (234Thxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Thorium-234 (234ThTot) activity and the subtraction of the measured or estimated ?Supported? Thorium-234  (234ThSup) activity, 2) Excess Lead-210 (210Pbxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Lead-210 (210PbTot) activity and subtraction of the measured background Lead-210 (210PbSup) activity {average of Lead-214 (214Pb) at 295 kiloelectron volts (keV), 214Pb at 351keV, and Bismuth-214 (214Bi) at 609keV}, 3) Cesium-137 (137Cs) activity, and 4) Berilium-7 (7Be) activity. The dataset also includes the date and location of sample collection. The cruise documentation was provided for the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 led by chief scientist Dr. Arne Diercks.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_17)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\ncore_id (core Identification)\ntop_depth_of_interval (Top Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nbottom_depth_of_interval (Bottom Depth of core Inteval, mm)\naverage_depth_of_interval (Average Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nPb210_total_activity (Total Lead 210  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nPb210_total_activity_Error (Total Lead 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity (Total Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity_Error (Total Thorium 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nRATh234_activity (Reanalysis of Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram, dpm g-1)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) Eckerd College / Marine Science R6_x811_000_0006_Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_17 Profile - R6.x811.000.0006 - Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_18 - 28.46N, 87.80W - 2018-05-20 This dataset contains short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data collected aboard R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2018-05-18 to 2018-05-23. Short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data are generated for selected core sub-samples at 2mm sampling intervals for ?surficial unit? and 5mm sampling resolution intervals to the base of cores. SLRad data generated include sample activity as disintegrations per minute per gram (dpm/g) of 1) Excess Thorium-234 (234Thxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Thorium-234 (234ThTot) activity and the subtraction of the measured or estimated ?Supported? Thorium-234  (234ThSup) activity, 2) Excess Lead-210 (210Pbxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Lead-210 (210PbTot) activity and subtraction of the measured background Lead-210 (210PbSup) activity {average of Lead-214 (214Pb) at 295 kiloelectron volts (keV), 214Pb at 351keV, and Bismuth-214 (214Bi) at 609keV}, 3) Cesium-137 (137Cs) activity, and 4) Berilium-7 (7Be) activity. The dataset also includes the date and location of sample collection. The cruise documentation was provided for the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 led by chief scientist Dr. Arne Diercks.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_18)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\ncore_id (core Identification)\ntop_depth_of_interval (Top Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nbottom_depth_of_interval (Bottom Depth of core Inteval, mm)\naverage_depth_of_interval (Average Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nPb210_total_activity (Total Lead 210  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nPb210_total_activity_Error (Total Lead 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity (Total Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity_Error (Total Thorium 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nRATh234_activity (Reanalysis of Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram, dpm g-1)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) Eckerd College / Marine Science R6_x811_000_0006_Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_18 Profile - R6.x811.000.0006 - Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_19 - 28.35N, 87.74W - 2018-05-20 This dataset contains short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data collected aboard R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2018-05-18 to 2018-05-23. Short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data are generated for selected core sub-samples at 2mm sampling intervals for ?surficial unit? and 5mm sampling resolution intervals to the base of cores. SLRad data generated include sample activity as disintegrations per minute per gram (dpm/g) of 1) Excess Thorium-234 (234Thxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Thorium-234 (234ThTot) activity and the subtraction of the measured or estimated ?Supported? Thorium-234  (234ThSup) activity, 2) Excess Lead-210 (210Pbxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Lead-210 (210PbTot) activity and subtraction of the measured background Lead-210 (210PbSup) activity {average of Lead-214 (214Pb) at 295 kiloelectron volts (keV), 214Pb at 351keV, and Bismuth-214 (214Bi) at 609keV}, 3) Cesium-137 (137Cs) activity, and 4) Berilium-7 (7Be) activity. The dataset also includes the date and location of sample collection. The cruise documentation was provided for the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 led by chief scientist Dr. Arne Diercks.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_19)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\ncore_id (core Identification)\ntop_depth_of_interval (Top Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nbottom_depth_of_interval (Bottom Depth of core Inteval, mm)\naverage_depth_of_interval (Average Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nPb210_total_activity (Total Lead 210  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nPb210_total_activity_Error (Total Lead 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity (Total Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity_Error (Total Thorium 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nRATh234_activity (Reanalysis of Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram, dpm g-1)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) Eckerd College / Marine Science R6_x811_000_0006_Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_19 Profile - R6.x811.000.0006 - Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_2 - 28.65N, 88.34W - 2018-05-18 This dataset contains short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data collected aboard R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2018-05-18 to 2018-05-23. Short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data are generated for selected core sub-samples at 2mm sampling intervals for ?surficial unit? and 5mm sampling resolution intervals to the base of cores. SLRad data generated include sample activity as disintegrations per minute per gram (dpm/g) of 1) Excess Thorium-234 (234Thxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Thorium-234 (234ThTot) activity and the subtraction of the measured or estimated ?Supported? Thorium-234  (234ThSup) activity, 2) Excess Lead-210 (210Pbxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Lead-210 (210PbTot) activity and subtraction of the measured background Lead-210 (210PbSup) activity {average of Lead-214 (214Pb) at 295 kiloelectron volts (keV), 214Pb at 351keV, and Bismuth-214 (214Bi) at 609keV}, 3) Cesium-137 (137Cs) activity, and 4) Berilium-7 (7Be) activity. The dataset also includes the date and location of sample collection. The cruise documentation was provided for the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 led by chief scientist Dr. Arne Diercks.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_2)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\ncore_id (core Identification)\ntop_depth_of_interval (Top Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nbottom_depth_of_interval (Bottom Depth of core Inteval, mm)\naverage_depth_of_interval (Average Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nPb210_total_activity (Total Lead 210  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nPb210_total_activity_Error (Total Lead 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity (Total Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity_Error (Total Thorium 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nRATh234_activity (Reanalysis of Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram, dpm g-1)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) Eckerd College / Marine Science R6_x811_000_0006_Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_2 Profile - R6.x811.000.0006 - Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_20 - 28.28N, 87.71W - 2018-05-20 This dataset contains short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data collected aboard R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2018-05-18 to 2018-05-23. Short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data are generated for selected core sub-samples at 2mm sampling intervals for ?surficial unit? and 5mm sampling resolution intervals to the base of cores. SLRad data generated include sample activity as disintegrations per minute per gram (dpm/g) of 1) Excess Thorium-234 (234Thxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Thorium-234 (234ThTot) activity and the subtraction of the measured or estimated ?Supported? Thorium-234  (234ThSup) activity, 2) Excess Lead-210 (210Pbxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Lead-210 (210PbTot) activity and subtraction of the measured background Lead-210 (210PbSup) activity {average of Lead-214 (214Pb) at 295 kiloelectron volts (keV), 214Pb at 351keV, and Bismuth-214 (214Bi) at 609keV}, 3) Cesium-137 (137Cs) activity, and 4) Berilium-7 (7Be) activity. The dataset also includes the date and location of sample collection. The cruise documentation was provided for the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 led by chief scientist Dr. Arne Diercks.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_20)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\ncore_id (core Identification)\ntop_depth_of_interval (Top Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nbottom_depth_of_interval (Bottom Depth of core Inteval, mm)\naverage_depth_of_interval (Average Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nPb210_total_activity (Total Lead 210  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nPb210_total_activity_Error (Total Lead 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity (Total Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity_Error (Total Thorium 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nRATh234_activity (Reanalysis of Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram, dpm g-1)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) Eckerd College / Marine Science R6_x811_000_0006_Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_20 Profile - R6.x811.000.0006 - Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_21 - 28.33N, 87.50W - 2018-05-20 This dataset contains short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data collected aboard R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2018-05-18 to 2018-05-23. Short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data are generated for selected core sub-samples at 2mm sampling intervals for ?surficial unit? and 5mm sampling resolution intervals to the base of cores. SLRad data generated include sample activity as disintegrations per minute per gram (dpm/g) of 1) Excess Thorium-234 (234Thxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Thorium-234 (234ThTot) activity and the subtraction of the measured or estimated ?Supported? Thorium-234  (234ThSup) activity, 2) Excess Lead-210 (210Pbxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Lead-210 (210PbTot) activity and subtraction of the measured background Lead-210 (210PbSup) activity {average of Lead-214 (214Pb) at 295 kiloelectron volts (keV), 214Pb at 351keV, and Bismuth-214 (214Bi) at 609keV}, 3) Cesium-137 (137Cs) activity, and 4) Berilium-7 (7Be) activity. The dataset also includes the date and location of sample collection. The cruise documentation was provided for the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 led by chief scientist Dr. Arne Diercks.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_21)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\ncore_id (core Identification)\ntop_depth_of_interval (Top Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nbottom_depth_of_interval (Bottom Depth of core Inteval, mm)\naverage_depth_of_interval (Average Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nPb210_total_activity (Total Lead 210  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nPb210_total_activity_Error (Total Lead 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity (Total Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity_Error (Total Thorium 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nRATh234_activity (Reanalysis of Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram, dpm g-1)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) Eckerd College / Marine Science R6_x811_000_0006_Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_21 Profile - R6.x811.000.0006 - Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_22 - 27.44N, 85.93W - 2018-05-21 This dataset contains short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data collected aboard R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2018-05-18 to 2018-05-23. Short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data are generated for selected core sub-samples at 2mm sampling intervals for ?surficial unit? and 5mm sampling resolution intervals to the base of cores. SLRad data generated include sample activity as disintegrations per minute per gram (dpm/g) of 1) Excess Thorium-234 (234Thxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Thorium-234 (234ThTot) activity and the subtraction of the measured or estimated ?Supported? Thorium-234  (234ThSup) activity, 2) Excess Lead-210 (210Pbxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Lead-210 (210PbTot) activity and subtraction of the measured background Lead-210 (210PbSup) activity {average of Lead-214 (214Pb) at 295 kiloelectron volts (keV), 214Pb at 351keV, and Bismuth-214 (214Bi) at 609keV}, 3) Cesium-137 (137Cs) activity, and 4) Berilium-7 (7Be) activity. The dataset also includes the date and location of sample collection. The cruise documentation was provided for the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 led by chief scientist Dr. Arne Diercks.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_22)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\ncore_id (core Identification)\ntop_depth_of_interval (Top Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nbottom_depth_of_interval (Bottom Depth of core Inteval, mm)\naverage_depth_of_interval (Average Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nPb210_total_activity (Total Lead 210  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nPb210_total_activity_Error (Total Lead 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity (Total Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity_Error (Total Thorium 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nRATh234_activity (Reanalysis of Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram, dpm g-1)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) Eckerd College / Marine Science R6_x811_000_0006_Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_22 Profile - R6.x811.000.0006 - Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_23 - 27.63N, 87.02W - 2018-05-22 This dataset contains short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data collected aboard R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2018-05-18 to 2018-05-23. Short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data are generated for selected core sub-samples at 2mm sampling intervals for ?surficial unit? and 5mm sampling resolution intervals to the base of cores. SLRad data generated include sample activity as disintegrations per minute per gram (dpm/g) of 1) Excess Thorium-234 (234Thxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Thorium-234 (234ThTot) activity and the subtraction of the measured or estimated ?Supported? Thorium-234  (234ThSup) activity, 2) Excess Lead-210 (210Pbxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Lead-210 (210PbTot) activity and subtraction of the measured background Lead-210 (210PbSup) activity {average of Lead-214 (214Pb) at 295 kiloelectron volts (keV), 214Pb at 351keV, and Bismuth-214 (214Bi) at 609keV}, 3) Cesium-137 (137Cs) activity, and 4) Berilium-7 (7Be) activity. The dataset also includes the date and location of sample collection. The cruise documentation was provided for the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 led by chief scientist Dr. Arne Diercks.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_23)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\ncore_id (core Identification)\ntop_depth_of_interval (Top Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nbottom_depth_of_interval (Bottom Depth of core Inteval, mm)\naverage_depth_of_interval (Average Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nPb210_total_activity (Total Lead 210  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nPb210_total_activity_Error (Total Lead 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity (Total Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity_Error (Total Thorium 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nRATh234_activity (Reanalysis of Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram, dpm g-1)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) Eckerd College / Marine Science R6_x811_000_0006_Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_23 Profile - R6.x811.000.0006 - Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_24 - 27.77N, 87.28W - 2018-05-22 This dataset contains short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data collected aboard R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2018-05-18 to 2018-05-23. Short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data are generated for selected core sub-samples at 2mm sampling intervals for ?surficial unit? and 5mm sampling resolution intervals to the base of cores. SLRad data generated include sample activity as disintegrations per minute per gram (dpm/g) of 1) Excess Thorium-234 (234Thxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Thorium-234 (234ThTot) activity and the subtraction of the measured or estimated ?Supported? Thorium-234  (234ThSup) activity, 2) Excess Lead-210 (210Pbxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Lead-210 (210PbTot) activity and subtraction of the measured background Lead-210 (210PbSup) activity {average of Lead-214 (214Pb) at 295 kiloelectron volts (keV), 214Pb at 351keV, and Bismuth-214 (214Bi) at 609keV}, 3) Cesium-137 (137Cs) activity, and 4) Berilium-7 (7Be) activity. The dataset also includes the date and location of sample collection. The cruise documentation was provided for the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 led by chief scientist Dr. Arne Diercks.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_24)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\ncore_id (core Identification)\ntop_depth_of_interval (Top Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nbottom_depth_of_interval (Bottom Depth of core Inteval, mm)\naverage_depth_of_interval (Average Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nPb210_total_activity (Total Lead 210  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nPb210_total_activity_Error (Total Lead 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity (Total Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity_Error (Total Thorium 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nRATh234_activity (Reanalysis of Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram, dpm g-1)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) Eckerd College / Marine Science R6_x811_000_0006_Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_24 Profile - R6.x811.000.0006 - Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_26 - 28.18N, 87.17W - 2018-05-23 This dataset contains short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data collected aboard R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2018-05-18 to 2018-05-23. Short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data are generated for selected core sub-samples at 2mm sampling intervals for ?surficial unit? and 5mm sampling resolution intervals to the base of cores. SLRad data generated include sample activity as disintegrations per minute per gram (dpm/g) of 1) Excess Thorium-234 (234Thxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Thorium-234 (234ThTot) activity and the subtraction of the measured or estimated ?Supported? Thorium-234  (234ThSup) activity, 2) Excess Lead-210 (210Pbxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Lead-210 (210PbTot) activity and subtraction of the measured background Lead-210 (210PbSup) activity {average of Lead-214 (214Pb) at 295 kiloelectron volts (keV), 214Pb at 351keV, and Bismuth-214 (214Bi) at 609keV}, 3) Cesium-137 (137Cs) activity, and 4) Berilium-7 (7Be) activity. The dataset also includes the date and location of sample collection. The cruise documentation was provided for the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 led by chief scientist Dr. Arne Diercks.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_26)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\ncore_id (core Identification)\ntop_depth_of_interval (Top Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nbottom_depth_of_interval (Bottom Depth of core Inteval, mm)\naverage_depth_of_interval (Average Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nPb210_total_activity (Total Lead 210  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nPb210_total_activity_Error (Total Lead 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity (Total Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity_Error (Total Thorium 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nRATh234_activity (Reanalysis of Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram, dpm g-1)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) Eckerd College / Marine Science R6_x811_000_0006_Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_26 Profile - R6.x811.000.0006 - Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_3 - 28.60N, 88.44W - 2018-05-18 This dataset contains short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data collected aboard R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2018-05-18 to 2018-05-23. Short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data are generated for selected core sub-samples at 2mm sampling intervals for ?surficial unit? and 5mm sampling resolution intervals to the base of cores. SLRad data generated include sample activity as disintegrations per minute per gram (dpm/g) of 1) Excess Thorium-234 (234Thxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Thorium-234 (234ThTot) activity and the subtraction of the measured or estimated ?Supported? Thorium-234  (234ThSup) activity, 2) Excess Lead-210 (210Pbxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Lead-210 (210PbTot) activity and subtraction of the measured background Lead-210 (210PbSup) activity {average of Lead-214 (214Pb) at 295 kiloelectron volts (keV), 214Pb at 351keV, and Bismuth-214 (214Bi) at 609keV}, 3) Cesium-137 (137Cs) activity, and 4) Berilium-7 (7Be) activity. The dataset also includes the date and location of sample collection. The cruise documentation was provided for the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 led by chief scientist Dr. Arne Diercks.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_3)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\ncore_id (core Identification)\ntop_depth_of_interval (Top Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nbottom_depth_of_interval (Bottom Depth of core Inteval, mm)\naverage_depth_of_interval (Average Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nPb210_total_activity (Total Lead 210  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nPb210_total_activity_Error (Total Lead 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity (Total Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity_Error (Total Thorium 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nRATh234_activity (Reanalysis of Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram, dpm g-1)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) Eckerd College / Marine Science R6_x811_000_0006_Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_3 Profile - R6.x811.000.0006 - Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_30 - 28.59N, 88.25W - 2018-05-23 This dataset contains short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data collected aboard R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2018-05-18 to 2018-05-23. Short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data are generated for selected core sub-samples at 2mm sampling intervals for ?surficial unit? and 5mm sampling resolution intervals to the base of cores. SLRad data generated include sample activity as disintegrations per minute per gram (dpm/g) of 1) Excess Thorium-234 (234Thxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Thorium-234 (234ThTot) activity and the subtraction of the measured or estimated ?Supported? Thorium-234  (234ThSup) activity, 2) Excess Lead-210 (210Pbxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Lead-210 (210PbTot) activity and subtraction of the measured background Lead-210 (210PbSup) activity {average of Lead-214 (214Pb) at 295 kiloelectron volts (keV), 214Pb at 351keV, and Bismuth-214 (214Bi) at 609keV}, 3) Cesium-137 (137Cs) activity, and 4) Berilium-7 (7Be) activity. The dataset also includes the date and location of sample collection. The cruise documentation was provided for the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 led by chief scientist Dr. Arne Diercks.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_30)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\ncore_id (core Identification)\ntop_depth_of_interval (Top Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nbottom_depth_of_interval (Bottom Depth of core Inteval, mm)\naverage_depth_of_interval (Average Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nPb210_total_activity (Total Lead 210  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nPb210_total_activity_Error (Total Lead 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity (Total Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity_Error (Total Thorium 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nRATh234_activity (Reanalysis of Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram, dpm g-1)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) Eckerd College / Marine Science R6_x811_000_0006_Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_30 Profile - R6.x811.000.0006 - Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_4 - 28.53N, 88.45W - 2018-05-18 This dataset contains short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data collected aboard R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2018-05-18 to 2018-05-23. Short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data are generated for selected core sub-samples at 2mm sampling intervals for ?surficial unit? and 5mm sampling resolution intervals to the base of cores. SLRad data generated include sample activity as disintegrations per minute per gram (dpm/g) of 1) Excess Thorium-234 (234Thxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Thorium-234 (234ThTot) activity and the subtraction of the measured or estimated ?Supported? Thorium-234  (234ThSup) activity, 2) Excess Lead-210 (210Pbxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Lead-210 (210PbTot) activity and subtraction of the measured background Lead-210 (210PbSup) activity {average of Lead-214 (214Pb) at 295 kiloelectron volts (keV), 214Pb at 351keV, and Bismuth-214 (214Bi) at 609keV}, 3) Cesium-137 (137Cs) activity, and 4) Berilium-7 (7Be) activity. The dataset also includes the date and location of sample collection. The cruise documentation was provided for the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 led by chief scientist Dr. Arne Diercks.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_4)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\ncore_id (core Identification)\ntop_depth_of_interval (Top Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nbottom_depth_of_interval (Bottom Depth of core Inteval, mm)\naverage_depth_of_interval (Average Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nPb210_total_activity (Total Lead 210  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nPb210_total_activity_Error (Total Lead 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity (Total Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity_Error (Total Thorium 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nRATh234_activity (Reanalysis of Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram, dpm g-1)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) Eckerd College / Marine Science R6_x811_000_0006_Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_4 Profile - R6.x811.000.0006 - Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_5 - 28.53N, 88.32W - 2018-05-18 This dataset contains short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data collected aboard R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2018-05-18 to 2018-05-23. Short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data are generated for selected core sub-samples at 2mm sampling intervals for ?surficial unit? and 5mm sampling resolution intervals to the base of cores. SLRad data generated include sample activity as disintegrations per minute per gram (dpm/g) of 1) Excess Thorium-234 (234Thxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Thorium-234 (234ThTot) activity and the subtraction of the measured or estimated ?Supported? Thorium-234  (234ThSup) activity, 2) Excess Lead-210 (210Pbxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Lead-210 (210PbTot) activity and subtraction of the measured background Lead-210 (210PbSup) activity {average of Lead-214 (214Pb) at 295 kiloelectron volts (keV), 214Pb at 351keV, and Bismuth-214 (214Bi) at 609keV}, 3) Cesium-137 (137Cs) activity, and 4) Berilium-7 (7Be) activity. The dataset also includes the date and location of sample collection. The cruise documentation was provided for the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 led by chief scientist Dr. Arne Diercks.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_5)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\ncore_id (core Identification)\ntop_depth_of_interval (Top Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nbottom_depth_of_interval (Bottom Depth of core Inteval, mm)\naverage_depth_of_interval (Average Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nPb210_total_activity (Total Lead 210  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nPb210_total_activity_Error (Total Lead 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity (Total Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity_Error (Total Thorium 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nRATh234_activity (Reanalysis of Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram, dpm g-1)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) Eckerd College / Marine Science R6_x811_000_0006_Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_5 Profile - R6.x811.000.0006 - Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_6 - 28.45N, 88.36W - 2018-05-19 This dataset contains short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data collected aboard R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2018-05-18 to 2018-05-23. Short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data are generated for selected core sub-samples at 2mm sampling intervals for ?surficial unit? and 5mm sampling resolution intervals to the base of cores. SLRad data generated include sample activity as disintegrations per minute per gram (dpm/g) of 1) Excess Thorium-234 (234Thxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Thorium-234 (234ThTot) activity and the subtraction of the measured or estimated ?Supported? Thorium-234  (234ThSup) activity, 2) Excess Lead-210 (210Pbxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Lead-210 (210PbTot) activity and subtraction of the measured background Lead-210 (210PbSup) activity {average of Lead-214 (214Pb) at 295 kiloelectron volts (keV), 214Pb at 351keV, and Bismuth-214 (214Bi) at 609keV}, 3) Cesium-137 (137Cs) activity, and 4) Berilium-7 (7Be) activity. The dataset also includes the date and location of sample collection. The cruise documentation was provided for the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 led by chief scientist Dr. Arne Diercks.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_6)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\ncore_id (core Identification)\ntop_depth_of_interval (Top Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nbottom_depth_of_interval (Bottom Depth of core Inteval, mm)\naverage_depth_of_interval (Average Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nPb210_total_activity (Total Lead 210  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nPb210_total_activity_Error (Total Lead 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity (Total Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity_Error (Total Thorium 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nRATh234_activity (Reanalysis of Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram, dpm g-1)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) Eckerd College / Marine Science R6_x811_000_0006_Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_6 Profile - R6.x811.000.0006 - Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_7 - 28.42N, 88.17W - 2018-05-19 This dataset contains short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data collected aboard R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2018-05-18 to 2018-05-23. Short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data are generated for selected core sub-samples at 2mm sampling intervals for ?surficial unit? and 5mm sampling resolution intervals to the base of cores. SLRad data generated include sample activity as disintegrations per minute per gram (dpm/g) of 1) Excess Thorium-234 (234Thxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Thorium-234 (234ThTot) activity and the subtraction of the measured or estimated ?Supported? Thorium-234  (234ThSup) activity, 2) Excess Lead-210 (210Pbxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Lead-210 (210PbTot) activity and subtraction of the measured background Lead-210 (210PbSup) activity {average of Lead-214 (214Pb) at 295 kiloelectron volts (keV), 214Pb at 351keV, and Bismuth-214 (214Bi) at 609keV}, 3) Cesium-137 (137Cs) activity, and 4) Berilium-7 (7Be) activity. The dataset also includes the date and location of sample collection. The cruise documentation was provided for the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 led by chief scientist Dr. Arne Diercks.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_7)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\ncore_id (core Identification)\ntop_depth_of_interval (Top Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nbottom_depth_of_interval (Bottom Depth of core Inteval, mm)\naverage_depth_of_interval (Average Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nPb210_total_activity (Total Lead 210  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nPb210_total_activity_Error (Total Lead 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity (Total Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity_Error (Total Thorium 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nRATh234_activity (Reanalysis of Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram, dpm g-1)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) Eckerd College / Marine Science R6_x811_000_0006_Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_7 Profile - R6.x811.000.0006 - Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_8 - 28.41N, 88.13W - 2018-05-19 This dataset contains short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data collected aboard R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2018-05-18 to 2018-05-23. Short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data are generated for selected core sub-samples at 2mm sampling intervals for ?surficial unit? and 5mm sampling resolution intervals to the base of cores. SLRad data generated include sample activity as disintegrations per minute per gram (dpm/g) of 1) Excess Thorium-234 (234Thxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Thorium-234 (234ThTot) activity and the subtraction of the measured or estimated ?Supported? Thorium-234  (234ThSup) activity, 2) Excess Lead-210 (210Pbxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Lead-210 (210PbTot) activity and subtraction of the measured background Lead-210 (210PbSup) activity {average of Lead-214 (214Pb) at 295 kiloelectron volts (keV), 214Pb at 351keV, and Bismuth-214 (214Bi) at 609keV}, 3) Cesium-137 (137Cs) activity, and 4) Berilium-7 (7Be) activity. The dataset also includes the date and location of sample collection. The cruise documentation was provided for the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 led by chief scientist Dr. Arne Diercks.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_8)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\ncore_id (core Identification)\ntop_depth_of_interval (Top Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nbottom_depth_of_interval (Bottom Depth of core Inteval, mm)\naverage_depth_of_interval (Average Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nPb210_total_activity (Total Lead 210  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nPb210_total_activity_Error (Total Lead 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity (Total Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity_Error (Total Thorium 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nRATh234_activity (Reanalysis of Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram, dpm g-1)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) Eckerd College / Marine Science R6_x811_000_0006_Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_8 Profile - R6.x811.000.0006 - Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_9 - 28.22N, 88.13W - 2018-05-19 This dataset contains short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data collected aboard R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2018-05-18 to 2018-05-23. Short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data are generated for selected core sub-samples at 2mm sampling intervals for ?surficial unit? and 5mm sampling resolution intervals to the base of cores. SLRad data generated include sample activity as disintegrations per minute per gram (dpm/g) of 1) Excess Thorium-234 (234Thxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Thorium-234 (234ThTot) activity and the subtraction of the measured or estimated ?Supported? Thorium-234  (234ThSup) activity, 2) Excess Lead-210 (210Pbxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Lead-210 (210PbTot) activity and subtraction of the measured background Lead-210 (210PbSup) activity {average of Lead-214 (214Pb) at 295 kiloelectron volts (keV), 214Pb at 351keV, and Bismuth-214 (214Bi) at 609keV}, 3) Cesium-137 (137Cs) activity, and 4) Berilium-7 (7Be) activity. The dataset also includes the date and location of sample collection. The cruise documentation was provided for the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 led by chief scientist Dr. Arne Diercks.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_9)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\ncore_id (core Identification)\ntop_depth_of_interval (Top Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nbottom_depth_of_interval (Bottom Depth of core Inteval, mm)\naverage_depth_of_interval (Average Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nPb210_total_activity (Total Lead 210  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nPb210_total_activity_Error (Total Lead 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity (Total Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity_Error (Total Thorium 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nRATh234_activity (Reanalysis of Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram, dpm g-1)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) Eckerd College / Marine Science R6_x811_000_0006_Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_9 Profile - R6.x811.000.0006 - Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_DWH - 28.72N, 88.39W - 2018-05-23 This dataset contains short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data collected aboard R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2018-05-18 to 2018-05-23. Short-lived radioisotope (SLRad) data are generated for selected core sub-samples at 2mm sampling intervals for ?surficial unit? and 5mm sampling resolution intervals to the base of cores. SLRad data generated include sample activity as disintegrations per minute per gram (dpm/g) of 1) Excess Thorium-234 (234Thxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Thorium-234 (234ThTot) activity and the subtraction of the measured or estimated ?Supported? Thorium-234  (234ThSup) activity, 2) Excess Lead-210 (210Pbxs) activity, which is calculated by measuring the total Lead-210 (210PbTot) activity and subtraction of the measured background Lead-210 (210PbSup) activity {average of Lead-214 (214Pb) at 295 kiloelectron volts (keV), 214Pb at 351keV, and Bismuth-214 (214Bi) at 609keV}, 3) Cesium-137 (137Cs) activity, and 4) Berilium-7 (7Be) activity. The dataset also includes the date and location of sample collection. The cruise documentation was provided for the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-25 led by chief scientist Dr. Arne Diercks.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_DWH)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nsite_id (Site Identification)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\ncore_id (core Identification)\ntop_depth_of_interval (Top Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nbottom_depth_of_interval (Bottom Depth of core Inteval, mm)\naverage_depth_of_interval (Average Depth of core Inteval, mm)\nPb210_total_activity (Total Lead 210  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nPb210_total_activity_Error (Total Lead 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 46keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity (Total Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nTh234_total_activity_Error (Total Thorium 210  activity Error as Disintegration per Gram at 63keV, dpm g-1)\nRATh234_activity (Reanalysis of Thorium 234  activity as Disintegration per Gram, dpm g-1)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) Eckerd College / Marine Science R6_x811_000_0006_Short_lived_Radioisotopes_NGoM_2018_1_DWH

ERDDAP, Version 2.02
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