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griddap Subset tabledap Make A Graph wms files Title Summary FGDC ISO 19115 Info Background Info RSS Email Institution Dataset ID \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_deep02CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.28N, 89.24W - 2016-09-26\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (deep02CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (degree_C)\n... (35 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0004_GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_deep02CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_shallow01CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.41N, 89.23W - 2016-09-27\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (shallow01CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (degree_C)\n... (35 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0004_GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_shallow01CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_10_11CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.26N, 89.18W - 2016-09-21\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_10_11CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (degree_C)\n... (35 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0004_GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_10_11CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_10_2CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.27N, 89.17W - 2016-09-21\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_10_2CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (degree_C)\n... (35 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0004_GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_10_2CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_10CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.27N, 89.17W - 2016-09-21\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_10CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (degree_C)\n... (35 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0004_GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_10CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_11_2CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.27N, 89.22W - 2016-09-21\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_11_2CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (degree_C)\n... (35 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0004_GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_11_2CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_12CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.44N, 89.17W - 2016-09-22\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_12CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (degree_C)\n... (35 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0004_GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_12CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_13CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.37N, 89.15W - 2016-09-22\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_13CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (degree_C)\n... (35 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0004_GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_13CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_14CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.47N, 89.13W - 2016-09-22\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_14CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (degree_C)\n... (35 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0004_GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_14CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_15CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.47N, 89.27W - 2016-09-23\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_15CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (degree_C)\n... (35 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0004_GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_15CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_16CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.41N, 89.27W - 2016-09-23\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_16CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (degree_C)\n... (35 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0004_GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_16CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_17CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.3N, 89.15W - 2016-09-23\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_17CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (degree_C)\n... (35 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0004_GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_17CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_18CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.31N, 89.21W - 2016-09-24\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_18CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (degree_C)\n... (35 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0004_GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_18CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_19CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.35N, 89.21W - 2016-09-24\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_19CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (degree_C)\n... (35 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0004_GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_19CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_1CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.23N, 89.32W - 2016-09-19\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_1CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (degree_C)\n... (35 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0004_GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_1CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_20CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.31N, 89.24W - 2016-09-24\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_20CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (degree_C)\n... (35 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0004_GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_20CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_21CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.31N, 89.25W - 2016-09-25\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_21CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (degree_C)\n... (35 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0004_GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_21CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_22CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.35N, 89.15W - 2016-09-26\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_22CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (degree_C)\n... (35 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0004_GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_22CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_2CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.29N, 89.28W - 2016-09-19\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_2CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (degree_C)\n... (35 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0004_GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_2CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_3CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.28N, 89.24W - 2016-09-19\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_3CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (degree_C)\n... (35 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0004_GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_3CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_4CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.27N, 89.26W - 2016-09-19\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_4CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (degree_C)\n... (35 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0004_GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_4CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_5CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.41N, 89.2W - 2016-09-19\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_5CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (degree_C)\n... (35 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0004_GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_5CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_6CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.41N, 89.18W - 2016-09-20\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_6CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (degree_C)\n... (35 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0004_GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_6CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_7CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.38N, 89.17W - 2016-09-20\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_7CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (degree_C)\n... (35 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0004_GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_7CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_8CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.35N, 89.18W - 2016-09-20\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_8CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (degree_C)\n... (35 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0004_GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_8CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_9CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.33N, 89.16W - 2016-09-20\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_9CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (degree_C)\n... (35 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0004_GoMix1_CTD_Pressure_corrected_tow_yo_9CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_M1CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.43N, 89.21W - 2017-08-18\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_M1CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (Temperature , degree_C)\ntemperature2 (Temperature 2, degree_C)\nconductivity (uS cm-1)\nconductivity2 (Conductivity sensor 2, uS cm-1)\nsalinity (Salinity , PSU)\nsalinity2 (Salinity 2, PSU)\noxygen (dissolved Oxygen, umol l-1)\nfluorescenceWETECO (Fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, Chloropyhll_a fluorescence, mg m-3)\nCDOM (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration, mg m-3)\nbeamAttenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\n... (23 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_M1CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S10CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.83N, 88.7W - 2017-08-29\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S10CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (Temperature , degree_C)\ntemperature2 (Temperature 2, degree_C)\nconductivity (uS cm-1)\nconductivity2 (Conductivity sensor 2, uS cm-1)\nsalinity (Salinity , PSU)\nsalinity2 (Salinity 2, PSU)\noxygen (dissolved Oxygen, umol l-1)\nfluorescenceWETECO (Fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, Chloropyhll_a fluorescence, mg m-3)\nCDOM (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration, mg m-3)\nbeamAttenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\n... (23 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S10CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S11CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.15N, 86.85W - 2017-09-03\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S11CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (Temperature , degree_C)\ntemperature2 (Temperature 2, degree_C)\nconductivity (uS cm-1)\nconductivity2 (Conductivity sensor 2, uS cm-1)\nsalinity (Salinity , PSU)\nsalinity2 (Salinity 2, PSU)\noxygen (dissolved Oxygen, umol l-1)\nfluorescenceWETECO (Fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, Chloropyhll_a fluorescence, mg m-3)\nCDOM (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration, mg m-3)\nbeamAttenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\n... (23 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S11CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S12CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.2N, 86.82W - 2017-09-03\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S12CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (Temperature , degree_C)\ntemperature2 (Temperature 2, degree_C)\nconductivity (uS cm-1)\nconductivity2 (Conductivity sensor 2, uS cm-1)\nsalinity (Salinity , PSU)\nsalinity2 (Salinity 2, PSU)\noxygen (dissolved Oxygen, umol l-1)\nfluorescenceWETECO (Fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, Chloropyhll_a fluorescence, mg m-3)\nCDOM (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration, mg m-3)\nbeamAttenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\n... (23 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S12CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S13CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.23N, 86.81W - 2017-09-03\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S13CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (Temperature , degree_C)\ntemperature2 (Temperature 2, degree_C)\nconductivity (uS cm-1)\nconductivity2 (Conductivity sensor 2, uS cm-1)\nsalinity (Salinity , PSU)\nsalinity2 (Salinity 2, PSU)\noxygen (dissolved Oxygen, umol l-1)\nfluorescenceWETECO (Fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, Chloropyhll_a fluorescence, mg m-3)\nCDOM (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration, mg m-3)\nbeamAttenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\n... (23 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S13CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S14CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.25N, 86.8W - 2017-09-03\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S14CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (Temperature , degree_C)\ntemperature2 (Temperature 2, degree_C)\nconductivity (uS cm-1)\nconductivity2 (Conductivity sensor 2, uS cm-1)\nsalinity (Salinity , PSU)\nsalinity2 (Salinity 2, PSU)\noxygen (dissolved Oxygen, umol l-1)\nfluorescenceWETECO (Fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, Chloropyhll_a fluorescence, mg m-3)\nCDOM (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration, mg m-3)\nbeamAttenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\n... (23 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S14CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S15CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.28N, 86.79W - 2017-09-03\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S15CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (Temperature , degree_C)\ntemperature2 (Temperature 2, degree_C)\nconductivity (uS cm-1)\nconductivity2 (Conductivity sensor 2, uS cm-1)\nsalinity (Salinity , PSU)\nsalinity2 (Salinity 2, PSU)\noxygen (dissolved Oxygen, umol l-1)\nfluorescenceWETECO (Fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, Chloropyhll_a fluorescence, mg m-3)\nCDOM (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration, mg m-3)\nbeamAttenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\n... (23 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S15CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S2CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.89N, 88.48W - 2017-08-20\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S2CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (Temperature , degree_C)\ntemperature2 (Temperature 2, degree_C)\nconductivity (uS cm-1)\nconductivity2 (Conductivity sensor 2, uS cm-1)\nsalinity (Salinity , PSU)\nsalinity2 (Salinity 2, PSU)\noxygen (dissolved Oxygen, umol l-1)\nfluorescenceWETECO (Fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, Chloropyhll_a fluorescence, mg m-3)\nCDOM (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration, mg m-3)\nbeamAttenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\n... (23 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S2CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S3CTMDerive_EOS80 - 27.31N, 89.91W - 2017-08-22\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S3CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (Temperature , degree_C)\ntemperature2 (Temperature 2, degree_C)\nconductivity (uS cm-1)\nconductivity2 (Conductivity sensor 2, uS cm-1)\nsalinity (Salinity , PSU)\nsalinity2 (Salinity 2, PSU)\noxygen (dissolved Oxygen, umol l-1)\nfluorescenceWETECO (Fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, Chloropyhll_a fluorescence, mg m-3)\nCDOM (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration, mg m-3)\nbeamAttenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\n... (23 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S3CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S4CTMDerive_EOS80 - 27.32N, 89.92W - 2017-08-23\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S4CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (Temperature , degree_C)\ntemperature2 (Temperature 2, degree_C)\nconductivity (uS cm-1)\nconductivity2 (Conductivity sensor 2, uS cm-1)\nsalinity (Salinity , PSU)\nsalinity2 (Salinity 2, PSU)\noxygen (dissolved Oxygen, umol l-1)\nfluorescenceWETECO (Fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, Chloropyhll_a fluorescence, mg m-3)\nCDOM (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration, mg m-3)\nbeamAttenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\n... (23 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S4CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S5CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.82N, 88.4W - 2017-08-24\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S5CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (Temperature , degree_C)\ntemperature2 (Temperature 2, degree_C)\nconductivity (uS cm-1)\nconductivity2 (Conductivity sensor 2, uS cm-1)\nsalinity (Salinity , PSU)\nsalinity2 (Salinity 2, PSU)\noxygen (dissolved Oxygen, umol l-1)\nfluorescenceWETECO (Fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, Chloropyhll_a fluorescence, mg m-3)\nCDOM (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration, mg m-3)\nbeamAttenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\n... (23 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S5CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S6CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.85N, 88.4W - 2017-08-25\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S6CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (Temperature , degree_C)\ntemperature2 (Temperature 2, degree_C)\nconductivity (uS cm-1)\nconductivity2 (Conductivity sensor 2, uS cm-1)\nsalinity (Salinity , PSU)\nsalinity2 (Salinity 2, PSU)\noxygen (dissolved Oxygen, umol l-1)\nfluorescenceWETECO (Fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, Chloropyhll_a fluorescence, mg m-3)\nCDOM (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration, mg m-3)\nbeamAttenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\n... (23 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S6CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S7CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.8N, 88.49W - 2017-08-27\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S7CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (Temperature , degree_C)\ntemperature2 (Temperature 2, degree_C)\nconductivity (uS cm-1)\nconductivity2 (Conductivity sensor 2, uS cm-1)\nsalinity (Salinity , PSU)\nsalinity2 (Salinity 2, PSU)\noxygen (dissolved Oxygen, umol l-1)\nfluorescenceWETECO (Fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, Chloropyhll_a fluorescence, mg m-3)\nCDOM (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration, mg m-3)\nbeamAttenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\n... (23 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S7CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S8CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.9N, 88.59W - 2017-08-29\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S8CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (Temperature , degree_C)\ntemperature2 (Temperature 2, degree_C)\nconductivity (uS cm-1)\nconductivity2 (Conductivity sensor 2, uS cm-1)\nsalinity (Salinity , PSU)\nsalinity2 (Salinity 2, PSU)\noxygen (dissolved Oxygen, umol l-1)\nfluorescenceWETECO (Fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, Chloropyhll_a fluorescence, mg m-3)\nCDOM (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration, mg m-3)\nbeamAttenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\n... (23 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S8CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S9CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.83N, 88.74W - 2017-08-29\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S9CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, sec)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\ntemperature (Temperature , degree_C)\ntemperature2 (Temperature 2, degree_C)\nconductivity (uS cm-1)\nconductivity2 (Conductivity sensor 2, uS cm-1)\nsalinity (Salinity , PSU)\nsalinity2 (Salinity 2, PSU)\noxygen (dissolved Oxygen, umol l-1)\nfluorescenceWETECO (Fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, Chloropyhll_a fluorescence, mg m-3)\nCDOM (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration, mg m-3)\nbeamAttenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\n... (23 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S9CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0012 - GOMIX3_01CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.41N, 89.27W - 2018-06-22\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the June 2018 GoMix III Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise nine sections of CTD tow-yo's and three CTD casts were conducted. For each tow-yo, multiple vertical profiles were collected in the water column about 300 m above the bottom to map the water properties near the bottom. CTD casts are regular CTD stations covering the entire water column. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the absolute salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GOMIX3_01CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\n... (36 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0012_GOMIX3_01CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0012 - GOMIX3_02CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.68N, 88.7W - 2018-06-23\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the June 2018 GoMix III Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise nine sections of CTD tow-yo's and three CTD casts were conducted. For each tow-yo, multiple vertical profiles were collected in the water column about 300 m above the bottom to map the water properties near the bottom. CTD casts are regular CTD stations covering the entire water column. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the absolute salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GOMIX3_02CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\n... (36 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0012_GOMIX3_02CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0012 - GOMIX3_03CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.7N, 88.63W - 2018-06-23\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the June 2018 GoMix III Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise nine sections of CTD tow-yo's and three CTD casts were conducted. For each tow-yo, multiple vertical profiles were collected in the water column about 300 m above the bottom to map the water properties near the bottom. CTD casts are regular CTD stations covering the entire water column. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the absolute salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GOMIX3_03CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\n... (36 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0012_GOMIX3_03CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0012 - GOMIX3_04CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.75N, 88.66W - 2018-06-24\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the June 2018 GoMix III Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise nine sections of CTD tow-yo's and three CTD casts were conducted. For each tow-yo, multiple vertical profiles were collected in the water column about 300 m above the bottom to map the water properties near the bottom. CTD casts are regular CTD stations covering the entire water column. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the absolute salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GOMIX3_04CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\n... (36 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0012_GOMIX3_04CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0012 - GOMIX3_05CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.7N, 88.63W - 2018-06-24\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the June 2018 GoMix III Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise nine sections of CTD tow-yo's and three CTD casts were conducted. For each tow-yo, multiple vertical profiles were collected in the water column about 300 m above the bottom to map the water properties near the bottom. CTD casts are regular CTD stations covering the entire water column. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the absolute salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GOMIX3_05CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\n... (36 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0012_GOMIX3_05CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0012 - GOMIX3_06CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.8N, 88.5W - 2018-06-25\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the June 2018 GoMix III Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise nine sections of CTD tow-yo's and three CTD casts were conducted. For each tow-yo, multiple vertical profiles were collected in the water column about 300 m above the bottom to map the water properties near the bottom. CTD casts are regular CTD stations covering the entire water column. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the absolute salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GOMIX3_06CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\n... (36 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0012_GOMIX3_06CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0012 - GOMIX3_07CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.85N, 88.4W - 2018-06-25\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the June 2018 GoMix III Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise nine sections of CTD tow-yo's and three CTD casts were conducted. For each tow-yo, multiple vertical profiles were collected in the water column about 300 m above the bottom to map the water properties near the bottom. CTD casts are regular CTD stations covering the entire water column. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the absolute salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GOMIX3_07CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\n... (36 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0012_GOMIX3_07CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0012 - GOMIX3_08CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.78N, 88.42W - 2018-06-26\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the June 2018 GoMix III Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise nine sections of CTD tow-yo's and three CTD casts were conducted. For each tow-yo, multiple vertical profiles were collected in the water column about 300 m above the bottom to map the water properties near the bottom. CTD casts are regular CTD stations covering the entire water column. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the absolute salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GOMIX3_08CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\n... (36 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0012_GOMIX3_08CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0012 - GOMIX3_09CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.86N, 88.51W - 2018-06-26\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the June 2018 GoMix III Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise nine sections of CTD tow-yo's and three CTD casts were conducted. For each tow-yo, multiple vertical profiles were collected in the water column about 300 m above the bottom to map the water properties near the bottom. CTD casts are regular CTD stations covering the entire water column. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the absolute salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GOMIX3_09CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\n... (36 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0012_GOMIX3_09CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0012 - GOMIX3_10CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.89N, 88.59W - 2018-06-27\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the June 2018 GoMix III Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise nine sections of CTD tow-yo's and three CTD casts were conducted. For each tow-yo, multiple vertical profiles were collected in the water column about 300 m above the bottom to map the water properties near the bottom. CTD casts are regular CTD stations covering the entire water column. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the absolute salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GOMIX3_10CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\n... (36 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0012_GOMIX3_10CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0012 - GOMIX3_11CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.62N, 88.35W - 2018-06-27\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the June 2018 GoMix III Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise nine sections of CTD tow-yo's and three CTD casts were conducted. For each tow-yo, multiple vertical profiles were collected in the water column about 300 m above the bottom to map the water properties near the bottom. CTD casts are regular CTD stations covering the entire water column. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the absolute salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GOMIX3_11CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\n... (36 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0012_GOMIX3_11CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0012 - GOMIX3_12CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.85N, 88.64W - 2018-06-28\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the June 2018 GoMix III Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise nine sections of CTD tow-yo's and three CTD casts were conducted. For each tow-yo, multiple vertical profiles were collected in the water column about 300 m above the bottom to map the water properties near the bottom. CTD casts are regular CTD stations covering the entire water column. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the absolute salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GOMIX3_12CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\n... (36 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0012_GOMIX3_12CTMDerive_EOS80 \"Profile - R5.x279.000.0012 - GOMIX3_13CTMDerive_EOS80 - 28.83N, 88.69W - 2018-06-28\" This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the June 2018 GoMix III Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise nine sections of CTD tow-yo's and three CTD casts were conducted. For each tow-yo, multiple vertical profiles were collected in the water column about 300 m above the bottom to map the water properties near the bottom. CTD casts are regular CTD stations covering the entire water column. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the absolute salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GOMIX3_13CTMDerive_EOS80)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeElapsed (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude1 (latitude 1, degrees_north)\nlongitude1 (longitude 1, degrees_east)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, dBar)\ndepth (m)\n... (36 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Marine Science R5_x279_000_0012_GOMIX3_13CTMDerive_EOS80 Profile - R4.x257.000.0031 - CTD-086_binned1 - 28.95N, 87.87W - 2018-07-19 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations. Depth of cast is variable (usually ~1500m), but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone. This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-086_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nCDOM_absorption (CDOM absorption at 400, m-1)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1\ncrs\n (external link) University of South Florida / College of Marine Science R4_x257_000_0031_CTD_086_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.000.0031 - CTD-087_binned1 - 28.99N, 88.00W - 2018-07-20 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations. Depth of cast is variable (usually ~1500m), but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone. This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-087_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nCDOM_absorption (CDOM absorption at 400, m-1)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1\ncrs\n (external link) University of South Florida / College of Marine Science R4_x257_000_0031_CTD_087_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.000.0031 - CTD-088_binned1 - 29.00N, 87.49W - 2018-07-21 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations. Depth of cast is variable (usually ~1500m), but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone. This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-088_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nCDOM_absorption (CDOM absorption at 400, m-1)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1\ncrs\n (external link) University of South Florida / College of Marine Science R4_x257_000_0031_CTD_088_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.000.0031 - CTD-089_binned1 - 29.00N, 87.48W - 2018-07-21 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations. Depth of cast is variable (usually ~1500m), but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone. This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-089_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nCDOM_absorption (CDOM absorption at 400, m-1)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1\ncrs\n (external link) University of South Florida / College of Marine Science R4_x257_000_0031_CTD_089_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.000.0031 - CTD-090_binned1 - 29.00N, 87.48W - 2018-07-21 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations. Depth of cast is variable (usually ~1500m), but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone. This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-090_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nCDOM_absorption (CDOM absorption at 400, m-1)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1\ncrs\n (external link) University of South Florida / College of Marine Science R4_x257_000_0031_CTD_090_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.000.0031 - CTD-091_binned1 - 28.47N, 88.52W - 2018-07-24 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations. Depth of cast is variable (usually ~1500m), but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone. This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-091_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nCDOM_absorption (CDOM absorption at 400, m-1)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1\ncrs\n (external link) University of South Florida / College of Marine Science R4_x257_000_0031_CTD_091_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.000.0031 - CTD-092_binned1 - 28.51N, 88.50W - 2018-07-24 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations. Depth of cast is variable (usually ~1500m), but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone. This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-092_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nCDOM_absorption (CDOM absorption at 400, m-1)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1\ncrs\n (external link) University of South Florida / College of Marine Science R4_x257_000_0031_CTD_092_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.000.0031 - CTD-093_binned1 - 28.00N, 88.51W - 2018-07-25 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations. Depth of cast is variable (usually ~1500m), but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone. This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-093_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nCDOM_absorption (CDOM absorption at 400, m-1)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1\ncrs\n (external link) University of South Florida / College of Marine Science R4_x257_000_0031_CTD_093_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.000.0031 - CTD-094_binned1 - 27.99N, 88.50W - 2018-07-26 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations. Depth of cast is variable (usually ~1500m), but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone. This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-094_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nCDOM_absorption (CDOM absorption at 400, m-1)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1\ncrs\n (external link) University of South Florida / College of Marine Science R4_x257_000_0031_CTD_094_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.000.0031 - CTD-096_binned1 - 27.99N, 88.00W - 2018-07-27 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations. Depth of cast is variable (usually ~1500m), but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone. This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-096_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nCDOM_absorption (CDOM absorption at 400, m-1)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1\ncrs\n (external link) University of South Florida / College of Marine Science R4_x257_000_0031_CTD_096_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.000.0031 - CTD-097_binned1 - 27.50N, 88.00W - 2018-07-28 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations. Depth of cast is variable (usually ~1500m), but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone. This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-097_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nCDOM_absorption (CDOM absorption at 400, m-1)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1\ncrs\n (external link) University of South Florida / College of Marine Science R4_x257_000_0031_CTD_097_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.000.0031 - CTD-098_binned1 - 27.49N, 87.99W - 2018-07-28 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations. Depth of cast is variable (usually ~1500m), but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone. This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-098_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nCDOM_absorption (CDOM absorption at 400, m-1)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1\ncrs\n (external link) University of South Florida / College of Marine Science R4_x257_000_0031_CTD_098_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.000.0031 - CTD-099_binned1 - 27.49N, 87.50W - 2018-07-29 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations. Depth of cast is variable (usually ~1500m), but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone. This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-099_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nCDOM_absorption (CDOM absorption at 400, m-1)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1\ncrs\n (external link) University of South Florida / College of Marine Science R4_x257_000_0031_CTD_099_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.000.0031 - CTD-100_binned1 - 27.49N, 87.47W - 2018-07-29 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations. Depth of cast is variable (usually ~1500m), but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone. This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-100_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nCDOM_absorption (CDOM absorption at 400, m-1)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1\ncrs\n (external link) University of South Florida / College of Marine Science R4_x257_000_0031_CTD_100_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.000.0031 - CTD-101_binned1 - 28.00N, 87.50W - 2018-07-30 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations. Depth of cast is variable (usually ~1500m), but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone. This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-101_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nCDOM_absorption (CDOM absorption at 400, m-1)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1\ncrs\n (external link) University of South Florida / College of Marine Science R4_x257_000_0031_CTD_101_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.000.0031 - CTD-102_binned1 - 28.00N, 87.48W - 2018-07-30 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations. Depth of cast is variable (usually ~1500m), but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone. This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-102_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nCDOM_absorption (CDOM absorption at 400, m-1)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1\ncrs\n (external link) University of South Florida / College of Marine Science R4_x257_000_0031_CTD_102_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.000.0031 - CTD-103_binned1 - 28.49N, 87.50W - 2018-07-31 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations. Depth of cast is variable (usually ~1500m), but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone. This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-103_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nCDOM_absorption (CDOM absorption at 400, m-1)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1\ncrs\n (external link) University of South Florida / College of Marine Science R4_x257_000_0031_CTD_103_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.000.0031 - CTD-104_binned1 - 28.51N, 87.49W - 2018-07-31 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations. Depth of cast is variable (usually ~1500m), but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone. This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-104_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nCDOM_absorption (CDOM absorption at 400, m-1)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1\ncrs\n (external link) University of South Florida / College of Marine Science R4_x257_000_0031_CTD_104_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.000.0031 - CTD-105_binned1 - 28.99N, 87.50W - 2018-08-01 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations. Depth of cast is variable (usually ~1500m), but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone. This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-105_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nCDOM_absorption (CDOM absorption at 400, m-1)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1\ncrs\n (external link) University of South Florida / College of Marine Science R4_x257_000_0031_CTD_105_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.000.0031 - CTD-106_binned1 - 29.02N, 87.50W - 2018-08-01 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations. Depth of cast is variable (usually ~1500m), but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone. This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-106_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nCDOM_absorption (CDOM absorption at 400, m-1)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1\ncrs\n (external link) University of South Florida / College of Marine Science R4_x257_000_0031_CTD_106_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0011 - CTD_031_binned1 - 27.99N, 88.00W - 2016-05-01 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.Data were collected during cruise DP03 in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-031_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nfluorescence_Aqua (Fluorescence, Chelsea Aqua tracker, m-1)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0011_CTD_031_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0011 - CTD_032_binned1 - 28.00N, 88.00W - 2016-05-01 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.Data were collected during cruise DP03 in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-032_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nfluorescence_Aqua (Fluorescence, Chelsea Aqua tracker, m-1)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0011_CTD_032_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0011 - CTD_033_binned1 - 28.00N, 88.01W - 2016-05-01 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.Data were collected during cruise DP03 in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-033_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\nfluorescence_Aqua (Fluorescence, Chelsea Aqua tracker, m-1)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0011_CTD_033_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0011 - CTD_034_binned1 - 28.01N, 88.01W - 2016-05-02 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.Data were collected during cruise DP03 in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-034_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\nfluorescence_Aqua (Fluorescence, Chelsea Aqua tracker, m-1)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0011_CTD_034_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0011 - CTD_035_binned1 - 27.99N, 87.50W - 2016-05-02 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.Data were collected during cruise DP03 in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-035_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\nfluorescence_Aqua (Fluorescence, Chelsea Aqua tracker, m-1)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0011_CTD_035_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0011 - CTD_036_binned1 - 28.00N, 87.50W - 2016-05-03 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.Data were collected during cruise DP03 in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-036_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nfluorescence_Aqua (Fluorescence, Chelsea Aqua tracker, m-1)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0011_CTD_036_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0011 - CTD_037_binned1 - 27.93N, 87.42W - 2016-05-03 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.Data were collected during cruise DP03 in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-037_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nfluorescence_Aqua (Fluorescence, Chelsea Aqua tracker, m-1)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0011_CTD_037_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0011 - CTD_038_binned1 - 27.99N, 87.00W - 2016-05-04 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.Data were collected during cruise DP03 in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-038_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nfluorescence_Aqua (Fluorescence, Chelsea Aqua tracker, m-1)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0011_CTD_038_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0011 - CTD_039_binned1 - 27.89N, 86.90W - 2016-05-04 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.Data were collected during cruise DP03 in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-039_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nfluorescence_Aqua (Fluorescence, Chelsea Aqua tracker, m-1)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0011_CTD_039_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0011 - CTD_040_binned1 - 27.99N, 87.00W - 2016-05-05 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.Data were collected during cruise DP03 in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-040_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nfluorescence_Aqua (Fluorescence, Chelsea Aqua tracker, m-1)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0011_CTD_040_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0011 - CTD_041_binned1 - 28.03N, 87.33W - 2016-05-06 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.Data were collected during cruise DP03 in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-041_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nfluorescence_Aqua (Fluorescence, Chelsea Aqua tracker, m-1)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0011_CTD_041_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0011 - CTD_042_binned1 - 27.48N, 86.96W - 2016-05-06 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.Data were collected during cruise DP03 in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-042_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nfluorescence_Aqua (Fluorescence, Chelsea Aqua tracker, m-1)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0011_CTD_042_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0011 - CTD_043_binned1 - 27.51N, 86.97W - 2016-05-07 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.Data were collected during cruise DP03 in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-043_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nfluorescence_Aqua (Fluorescence, Chelsea Aqua tracker, m-1)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0011_CTD_043_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0011 - CTD_044_binned1 - 26.98N, 86.52W - 2016-05-07 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.Data were collected during cruise DP03 in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-044_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\nfluorescence_Aqua (Fluorescence, Chelsea Aqua tracker, m-1)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0011_CTD_044_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0011 - CTD_045_binned1 - 26.99N, 86.49W - 2016-05-08 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.Data were collected during cruise DP03 in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-045_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\nfluorescence_Aqua (Fluorescence, Chelsea Aqua tracker, m-1)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0011_CTD_045_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0011 - CTD_046_binned1 - 27.00N, 86.50W - 2016-05-08 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.Data were collected during cruise DP03 in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-046_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\nfluorescence_Aqua (Fluorescence, Chelsea Aqua tracker, m-1)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0011_CTD_046_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0011 - CTD_047_binned1 - 26.99N, 85.99W - 2016-05-09 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.Data were collected during cruise DP03 in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-047_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nfluorescence_Aqua (Fluorescence, Chelsea Aqua tracker, m-1)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0011_CTD_047_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0011 - CTD_048_binned1 - 28.50N, 87.52W - 2016-05-11 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.Data were collected during cruise DP03 in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-048_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\nfluorescence_Aqua (Fluorescence, Chelsea Aqua tracker, m-1)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0011_CTD_048_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0011 - CTD_049_binned1 - 28.50N, 87.51W - 2016-05-11 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.Data were collected during cruise DP03 in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-049_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\nfluorescence_Aqua (Fluorescence, Chelsea Aqua tracker, m-1)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0011_CTD_049_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0011 - CTD_050_binned1 - 28.50N, 88.01W - 2016-05-12 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.Data were collected during cruise DP03 in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-050_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\nfluorescence_Aqua (Fluorescence, Chelsea Aqua tracker, m-1)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0011_CTD_050_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0011 - CTD_051_binned1 - 28.50N, 88.01W - 2016-05-12 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.Data were collected during cruise DP03 in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-051_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nfluorescence_Aqua (Fluorescence, Chelsea Aqua tracker, m-1)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0011_CTD_051_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0011 - CTD_052_binned1 - 28.99N, 87.49W - 2016-05-13 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.Data were collected during cruise DP03 in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-052_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nfluorescence_Aqua (Fluorescence, Chelsea Aqua tracker, m-1)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0011_CTD_052_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0011 - CTD_053_binned1 - 28.99N, 87.50W - 2016-05-13 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models.Data were collected during cruise DP03 in the northern Gulf of Mexico, May 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (CTD-053_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nfluorescence_Aqua (Fluorescence, Chelsea Aqua tracker, m-1)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0011_CTD_053_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0012 - DP04_CTD_054_binned1 - 26.99N, 89.99W - 2016-08-06 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND filis.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected on cruise DP04 in August, 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP04-CTD-054_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs (grid mapping variable for horizontal spatial coordinate reference system (CRS))\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0012_DP04_CTD_054_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0012 - DP04_CTD_055_binned1 - 26.98N, 89.99W - 2016-08-06 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND filis.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected on cruise DP04 in August, 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP04-CTD-055_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs (grid mapping variable for horizontal spatial coordinate reference system (CRS))\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0012_DP04_CTD_055_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0012 - DP04_CTD_056_binned1 - 26.90N, 89.07W - 2016-08-08 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND filis.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected on cruise DP04 in August, 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP04-CTD-056_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs (grid mapping variable for horizontal spatial coordinate reference system (CRS))\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0012_DP04_CTD_056_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0012 - DP04_CTD_057_binned1 - 26.99N, 87.99W - 2016-08-08 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND filis.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected on cruise DP04 in August, 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP04-CTD-057_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs (grid mapping variable for horizontal spatial coordinate reference system (CRS))\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0012_DP04_CTD_057_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0012 - DP04_CTD_058_binned1 - 26.99N, 86.99W - 2016-08-09 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND filis.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected on cruise DP04 in August, 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP04-CTD-058_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs (grid mapping variable for horizontal spatial coordinate reference system (CRS))\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0012_DP04_CTD_058_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0012 - DP04_CTD_059_binned1 - 26.99N, 87.15W - 2016-08-10 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND filis.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected on cruise DP04 in August, 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP04-CTD-059_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs (grid mapping variable for horizontal spatial coordinate reference system (CRS))\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0012_DP04_CTD_059_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0012 - DP04_CTD_060_binned1 - 26.94N, 87.53W - 2016-08-11 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND filis.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected on cruise DP04 in August, 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP04-CTD-060_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs (grid mapping variable for horizontal spatial coordinate reference system (CRS))\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0012_DP04_CTD_060_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0012 - DP04_CTD_061_binned1 - 26.98N, 88.50W - 2016-08-11 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND filis.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected on cruise DP04 in August, 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP04-CTD-061_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs (grid mapping variable for horizontal spatial coordinate reference system (CRS))\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0012_DP04_CTD_061_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0012 - DP04_CTD_062_binned1 - 26.99N, 89.49W - 2016-08-12 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND filis.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected on cruise DP04 in August, 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP04-CTD-062_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs (grid mapping variable for horizontal spatial coordinate reference system (CRS))\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0012_DP04_CTD_062_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0012 - DP04_CTD_063_binned1 - 27.50N, 89.01W - 2016-08-14 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND filis.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected on cruise DP04 in August, 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP04-CTD-063_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs (grid mapping variable for horizontal spatial coordinate reference system (CRS))\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0012_DP04_CTD_063_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0012 - DP04_CTD_064_binned1 - 27.50N, 89.00W - 2016-08-14 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND filis.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected on cruise DP04 in August, 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP04-CTD-064_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs (grid mapping variable for horizontal spatial coordinate reference system (CRS))\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0012_DP04_CTD_064_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0012 - DP04_CTD_065_binned1 - 27.51N, 88.00W - 2016-08-15 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND filis.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected on cruise DP04 in August, 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP04-CTD-065_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs (grid mapping variable for horizontal spatial coordinate reference system (CRS))\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0012_DP04_CTD_065_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0012 - DP04_CTD_066_binned1 - 28.00N, 87.50W - 2016-08-16 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND filis.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected on cruise DP04 in August, 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP04-CTD-066_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs (grid mapping variable for horizontal spatial coordinate reference system (CRS))\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0012_DP04_CTD_066_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0012 - DP04_CTD_067_binned1 - 28.52N, 87.50W - 2016-08-18 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND filis.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected on cruise DP04 in August, 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP04-CTD-067_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs (grid mapping variable for horizontal spatial coordinate reference system (CRS))\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0012_DP04_CTD_067_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0012 - DP04_CTD_068_binned1 - 29.00N, 87.50W - 2016-08-18 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND filis.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.  This data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected on cruise DP04 in August, 2016.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP04-CTD-068_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nconcentration_of_chlorophyll (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs (grid mapping variable for horizontal spatial coordinate reference system (CRS))\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0012_DP04_CTD_068_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0013 - DP05_CTD_069_binned1 - 28.49N, 88.00W - 2017-05-02 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.   This data also includes measurements from a red light transmissometer, a chlorophyll fluorometer, and a dissolved oxygen sensor.  The data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico from May 2-12, 2017.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP05_CTD-069_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nphotosynthetically_active_radiation (PAR/Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nsurface_photosynthetically_active_radiation (SPAR Surface Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0013_DP05_CTD_069_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0013 - DP05_CTD_070_binned1 - 28.50N, 88.00W - 2017-05-02 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.   This data also includes measurements from a red light transmissometer, a chlorophyll fluorometer, and a dissolved oxygen sensor.  The data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico from May 2-12, 2017.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP05_CTD-070_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nphotosynthetically_active_radiation (PAR/Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nsurface_photosynthetically_active_radiation (SPAR Surface Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0013_DP05_CTD_070_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0013 - DP05_CTD_071_binned1 - 28.01N, 88.03W - 2017-05-03 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.   This data also includes measurements from a red light transmissometer, a chlorophyll fluorometer, and a dissolved oxygen sensor.  The data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico from May 2-12, 2017.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP05_CTD-071_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nphotosynthetically_active_radiation (PAR/Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nsurface_photosynthetically_active_radiation (SPAR Surface Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0013_DP05_CTD_071_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0013 - DP05_CTD_072_binned1 - 28.00N, 88.01W - 2017-05-03 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.   This data also includes measurements from a red light transmissometer, a chlorophyll fluorometer, and a dissolved oxygen sensor.  The data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico from May 2-12, 2017.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP05_CTD-072_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nphotosynthetically_active_radiation (PAR/Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nsurface_photosynthetically_active_radiation (SPAR Surface Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0013_DP05_CTD_072_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0013 - DP05_CTD_073_binned1 - 27.51N, 88.01W - 2017-05-04 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.   This data also includes measurements from a red light transmissometer, a chlorophyll fluorometer, and a dissolved oxygen sensor.  The data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico from May 2-12, 2017.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP05_CTD-073_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nphotosynthetically_active_radiation (PAR/Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nsurface_photosynthetically_active_radiation (SPAR Surface Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0013_DP05_CTD_073_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0013 - DP05_CTD_074_binned1 - 27.49N, 88.00W - 2017-05-04 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.   This data also includes measurements from a red light transmissometer, a chlorophyll fluorometer, and a dissolved oxygen sensor.  The data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico from May 2-12, 2017.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP05_CTD-074_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nphotosynthetically_active_radiation (PAR/Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nsurface_photosynthetically_active_radiation (SPAR Surface Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0013_DP05_CTD_074_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0013 - DP05_CTD_075_binned1 - 27.99N, 87.50W - 2017-05-06 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.   This data also includes measurements from a red light transmissometer, a chlorophyll fluorometer, and a dissolved oxygen sensor.  The data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico from May 2-12, 2017.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP05_CTD-075_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nphotosynthetically_active_radiation (PAR/Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nsurface_photosynthetically_active_radiation (SPAR Surface Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0013_DP05_CTD_075_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0013 - DP05_CTD_076_binned1 - 28.13N, 87.40W - 2017-05-07 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.   This data also includes measurements from a red light transmissometer, a chlorophyll fluorometer, and a dissolved oxygen sensor.  The data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico from May 2-12, 2017.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP05_CTD-076_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nphotosynthetically_active_radiation (PAR/Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nsurface_photosynthetically_active_radiation (SPAR Surface Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0013_DP05_CTD_076_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0013 - DP05_CTD_077_binned1 - 27.99N, 87.00W - 2017-05-07 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.   This data also includes measurements from a red light transmissometer, a chlorophyll fluorometer, and a dissolved oxygen sensor.  The data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico from May 2-12, 2017.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP05_CTD-077_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nphotosynthetically_active_radiation (PAR/Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nsurface_photosynthetically_active_radiation (SPAR Surface Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0013_DP05_CTD_077_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0013 - DP05_CTD_078_binned1 - 27.96N, 86.99W - 2017-05-08 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.   This data also includes measurements from a red light transmissometer, a chlorophyll fluorometer, and a dissolved oxygen sensor.  The data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico from May 2-12, 2017.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP05_CTD-078_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nphotosynthetically_active_radiation (PAR/Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nsurface_photosynthetically_active_radiation (SPAR Surface Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0013_DP05_CTD_078_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0013 - DP05_CTD_079_binned1 - 28.50N, 87.50W - 2017-05-09 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.   This data also includes measurements from a red light transmissometer, a chlorophyll fluorometer, and a dissolved oxygen sensor.  The data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico from May 2-12, 2017.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP05_CTD-079_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nphotosynthetically_active_radiation (PAR/Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nsurface_photosynthetically_active_radiation (SPAR Surface Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0013_DP05_CTD_079_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0013 - DP05_CTD_080_binned1 - 28.49N, 87.50W - 2017-05-09 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.   This data also includes measurements from a red light transmissometer, a chlorophyll fluorometer, and a dissolved oxygen sensor.  The data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico from May 2-12, 2017.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP05_CTD-080_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nphotosynthetically_active_radiation (PAR/Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nsurface_photosynthetically_active_radiation (SPAR Surface Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0013_DP05_CTD_080_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0013 - DP05_CTD_081_binned1 - 29.01N, 87.50W - 2017-05-10 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.   This data also includes measurements from a red light transmissometer, a chlorophyll fluorometer, and a dissolved oxygen sensor.  The data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico from May 2-12, 2017.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP05_CTD-081_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nphotosynthetically_active_radiation (PAR/Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nsurface_photosynthetically_active_radiation (SPAR Surface Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0013_DP05_CTD_081_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0013 - DP05_CTD_082_binned1 - 28.99N, 87.50W - 2017-05-10 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.   This data also includes measurements from a red light transmissometer, a chlorophyll fluorometer, and a dissolved oxygen sensor.  The data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico from May 2-12, 2017.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP05_CTD-082_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nphotosynthetically_active_radiation (PAR/Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nsurface_photosynthetically_active_radiation (SPAR Surface Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0013_DP05_CTD_082_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0013 - DP05_CTD_083_binned1 - 29.04N, 87.65W - 2017-05-10 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.   This data also includes measurements from a red light transmissometer, a chlorophyll fluorometer, and a dissolved oxygen sensor.  The data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico from May 2-12, 2017.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP05_CTD-083_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nphotosynthetically_active_radiation (PAR/Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nsurface_photosynthetically_active_radiation (SPAR Surface Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0013_DP05_CTD_083_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0013 - DP05_CTD_084_binned1 - 29.00N, 87.50W - 2017-05-11 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.   This data also includes measurements from a red light transmissometer, a chlorophyll fluorometer, and a dissolved oxygen sensor.  The data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico from May 2-12, 2017.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP05_CTD-084_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nphotosynthetically_active_radiation (PAR/Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nsurface_photosynthetically_active_radiation (SPAR Surface Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0013_DP05_CTD_084_binned1 Profile - R4.x257.230.0013 - DP05_CTD_085_binned1 - 29.00N, 88.00W - 2017-05-12 Conductivity, temperature and depth data from the ship's Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), which is deployed at each of the DEEPEND stations.  Depth of cast is variable, but extends from near-surface waters to below the euphotic zone.   This data also includes measurements from a red light transmissometer, a chlorophyll fluorometer, and a dissolved oxygen sensor.  The data is used in the assessment of the water column's vertical structure, and for comparison with physical models. Data were collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico from May 2-12, 2017.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (DP05_CTD-085_binned1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncastNumber (Cast Number)\ndepthBin (1 meter depth bins)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2 (Temperature 2, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2 (sea_water_salinity_ 2, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen (ml l-1)\noxygen_saturation (percent)\nmass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a (Chorophyll_a concentration, mg m-3)\nphotosynthetically_active_radiation (PAR/Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nsurface_photosynthetically_active_radiation (SPAR Surface Irradiance, umol m-2 s-1)\nbeam_attenuation (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01 (absolute Salinity 1, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02 (absolute Salinity 2, gr kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_conservative_temperature_2 (conservative temperature, degree_Celsius)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird CTD)\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_230_0013_DP05_CTD_085_binned1 Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - deep02CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.27N, 89.24W - 2016-09-26 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (deep02CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\n... (29 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_deep02CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - deep02CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2016-09-26 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (deep02CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\n... (30 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_deep02CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - shallow01CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.40N, 89.24W - 2016-09-27 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (shallow01CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\n... (29 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_shallow01CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - shallow01CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2016-09-27 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (shallow01CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\n... (30 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_shallow01CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_10_11CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.26N, 89.18W - 2016-09-21 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_10_11CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\n... (29 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_10_11CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_10_11CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2016-09-21 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_10_11CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\n... (30 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_10_11CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_11_2CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.26N, 89.22W - 2016-09-21 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_11_2CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\n... (29 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_11_2CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_11_2CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2016-09-21 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_11_2CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\n... (30 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_11_2CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_12CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.44N, 89.17W - 2016-09-22 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_12CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\n... (29 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_12CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_12CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2016-09-22 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_12CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\n... (30 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_12CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_13CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.37N, 89.16W - 2016-09-22 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_13CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\n... (29 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_13CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_13CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2016-09-22 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_13CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\n... (30 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_13CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_14CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.47N, 89.13W - 2016-09-22 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_14CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\n... (29 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_14CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_14CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2016-09-22 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_14CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\n... (30 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_14CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_15CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.47N, 89.27W - 2016-09-23 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_15CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\n... (29 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_15CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_15CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2016-09-23 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_15CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\n... (30 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_15CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_16CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.41N, 89.27W - 2016-09-23 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_16CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\n... (29 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_16CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_16CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2016-09-23 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_16CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\n... (30 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_16CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_17CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.30N, 89.01W - 2016-09-23 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_17CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\n... (29 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_17CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_17CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2016-09-23 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_17CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\n... (30 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_17CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_18CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.31N, 89.21W - 2016-09-24 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_18CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\n... (29 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_18CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_18CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2016-09-24 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_18CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\n... (30 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_18CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_19CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.35N, 89.21W - 2016-09-24 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_19CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\n... (29 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_19CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_19CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2016-09-24 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_19CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\n... (30 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_19CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_1CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.22N, 89.31W - 2016-09-19 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_1CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\n... (29 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_1CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_1CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2016-09-19 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_1CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\n... (30 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_1CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_20CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.31N, 89.24W - 2016-09-24 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_20CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\n... (29 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_20CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_20CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2016-09-24 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_20CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\n... (30 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_20CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_21CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.31N, 89.25W - 2016-09-25 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_21CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\n... (29 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_21CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_21CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2016-09-25 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_21CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\n... (30 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_21CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_22CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.35N, 89.16W - 2016-09-26 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_22CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\n... (29 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_22CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_22CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2016-09-26 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_22CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\n... (30 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_22CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_2CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.28N, 89.28W - 2016-09-19 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_2CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\n... (29 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_2CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_2CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2016-09-19 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_2CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\n... (30 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_2CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_3CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.28N, 89.24W - 2016-09-19 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_3CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\n... (29 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_3CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_3CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2016-09-19 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_3CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\n... (30 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_3CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_4CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.26N, 89.26W - 2016-09-19 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_4CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\n... (29 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_4CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_4CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2016-09-19 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_4CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\n... (30 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_4CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_5CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.41N, 89.21W - 2016-09-19 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_5CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\n... (29 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_5CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_5CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2016-09-19 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_5CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\n... (30 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_5CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_6CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.41N, 89.18W - 2016-09-20 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_6CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\n... (29 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_6CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_6CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2016-09-20 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_6CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\n... (30 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_6CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_7CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.37N, 89.18W - 2016-09-20 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_7CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\n... (29 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_7CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_7CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2016-09-20 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_7CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\n... (30 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_7CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_8CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.34N, 89.19W - 2016-09-20 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_8CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\n... (29 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_8CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_8CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2016-09-20 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_8CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\n... (30 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_8CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_9CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.33N, 89.17W - 2016-09-20 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_9CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\n... (29 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_9CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0004 - tow_yo_9CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2016-09-20 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the September 2016 GoMix I Cruise. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise there were 3 meridional and 18 zonal sections of CTD tow-yo's. For each tow-yo, 8 to 46 vertical profiles were collected depending on the time length of the tow-yo. The rest were CTD stations. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 hz. The CTD data were acquired by an SBE Model 11 plus CTD Deck Unit providing demodulated data to a computer in the engineer room running SeaBird software. After the cruise, the raw CTD data were run through the SeaBird data conversion software (SeaBird, Version Data Conversion performs the first step in data processing, converting the raw CTD and auxiliary sensor data (typically frequencies and voltages) to engineering units. Data Conversion uses the instrument configuration file, which defines sensors, sensor channels, and calibration coefficients, to convert raw data to engineering units. The conductivity was advanced approximately 0.073 seconds relative to pressure for CTD alignment. No low pass filter was applied to the data to reserve the high resolution signals. The practical salinity was calculated using DERIVE sal.cfg and the abslote salinity, density and potential temperature was calculated using DERIVE EOS80. The high resolution data are available both in ASCII format and matlab format. 1-m bin averaged files are created separately to generate the bin-averaged profiles and saved as matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (tow_yo_9CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\n... (30 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0004_tow_yo_9CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_M1CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.42N, 89.20W - 2017-08-17 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_M1CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Down (dissolved Oxygen cast down, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Down (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast down, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Down (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast down, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Down (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cast down, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Down (absolute Salinity 1 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Down (absolute Salinity 2 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\naltimeter_Down (altimeter_ cast down, m)\n... (17 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_M1CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_M1CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2017-08-17 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_M1CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Up (Salinity 2 cast up, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Up (dissolved Oxygen cast up, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Up (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast up, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Up (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast up, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Up (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cat up, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Up (absolute Salinity 1 cast up, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Up (absolute Salinity 2 cast up, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_up (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_up (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\n... (18 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_M1CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S10CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.83N, 88.70W - 2017-08-29 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S10CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Down (dissolved Oxygen cast down, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Down (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast down, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Down (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast down, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Down (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cast down, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Down (absolute Salinity 1 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Down (absolute Salinity 2 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\naltimeter_Down (altimeter_ cast down, m)\n... (17 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S10CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S10CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2017-08-29 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S10CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Up (Salinity 2 cast up, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Up (dissolved Oxygen cast up, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Up (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast up, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Up (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast up, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Up (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cat up, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Up (absolute Salinity 1 cast up, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Up (absolute Salinity 2 cast up, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_up (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_up (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\n... (18 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S10CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S11CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.15N, 86.85W - 2017-09-03 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S11CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Down (dissolved Oxygen cast down, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Down (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast down, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Down (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast down, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Down (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cast down, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Down (absolute Salinity 1 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Down (absolute Salinity 2 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\naltimeter_Down (altimeter_ cast down, m)\n... (17 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S11CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S11CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2017-09-03 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S11CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Up (Salinity 2 cast up, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Up (dissolved Oxygen cast up, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Up (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast up, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Up (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast up, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Up (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cat up, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Up (absolute Salinity 1 cast up, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Up (absolute Salinity 2 cast up, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_up (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_up (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\n... (18 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S11CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S12CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.19N, 86.82W - 2017-09-03 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S12CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Down (dissolved Oxygen cast down, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Down (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast down, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Down (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast down, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Down (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cast down, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Down (absolute Salinity 1 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Down (absolute Salinity 2 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\naltimeter_Down (altimeter_ cast down, m)\n... (17 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S12CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S12CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2017-09-03 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S12CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Up (Salinity 2 cast up, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Up (dissolved Oxygen cast up, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Up (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast up, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Up (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast up, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Up (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cat up, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Up (absolute Salinity 1 cast up, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Up (absolute Salinity 2 cast up, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_up (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_up (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\n... (18 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S12CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S13CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.22N, 86.81W - 2017-09-03 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S13CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Down (dissolved Oxygen cast down, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Down (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast down, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Down (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast down, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Down (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cast down, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Down (absolute Salinity 1 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Down (absolute Salinity 2 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\naltimeter_Down (altimeter_ cast down, m)\n... (17 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S13CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S13CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2017-09-03 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S13CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Up (Salinity 2 cast up, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Up (dissolved Oxygen cast up, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Up (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast up, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Up (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast up, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Up (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cat up, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Up (absolute Salinity 1 cast up, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Up (absolute Salinity 2 cast up, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_up (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_up (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\n... (18 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S13CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S14CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.24N, 86.80W - 2017-09-03 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S14CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Down (dissolved Oxygen cast down, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Down (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast down, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Down (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast down, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Down (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cast down, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Down (absolute Salinity 1 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Down (absolute Salinity 2 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\naltimeter_Down (altimeter_ cast down, m)\n... (17 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S14CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S14CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2017-09-03 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S14CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Up (Salinity 2 cast up, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Up (dissolved Oxygen cast up, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Up (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast up, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Up (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast up, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Up (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cat up, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Up (absolute Salinity 1 cast up, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Up (absolute Salinity 2 cast up, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_up (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_up (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\n... (18 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S14CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S15CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.27N, 86.79W - 2017-09-03 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S15CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Down (dissolved Oxygen cast down, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Down (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast down, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Down (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast down, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Down (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cast down, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Down (absolute Salinity 1 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Down (absolute Salinity 2 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\naltimeter_Down (altimeter_ cast down, m)\n... (17 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S15CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S15CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2017-09-03 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S15CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Up (Salinity 2 cast up, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Up (dissolved Oxygen cast up, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Up (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast up, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Up (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast up, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Up (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cat up, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Up (absolute Salinity 1 cast up, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Up (absolute Salinity 2 cast up, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_up (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_up (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\n... (18 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S15CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S2CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.89N, 88.48W - 2017-08-20 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S2CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Down (dissolved Oxygen cast down, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Down (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast down, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Down (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast down, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Down (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cast down, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Down (absolute Salinity 1 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Down (absolute Salinity 2 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\naltimeter_Down (altimeter_ cast down, m)\n... (17 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S2CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S2CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2017-08-20 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S2CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Up (Salinity 2 cast up, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Up (dissolved Oxygen cast up, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Up (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast up, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Up (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast up, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Up (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cat up, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Up (absolute Salinity 1 cast up, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Up (absolute Salinity 2 cast up, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_up (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_up (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\n... (18 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S2CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S3CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 27.31N, 89.92W - 2017-08-22 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S3CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Down (dissolved Oxygen cast down, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Down (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast down, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Down (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast down, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Down (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cast down, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Down (absolute Salinity 1 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Down (absolute Salinity 2 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\naltimeter_Down (altimeter_ cast down, m)\n... (17 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S3CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S3CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2017-08-22 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S3CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Up (Salinity 2 cast up, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Up (dissolved Oxygen cast up, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Up (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast up, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Up (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast up, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Up (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cat up, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Up (absolute Salinity 1 cast up, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Up (absolute Salinity 2 cast up, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_up (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_up (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\n... (18 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S3CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S4CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 27.32N, 89.92W - 2017-08-23 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S4CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Down (dissolved Oxygen cast down, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Down (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast down, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Down (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast down, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Down (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cast down, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Down (absolute Salinity 1 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Down (absolute Salinity 2 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\naltimeter_Down (altimeter_ cast down, m)\n... (17 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S4CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S4CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2017-08-23 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S4CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Up (Salinity 2 cast up, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Up (dissolved Oxygen cast up, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Up (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast up, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Up (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast up, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Up (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cat up, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Up (absolute Salinity 1 cast up, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Up (absolute Salinity 2 cast up, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_up (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_up (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\n... (18 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S4CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S5CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.81N, 88.40W - 2017-08-24 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S5CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Down (dissolved Oxygen cast down, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Down (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast down, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Down (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast down, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Down (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cast down, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Down (absolute Salinity 1 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Down (absolute Salinity 2 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\naltimeter_Down (altimeter_ cast down, m)\n... (17 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S5CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S5CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2017-08-24 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S5CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Up (Salinity 2 cast up, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Up (dissolved Oxygen cast up, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Up (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast up, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Up (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast up, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Up (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cat up, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Up (absolute Salinity 1 cast up, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Up (absolute Salinity 2 cast up, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_up (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_up (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\n... (18 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S5CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S6CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.85N, 88.40W - 2017-08-25 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S6CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Down (dissolved Oxygen cast down, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Down (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast down, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Down (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast down, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Down (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cast down, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Down (absolute Salinity 1 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Down (absolute Salinity 2 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\naltimeter_Down (altimeter_ cast down, m)\n... (17 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S6CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S6CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2017-08-25 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S6CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Up (Salinity 2 cast up, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Up (dissolved Oxygen cast up, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Up (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast up, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Up (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast up, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Up (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cat up, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Up (absolute Salinity 1 cast up, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Up (absolute Salinity 2 cast up, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_up (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_up (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\n... (18 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S6CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S7CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.80N, 88.49W - 2017-08-26 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S7CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Down (dissolved Oxygen cast down, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Down (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast down, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Down (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast down, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Down (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cast down, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Down (absolute Salinity 1 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Down (absolute Salinity 2 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\naltimeter_Down (altimeter_ cast down, m)\n... (17 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S7CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S7CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2017-08-26 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S7CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Up (Salinity 2 cast up, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Up (dissolved Oxygen cast up, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Up (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast up, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Up (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast up, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Up (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cat up, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Up (absolute Salinity 1 cast up, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Up (absolute Salinity 2 cast up, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_up (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_up (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\n... (18 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S7CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S8CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.90N, 88.59W - 2017-08-29 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S8CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Down (dissolved Oxygen cast down, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Down (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast down, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Down (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast down, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Down (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cast down, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Down (absolute Salinity 1 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Down (absolute Salinity 2 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\naltimeter_Down (altimeter_ cast down, m)\n... (17 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S8CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S8CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2017-08-29 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S8CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Up (Salinity 2 cast up, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Up (dissolved Oxygen cast up, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Up (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast up, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Up (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast up, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Up (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cat up, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Up (absolute Salinity 1 cast up, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Up (absolute Salinity 2 cast up, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_up (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_up (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\n... (18 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S8CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S9CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.83N, 88.74W - 2017-08-29 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S9CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Down (dissolved Oxygen cast down, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Down (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast down, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Down (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast down, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Down (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cast down, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Down (absolute Salinity 1 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Down (absolute Salinity 2 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\naltimeter_Down (altimeter_ cast down, m)\n... (17 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S9CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down Profile - R5.x279.000.0009 - GMX2_S9CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up - UnknownN, 0.00W - 2017-08-29 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected during the R/V Point Sur cruise PS18-06 in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2017-08-17 to 2017-09-03. The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise, 15 CTD stations were conducted. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensors. Data from the CTD were acquired at 24 Hz. A log detailing cruise events and the sensors used is also included. Both raw and derived CTD profiles are available in ASCII and Matlab format (derived) with no low pass filter applied to preserve the high-resolution signals. 1-m bin averaged files are available in Matlab format; in this case, the odd-number column contains the downcast and the even-numbered column the upcast.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GMX2_S9CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntime_elapsed_Up (Elapsed Time in Second, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast up, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast up, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Up (Sea Water Pressure cast up, dBar)\ndepth (Depth cast up, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Up (Temperature cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Up (Temperature 2 cast up, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Up (Salinity cast up, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Up (Salinity 2 cast up, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Up (dissolved Oxygen cast up, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Up (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast up, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Up (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast up, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Up (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cat up, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Up (absolute Salinity 1 cast up, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Up (absolute Salinity 2 cast up, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_up (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_up (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\n... (18 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0009_GMX2_S9CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_up Profile - R5.x279.000.0012 - GOMIX3_01CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down - 28.41N, 270.73W - 2018-06-22 This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected from the R/V Point Sur during the June 2018 GoMix Cruise III (PS18_28). The experimental site is on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon Spill site. During the cruise nine sections of CTD tow-yo's and three CTD casts were conducted. For each tow-yo, multiple vertical profiles were collected in the water column about 300 m above the bottom to map the water properties near the bottom. CTD casts are regular CTD stations covering the entire water column. The CTD used was a SEA-BIRD 911plus/917plus double sensor. The high-resolution data are available both in ASCII format and Matlab format. 1-m bin averaged profiles were generated separately to map the data in the depth and along-section dimensions; the data were saved as Matlab files.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (GOMIX3_01CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude 1 cast down, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude 1 cast down, degrees_east)\nsea_water_pressure_Down (Sea Water Pressure cast down, dbar)\ndepth (Depth cast down, m)\nsea_water_temperature_Down (Temperature cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_temperature_2Down (Temperature 2 cast down, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity_Down (Salinity cast down, PSU)\nsea_water_salinity_2Down (Salinity 2 cast down, PSU)\ndissolved_oxygen_Down (dissolved Oxygen cast down, umol l-1)\nchlorophyll_concentration_Down (Chloropyhll_a concentration from fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL, cast down, mg m-3)\nCDOM_Down (Raw Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) concentration cast down, mg m-3)\nbeam_attenuation_Down (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech cast down, m-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_01Down (absolute Salinity 1 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_absolute_salinity_02Down (absolute Salinity 2 cast down, g kg-1)\nsea_water_sigma_theta_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\nsea_water_sigma_theta2_down (density, sigma_theta, kg m-3)\naltimeter_Down (altimeter_ cast down, m)\n... (18 more variables)\n (external link) TAMU R5_x279_000_0012_GOMIX3_01CTMDerive_EOS80_1m_bin_down