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griddap Subset tabledap Make A Graph wms files Title Summary FGDC ISO 19115 Info Background Info RSS Email Institution Dataset ID \"Profile - R1.x132.134.0003 - EN510_001_01_downcast - 28.75N, 88.4W - 2012-06-26\" Hydrographic data were collected during cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)-rosette system aboard the R/V Endeavor. Our objectives were to collect water column and benthic samples at/near cold seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The ship departed Gulfport MS on for cruise EN509 on 05/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 06/20/2012. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula MS (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 06/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport MS on 07/05/2012. Binned profiles and bottle files are available through this link, and raw CTD data are available on request.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (RV_Endeavor_EN510_001_01)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nnscan (scan number)\ndtimjul (Julian Days [days], days)\ndtim (Time, Elapsed [seconds], sec)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, db)\ndepth (sea water depth, m)\ntemp1 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ntemp2 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ndt1_2 (Temperature Difference 2 - 1, deg C)\ncond1 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ncond2 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ndc1_2 (sea_water_electrical_conductivity_difference 2 - 1, S/m)\nvol0 (Voltage 0, Volt)\nbat (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, 1/m)\nxmiss (Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech, percent)\nvol2 (Voltage 2, Volt)\nalt (Descent Rate, m)\n... (23 more variables)\n (external link) University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences R1_x132_134_0003_EN510_001_01_downcast \"Profile - R1.x132.134.0003 - EN510_002_04_downcast - 27.36N, 90.58W - 2012-06-27\" Hydrographic data were collected during cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)-rosette system aboard the R/V Endeavor. Our objectives were to collect water column and benthic samples at/near cold seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The ship departed Gulfport MS on for cruise EN509 on 05/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 06/20/2012. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula MS (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 06/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport MS on 07/05/2012. Binned profiles and bottle files are available through this link, and raw CTD data are available on request.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (RV_Endeavor_EN510_002_04)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nnscan (scan number)\ndtimjul (Julian Days [days], days)\ndtim (Time, Elapsed [seconds], sec)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, db)\ndepth (sea water depth, m)\ntemp1 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ntemp2 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ndt1_2 (Temperature Difference 2 - 1, deg C)\ncond1 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ncond2 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ndc1_2 (sea_water_electrical_conductivity_difference 2 - 1, S/m)\nvol0 (Voltage 0, Volt)\nbat (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, 1/m)\nxmiss (Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech, percent)\nvol2 (Voltage 2, Volt)\nalt (Descent Rate, m)\n... (23 more variables)\n (external link) University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences R1_x132_134_0003_EN510_002_04_downcast \"Profile - R1.x132.134.0003 - EN510_002_05_downcast - 27.36N, 90.58W - 2012-06-27\" Hydrographic data were collected during cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)-rosette system aboard the R/V Endeavor. Our objectives were to collect water column and benthic samples at/near cold seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The ship departed Gulfport MS on for cruise EN509 on 05/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 06/20/2012. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula MS (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 06/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport MS on 07/05/2012. Binned profiles and bottle files are available through this link, and raw CTD data are available on request.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (RV_Endeavor_EN510_002_05)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nnscan (scan number)\ndtimjul (Julian Days [days], days)\ndtim (Time, Elapsed [seconds], sec)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, db)\ndepth (sea water depth, m)\ntemp1 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ntemp2 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ndt1_2 (Temperature Difference 2 - 1, deg C)\ncond1 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ncond2 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ndc1_2 (sea_water_electrical_conductivity_difference 2 - 1, S/m)\nvol0 (Voltage 0, Volt)\nbat (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, 1/m)\nxmiss (Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech, percent)\nvol2 (Voltage 2, Volt)\nalt (Descent Rate, m)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences R1_x132_134_0003_EN510_002_05_downcast \"Profile - R1.x132.134.0003 - EN510_002_07_downcast - 27.36N, 90.58W - 2012-06-27\" Hydrographic data were collected during cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)-rosette system aboard the R/V Endeavor. Our objectives were to collect water column and benthic samples at/near cold seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The ship departed Gulfport MS on for cruise EN509 on 05/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 06/20/2012. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula MS (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 06/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport MS on 07/05/2012. Binned profiles and bottle files are available through this link, and raw CTD data are available on request.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (RV_Endeavor_EN510_002_07)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nnscan (scan number)\ndtimjul (Julian Days [days], days)\ndtim (Time, Elapsed [seconds], sec)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, db)\ndepth (sea water depth, m)\ntemp1 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ntemp2 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ndt1_2 (Temperature Difference 2 - 1, deg C)\ncond1 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ncond2 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ndc1_2 (sea_water_electrical_conductivity_difference 2 - 1, S/m)\nvol0 (Voltage 0, Volt)\nbat (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, 1/m)\nxmiss (Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech, percent)\nvol2 (Voltage 2, Volt)\nalt (Descent Rate, m)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences R1_x132_134_0003_EN510_002_07_downcast \"Profile - R1.x132.134.0003 - EN510_002_11_downcast - 27.36N, 90.58W - 2012-06-28\" Hydrographic data were collected during cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)-rosette system aboard the R/V Endeavor. Our objectives were to collect water column and benthic samples at/near cold seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The ship departed Gulfport MS on for cruise EN509 on 05/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 06/20/2012. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula MS (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 06/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport MS on 07/05/2012. Binned profiles and bottle files are available through this link, and raw CTD data are available on request.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (RV_Endeavor_EN510_002_11)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nnscan (scan number)\ndtimjul (Julian Days [days], days)\ndtim (Time, Elapsed [seconds], sec)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, db)\ndepth (sea water depth, m)\ntemp1 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ntemp2 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ndt1_2 (Temperature Difference 2 - 1, deg C)\ncond1 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ncond2 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ndc1_2 (sea_water_electrical_conductivity_difference 2 - 1, S/m)\nvol0 (Voltage 0, Volt)\nbat (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, 1/m)\nxmiss (Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech, percent)\nvol2 (Voltage 2, Volt)\nalt (Descent Rate, m)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences R1_x132_134_0003_EN510_002_11_downcast \"Profile - R1.x132.134.0003 - EN510_002_15_downcast - 27.36N, 90.58W - 2012-06-28\" Hydrographic data were collected during cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)-rosette system aboard the R/V Endeavor. Our objectives were to collect water column and benthic samples at/near cold seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The ship departed Gulfport MS on for cruise EN509 on 05/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 06/20/2012. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula MS (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 06/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport MS on 07/05/2012. Binned profiles and bottle files are available through this link, and raw CTD data are available on request.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (RV_Endeavor_EN510_002_15)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nnscan (scan number)\ndtimjul (Julian Days [days], days)\ndtim (Time, Elapsed [seconds], sec)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, db)\ndepth (sea water depth, m)\ntemp1 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ntemp2 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ndt1_2 (Temperature Difference 2 - 1, deg C)\ncond1 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ncond2 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ndc1_2 (sea_water_electrical_conductivity_difference 2 - 1, S/m)\nvol0 (Voltage 0, Volt)\nbat (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, 1/m)\nxmiss (Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech, percent)\nvol2 (Voltage 2, Volt)\nalt (Descent Rate, m)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences R1_x132_134_0003_EN510_002_15_downcast \"Profile - R1.x132.134.0003 - EN510_002_17_downcast - 27.36N, 90.58W - 2012-06-29\" Hydrographic data were collected during cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)-rosette system aboard the R/V Endeavor. Our objectives were to collect water column and benthic samples at/near cold seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The ship departed Gulfport MS on for cruise EN509 on 05/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 06/20/2012. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula MS (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 06/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport MS on 07/05/2012. Binned profiles and bottle files are available through this link, and raw CTD data are available on request.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (RV_Endeavor_EN510_002_17)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nnscan (scan number)\ndtimjul (Julian Days [days], days)\ndtim (Time, Elapsed [seconds], sec)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, db)\ndepth (sea water depth, m)\ntemp1 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ntemp2 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ndt1_2 (Temperature Difference 2 - 1, deg C)\ncond1 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ncond2 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ndc1_2 (sea_water_electrical_conductivity_difference 2 - 1, S/m)\nvol0 (Voltage 0, Volt)\nbat (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, 1/m)\nxmiss (Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech, percent)\nvol2 (Voltage 2, Volt)\nalt (Descent Rate, m)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences R1_x132_134_0003_EN510_002_17_downcast \"Profile - R1.x132.134.0003 - EN510_002_19_downcast - 27.37N, 90.56W - 2012-06-29\" Hydrographic data were collected during cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)-rosette system aboard the R/V Endeavor. Our objectives were to collect water column and benthic samples at/near cold seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The ship departed Gulfport MS on for cruise EN509 on 05/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 06/20/2012. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula MS (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 06/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport MS on 07/05/2012. Binned profiles and bottle files are available through this link, and raw CTD data are available on request.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (RV_Endeavor_EN510_002_19)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nnscan (scan number)\ndtimjul (Julian Days [days], days)\ndtim (Time, Elapsed [seconds], sec)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, db)\ndepth (sea water depth, m)\ntemp1 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ntemp2 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ndt1_2 (Temperature Difference 2 - 1, deg C)\ncond1 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ncond2 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ndc1_2 (sea_water_electrical_conductivity_difference 2 - 1, S/m)\nvol0 (Voltage 0, Volt)\nbat (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, 1/m)\nxmiss (Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech, percent)\nvol2 (Voltage 2, Volt)\nalt (Descent Rate, m)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences R1_x132_134_0003_EN510_002_19_downcast \"Profile - R1.x132.134.0003 - EN510_002_20_downcast - 27.36N, 90.56W - 2012-06-29\" Hydrographic data were collected during cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)-rosette system aboard the R/V Endeavor. Our objectives were to collect water column and benthic samples at/near cold seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The ship departed Gulfport MS on for cruise EN509 on 05/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 06/20/2012. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula MS (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 06/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport MS on 07/05/2012. Binned profiles and bottle files are available through this link, and raw CTD data are available on request.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (RV_Endeavor_EN510_002_20)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nnscan (scan number)\ndtimjul (Julian Days [days], days)\ndtim (Time, Elapsed [seconds], sec)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, db)\ndepth (sea water depth, m)\ntemp1 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ntemp2 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ndt1_2 (Temperature Difference 2 - 1, deg C)\ncond1 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ncond2 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ndc1_2 (sea_water_electrical_conductivity_difference 2 - 1, S/m)\nvol0 (Voltage 0, Volt)\nbat (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, 1/m)\nxmiss (Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech, percent)\nvol2 (Voltage 2, Volt)\nalt (Descent Rate, m)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences R1_x132_134_0003_EN510_002_20_downcast \"Profile - R1.x132.134.0003 - EN510_002_21_downcast - 27.37N, 90.56W - 2012-06-29\" Hydrographic data were collected during cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)-rosette system aboard the R/V Endeavor. Our objectives were to collect water column and benthic samples at/near cold seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The ship departed Gulfport MS on for cruise EN509 on 05/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 06/20/2012. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula MS (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 06/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport MS on 07/05/2012. Binned profiles and bottle files are available through this link, and raw CTD data are available on request.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (RV_Endeavor_EN510_002_21)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nnscan (scan number)\ndtimjul (Julian Days [days], days)\ndtim (Time, Elapsed [seconds], sec)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, db)\ndepth (sea water depth, m)\ntemp1 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ntemp2 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ndt1_2 (Temperature Difference 2 - 1, deg C)\ncond1 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ncond2 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ndc1_2 (sea_water_electrical_conductivity_difference 2 - 1, S/m)\nvol0 (Voltage 0, Volt)\nbat (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, 1/m)\nxmiss (Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech, percent)\nvol2 (Voltage 2, Volt)\nalt (Descent Rate, m)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences R1_x132_134_0003_EN510_002_21_downcast \"Profile - R1.x132.134.0003 - EN510_002_24_downcast - 27.36N, 90.57W - 2012-06-29\" Hydrographic data were collected during cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)-rosette system aboard the R/V Endeavor. Our objectives were to collect water column and benthic samples at/near cold seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The ship departed Gulfport MS on for cruise EN509 on 05/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 06/20/2012. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula MS (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 06/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport MS on 07/05/2012. Binned profiles and bottle files are available through this link, and raw CTD data are available on request.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (RV_Endeavor_EN510_002_24)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nnscan (scan number)\ndtimjul (Julian Days [days], days)\ndtim (Time, Elapsed [seconds], sec)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, db)\ndepth (sea water depth, m)\ntemp1 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ntemp2 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ndt1_2 (Temperature Difference 2 - 1, deg C)\ncond1 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ncond2 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ndc1_2 (sea_water_electrical_conductivity_difference 2 - 1, S/m)\nvol0 (Voltage 0, Volt)\nbat (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, 1/m)\nxmiss (Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech, percent)\nvol2 (Voltage 2, Volt)\nalt (Descent Rate, m)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences R1_x132_134_0003_EN510_002_24_downcast \"Profile - R1.x132.134.0003 - EN510_003_02_downcast - 27.56N, 89.77W - 2012-06-30\" Hydrographic data were collected during cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)-rosette system aboard the R/V Endeavor. Our objectives were to collect water column and benthic samples at/near cold seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The ship departed Gulfport MS on for cruise EN509 on 05/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 06/20/2012. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula MS (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 06/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport MS on 07/05/2012. Binned profiles and bottle files are available through this link, and raw CTD data are available on request.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (RV_Endeavor_EN510_003_02)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nnscan (scan number)\ndtimjul (Julian Days [days], days)\ndtim (Time, Elapsed [seconds], sec)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, db)\ndepth (sea water depth, m)\ntemp1 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ntemp2 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ndt1_2 (Temperature Difference 2 - 1, deg C)\ncond1 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ncond2 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ndc1_2 (sea_water_electrical_conductivity_difference 2 - 1, S/m)\nvol0 (Voltage 0, Volt)\nbat (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, 1/m)\nxmiss (Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech, percent)\nvol2 (Voltage 2, Volt)\nalt (Descent Rate, m)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences R1_x132_134_0003_EN510_003_02_downcast \"Profile - R1.x132.134.0003 - EN510_003_04_downcast - 27.56N, 89.76W - 2012-06-30\" Hydrographic data were collected during cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)-rosette system aboard the R/V Endeavor. Our objectives were to collect water column and benthic samples at/near cold seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The ship departed Gulfport MS on for cruise EN509 on 05/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 06/20/2012. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula MS (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 06/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport MS on 07/05/2012. Binned profiles and bottle files are available through this link, and raw CTD data are available on request.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (RV_Endeavor_EN510_003_04)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nnscan (scan number)\ndtimjul (Julian Days [days], days)\ndtim (Time, Elapsed [seconds], sec)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, db)\ndepth (sea water depth, m)\ntemp1 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ntemp2 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ndt1_2 (Temperature Difference 2 - 1, deg C)\ncond1 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ncond2 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ndc1_2 (sea_water_electrical_conductivity_difference 2 - 1, S/m)\nvol0 (Voltage 0, Volt)\nbat (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, 1/m)\nxmiss (Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech, percent)\nvol2 (Voltage 2, Volt)\nalt (Descent Rate, m)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences R1_x132_134_0003_EN510_003_04_downcast \"Profile - R1.x132.134.0003 - EN510_003_06_downcast - 27.55N, 89.76W - 2012-06-30\" Hydrographic data were collected during cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)-rosette system aboard the R/V Endeavor. Our objectives were to collect water column and benthic samples at/near cold seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The ship departed Gulfport MS on for cruise EN509 on 05/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 06/20/2012. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula MS (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 06/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport MS on 07/05/2012. Binned profiles and bottle files are available through this link, and raw CTD data are available on request.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (RV_Endeavor_EN510_003_06)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nnscan (scan number)\ndtimjul (Julian Days [days], days)\ndtim (Time, Elapsed [seconds], sec)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, db)\ndepth (sea water depth, m)\ntemp1 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ntemp2 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ndt1_2 (Temperature Difference 2 - 1, deg C)\ncond1 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ncond2 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ndc1_2 (sea_water_electrical_conductivity_difference 2 - 1, S/m)\nvol0 (Voltage 0, Volt)\nbat (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, 1/m)\nxmiss (Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech, percent)\nvol2 (Voltage 2, Volt)\nalt (Descent Rate, m)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences R1_x132_134_0003_EN510_003_06_downcast \"Profile - R1.x132.134.0003 - EN510_003_09_downcast - 27.55N, 89.77W - 2012-07-01\" Hydrographic data were collected during cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)-rosette system aboard the R/V Endeavor. Our objectives were to collect water column and benthic samples at/near cold seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The ship departed Gulfport MS on for cruise EN509 on 05/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 06/20/2012. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula MS (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 06/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport MS on 07/05/2012. Binned profiles and bottle files are available through this link, and raw CTD data are available on request.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (RV_Endeavor_EN510_003_09)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nnscan (scan number)\ndtimjul (Julian Days [days], days)\ndtim (Time, Elapsed [seconds], sec)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, db)\ndepth (sea water depth, m)\ntemp1 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ntemp2 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ndt1_2 (Temperature Difference 2 - 1, deg C)\ncond1 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ncond2 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ndc1_2 (sea_water_electrical_conductivity_difference 2 - 1, S/m)\nvol0 (Voltage 0, Volt)\nbat (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, 1/m)\nxmiss (Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech, percent)\nvol2 (Voltage 2, Volt)\nalt (Descent Rate, m)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences R1_x132_134_0003_EN510_003_09_downcast \"Profile - R1.x132.134.0003 - EN510_003_11_downcast - 27.55N, 89.77W - 2012-07-01\" Hydrographic data were collected during cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)-rosette system aboard the R/V Endeavor. Our objectives were to collect water column and benthic samples at/near cold seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The ship departed Gulfport MS on for cruise EN509 on 05/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 06/20/2012. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula MS (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 06/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport MS on 07/05/2012. Binned profiles and bottle files are available through this link, and raw CTD data are available on request.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (RV_Endeavor_EN510_003_11)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nnscan (scan number)\ndtimjul (Julian Days [days], days)\ndtim (Time, Elapsed [seconds], sec)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, db)\ndepth (sea water depth, m)\ntemp1 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ntemp2 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ndt1_2 (Temperature Difference 2 - 1, deg C)\ncond1 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ncond2 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ndc1_2 (sea_water_electrical_conductivity_difference 2 - 1, S/m)\nvol0 (Voltage 0, Volt)\nbat (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, 1/m)\nxmiss (Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech, percent)\nvol2 (Voltage 2, Volt)\nalt (Descent Rate, m)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences R1_x132_134_0003_EN510_003_11_downcast \"Profile - R1.x132.134.0003 - EN510_003_12_downcast - 27.55N, 89.77W - 2012-07-01\" Hydrographic data were collected during cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)-rosette system aboard the R/V Endeavor. Our objectives were to collect water column and benthic samples at/near cold seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The ship departed Gulfport MS on for cruise EN509 on 05/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 06/20/2012. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula MS (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 06/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport MS on 07/05/2012. Binned profiles and bottle files are available through this link, and raw CTD data are available on request.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (RV_Endeavor_EN510_003_12)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nnscan (scan number)\ndtimjul (Julian Days [days], days)\ndtim (Time, Elapsed [seconds], sec)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, db)\ndepth (sea water depth, m)\ntemp1 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ntemp2 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ndt1_2 (Temperature Difference 2 - 1, deg C)\ncond1 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ncond2 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ndc1_2 (sea_water_electrical_conductivity_difference 2 - 1, S/m)\nvol0 (Voltage 0, Volt)\nbat (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, 1/m)\nxmiss (Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech, percent)\nvol2 (Voltage 2, Volt)\nalt (Descent Rate, m)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences R1_x132_134_0003_EN510_003_12_downcast \"Profile - R1.x132.134.0003 - EN510_004_02_downcast - 28.67N, 88.37W - 2012-07-02\" Hydrographic data were collected during cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)-rosette system aboard the R/V Endeavor. Our objectives were to collect water column and benthic samples at/near cold seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The ship departed Gulfport MS on for cruise EN509 on 05/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 06/20/2012. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula MS (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 06/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport MS on 07/05/2012. Binned profiles and bottle files are available through this link, and raw CTD data are available on request.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (RV_Endeavor_EN510_004_02)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nnscan (scan number)\ndtimjul (Julian Days [days], days)\ndtim (Time, Elapsed [seconds], sec)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, db)\ndepth (sea water depth, m)\ntemp1 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ntemp2 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ndt1_2 (Temperature Difference 2 - 1, deg C)\ncond1 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ncond2 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ndc1_2 (sea_water_electrical_conductivity_difference 2 - 1, S/m)\nvol0 (Voltage 0, Volt)\nbat (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, 1/m)\nxmiss (Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech, percent)\nvol2 (Voltage 2, Volt)\nalt (Descent Rate, m)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences R1_x132_134_0003_EN510_004_02_downcast \"Profile - R1.x132.134.0003 - EN510_004_03_downcast - 28.67N, 88.37W - 2012-07-02\" Hydrographic data were collected during cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)-rosette system aboard the R/V Endeavor. Our objectives were to collect water column and benthic samples at/near cold seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The ship departed Gulfport MS on for cruise EN509 on 05/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 06/20/2012. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula MS (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 06/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport MS on 07/05/2012. Binned profiles and bottle files are available through this link, and raw CTD data are available on request.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (RV_Endeavor_EN510_004_03)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nnscan (scan number)\ndtimjul (Julian Days [days], days)\ndtim (Time, Elapsed [seconds], sec)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, db)\ndepth (sea water depth, m)\ntemp1 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ntemp2 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ndt1_2 (Temperature Difference 2 - 1, deg C)\ncond1 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ncond2 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ndc1_2 (sea_water_electrical_conductivity_difference 2 - 1, S/m)\nvol0 (Voltage 0, Volt)\nbat (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, 1/m)\nxmiss (Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech, percent)\nvol2 (Voltage 2, Volt)\nalt (Descent Rate, m)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences R1_x132_134_0003_EN510_004_03_downcast \"Profile - R1.x132.134.0003 - EN510_004_04_downcast - 28.67N, 88.37W - 2012-07-02\" Hydrographic data were collected during cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)-rosette system aboard the R/V Endeavor. Our objectives were to collect water column and benthic samples at/near cold seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The ship departed Gulfport MS on for cruise EN509 on 05/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 06/20/2012. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula MS (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 06/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport MS on 07/05/2012. Binned profiles and bottle files are available through this link, and raw CTD data are available on request.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (RV_Endeavor_EN510_004_04)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nnscan (scan number)\ndtimjul (Julian Days [days], days)\ndtim (Time, Elapsed [seconds], sec)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, db)\ndepth (sea water depth, m)\ntemp1 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ntemp2 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ndt1_2 (Temperature Difference 2 - 1, deg C)\ncond1 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ncond2 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ndc1_2 (sea_water_electrical_conductivity_difference 2 - 1, S/m)\nvol0 (Voltage 0, Volt)\nbat (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, 1/m)\nxmiss (Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech, percent)\nvol2 (Voltage 2, Volt)\nalt (Descent Rate, m)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences R1_x132_134_0003_EN510_004_04_downcast \"Profile - R1.x132.134.0003 - EN510_004_06_downcast - 28.66N, 88.37W - 2012-07-02\" Hydrographic data were collected during cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)-rosette system aboard the R/V Endeavor. Our objectives were to collect water column and benthic samples at/near cold seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The ship departed Gulfport MS on for cruise EN509 on 05/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 06/20/2012. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula MS (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 06/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport MS on 07/05/2012. Binned profiles and bottle files are available through this link, and raw CTD data are available on request.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (RV_Endeavor_EN510_004_06)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nnscan (scan number)\ndtimjul (Julian Days [days], days)\ndtim (Time, Elapsed [seconds], sec)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, db)\ndepth (sea water depth, m)\ntemp1 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ntemp2 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ndt1_2 (Temperature Difference 2 - 1, deg C)\ncond1 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ncond2 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ndc1_2 (sea_water_electrical_conductivity_difference 2 - 1, S/m)\nvol0 (Voltage 0, Volt)\nbat (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, 1/m)\nxmiss (Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech, percent)\nvol2 (Voltage 2, Volt)\nalt (Descent Rate, m)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences R1_x132_134_0003_EN510_004_06_downcast \"Profile - R1.x132.134.0003 - EN510_004_09_downcast - 28.67N, 88.37W - 2012-07-03\" Hydrographic data were collected during cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)-rosette system aboard the R/V Endeavor. Our objectives were to collect water column and benthic samples at/near cold seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The ship departed Gulfport MS on for cruise EN509 on 05/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 06/20/2012. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula MS (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 06/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport MS on 07/05/2012. Binned profiles and bottle files are available through this link, and raw CTD data are available on request.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (RV_Endeavor_EN510_004_09)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nnscan (scan number)\ndtimjul (Julian Days [days], days)\ndtim (Time, Elapsed [seconds], sec)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, db)\ndepth (sea water depth, m)\ntemp1 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ntemp2 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ndt1_2 (Temperature Difference 2 - 1, deg C)\ncond1 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ncond2 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ndc1_2 (sea_water_electrical_conductivity_difference 2 - 1, S/m)\nvol0 (Voltage 0, Volt)\nbat (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, 1/m)\nxmiss (Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech, percent)\nvol2 (Voltage 2, Volt)\nalt (Descent Rate, m)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences R1_x132_134_0003_EN510_004_09_downcast \"Profile - R1.x132.134.0003 - EN510_004_10_downcast - 28.67N, 88.37W - 2012-07-03\" Hydrographic data were collected during cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)-rosette system aboard the R/V Endeavor. Our objectives were to collect water column and benthic samples at/near cold seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The ship departed Gulfport MS on for cruise EN509 on 05/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 06/20/2012. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula MS (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 06/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport MS on 07/05/2012. Binned profiles and bottle files are available through this link, and raw CTD data are available on request.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (RV_Endeavor_EN510_004_10)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nnscan (scan number)\ndtimjul (Julian Days [days], days)\ndtim (Time, Elapsed [seconds], sec)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, db)\ndepth (sea water depth, m)\ntemp1 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ntemp2 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ndt1_2 (Temperature Difference 2 - 1, deg C)\ncond1 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ncond2 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ndc1_2 (sea_water_electrical_conductivity_difference 2 - 1, S/m)\nvol0 (Voltage 0, Volt)\nbat (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, 1/m)\nxmiss (Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech, percent)\nvol2 (Voltage 2, Volt)\nalt (Descent Rate, m)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences R1_x132_134_0003_EN510_004_10_downcast \"Profile - R1.x132.134.0003 - EN510_004_11_downcast - 28.67N, 88.37W - 2012-07-03\" Hydrographic data were collected during cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)-rosette system aboard the R/V Endeavor. Our objectives were to collect water column and benthic samples at/near cold seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The ship departed Gulfport MS on for cruise EN509 on 05/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 06/20/2012. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula MS (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 06/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport MS on 07/05/2012. Binned profiles and bottle files are available through this link, and raw CTD data are available on request.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (RV_Endeavor_EN510_004_11)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nnscan (scan number)\ndtimjul (Julian Days [days], days)\ndtim (Time, Elapsed [seconds], sec)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, db)\ndepth (sea water depth, m)\ntemp1 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ntemp2 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ndt1_2 (Temperature Difference 2 - 1, deg C)\ncond1 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ncond2 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ndc1_2 (sea_water_electrical_conductivity_difference 2 - 1, S/m)\nvol0 (Voltage 0, Volt)\nbat (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, 1/m)\nxmiss (Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech, percent)\nvol2 (Voltage 2, Volt)\nalt (Descent Rate, m)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences R1_x132_134_0003_EN510_004_11_downcast \"Profile - R1.x132.134.0003 - EN510_004_12_downcast - 28.67N, 88.37W - 2012-07-03\" Hydrographic data were collected during cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)-rosette system aboard the R/V Endeavor. Our objectives were to collect water column and benthic samples at/near cold seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The ship departed Gulfport MS on for cruise EN509 on 05/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 06/20/2012. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula MS (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 06/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport MS on 07/05/2012. Binned profiles and bottle files are available through this link, and raw CTD data are available on request.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (RV_Endeavor_EN510_004_12)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nnscan (scan number)\ndtimjul (Julian Days [days], days)\ndtim (Time, Elapsed [seconds], sec)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, db)\ndepth (sea water depth, m)\ntemp1 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ntemp2 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ndt1_2 (Temperature Difference 2 - 1, deg C)\ncond1 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ncond2 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ndc1_2 (sea_water_electrical_conductivity_difference 2 - 1, S/m)\nvol0 (Voltage 0, Volt)\nbat (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, 1/m)\nxmiss (Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech, percent)\nvol2 (Voltage 2, Volt)\nalt (Descent Rate, m)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences R1_x132_134_0003_EN510_004_12_downcast \"Profile - R1.x132.134.0003 - EN510_005_01_downcast - 28.95N, 88.96W - 2012-07-04\" Hydrographic data were collected during cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)-rosette system aboard the R/V Endeavor. Our objectives were to collect water column and benthic samples at/near cold seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The ship departed Gulfport MS on for cruise EN509 on 05/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 06/20/2012. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula MS (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 06/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport MS on 07/05/2012. Binned profiles and bottle files are available through this link, and raw CTD data are available on request.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (RV_Endeavor_EN510_005_01)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nnscan (scan number)\ndtimjul (Julian Days [days], days)\ndtim (Time, Elapsed [seconds], sec)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, db)\ndepth (sea water depth, m)\ntemp1 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ntemp2 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ndt1_2 (Temperature Difference 2 - 1, deg C)\ncond1 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ncond2 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ndc1_2 (sea_water_electrical_conductivity_difference 2 - 1, S/m)\nvol0 (Voltage 0, Volt)\nbat (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, 1/m)\nxmiss (Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech, percent)\nvol2 (Voltage 2, Volt)\nalt (Descent Rate, m)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences R1_x132_134_0003_EN510_005_01_downcast \"Profile - R1.x132.134.0003 - EN510_006_01_downcast - 28.32N, 88.39W - 2012-07-04\" Hydrographic data were collected during cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)-rosette system aboard the R/V Endeavor. Our objectives were to collect water column and benthic samples at/near cold seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The ship departed Gulfport MS on for cruise EN509 on 05/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 06/20/2012. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula MS (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 06/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport MS on 07/05/2012. Binned profiles and bottle files are available through this link, and raw CTD data are available on request.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (RV_Endeavor_EN510_006_01)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nnscan (scan number)\ndtimjul (Julian Days [days], days)\ndtim (Time, Elapsed [seconds], sec)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, db)\ndepth (sea water depth, m)\ntemp1 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ntemp2 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ndt1_2 (Temperature Difference 2 - 1, deg C)\ncond1 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ncond2 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ndc1_2 (sea_water_electrical_conductivity_difference 2 - 1, S/m)\nvol0 (Voltage 0, Volt)\nbat (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, 1/m)\nxmiss (Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech, percent)\nvol2 (Voltage 2, Volt)\nalt (Descent Rate, m)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences R1_x132_134_0003_EN510_006_01_downcast \"Profile - R1.x132.134.0003 - EN510_006_03_downcast - 28.33N, 88.39W - 2012-07-04\" Hydrographic data were collected during cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)-rosette system aboard the R/V Endeavor. Our objectives were to collect water column and benthic samples at/near cold seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The ship departed Gulfport MS on for cruise EN509 on 05/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 06/20/2012. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula MS (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 06/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport MS on 07/05/2012. Binned profiles and bottle files are available through this link, and raw CTD data are available on request.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (RV_Endeavor_EN510_006_03)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nnscan (scan number)\ndtimjul (Julian Days [days], days)\ndtim (Time, Elapsed [seconds], sec)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, db)\ndepth (sea water depth, m)\ntemp1 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ntemp2 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ndt1_2 (Temperature Difference 2 - 1, deg C)\ncond1 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ncond2 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ndc1_2 (sea_water_electrical_conductivity_difference 2 - 1, S/m)\nvol0 (Voltage 0, Volt)\nbat (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, 1/m)\nxmiss (Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech, percent)\nvol2 (Voltage 2, Volt)\nalt (Descent Rate, m)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences R1_x132_134_0003_EN510_006_03_downcast \"Profile - R1.x132.134.0003 - EN510_006_05_downcast - 28.31N, 88.4W - 2012-07-04\" Hydrographic data were collected during cruises EN509 and EN510 (sequential legs) using a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)-rosette system aboard the R/V Endeavor. Our objectives were to collect water column and benthic samples at/near cold seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The ship departed Gulfport MS on for cruise EN509 on 05/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG and other sites before returning to Gulfport on 06/20/2012. Cruise EN510 departed Pascagoula MS (relocated to avoid a hurricane) on 06/25/2012 and collected samples at ECOGIG seep and control sites before returning to Gulfport MS on 07/05/2012. Binned profiles and bottle files are available through this link, and raw CTD data are available on request.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofile (RV_Endeavor_EN510_006_05)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nnscan (scan number)\ndtimjul (Julian Days [days], days)\ndtim (Time, Elapsed [seconds], sec)\npressure (Sea Water Pressure, db)\ndepth (sea water depth, m)\ntemp1 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ntemp2 (Sea Water Temperature, deg C)\ndt1_2 (Temperature Difference 2 - 1, deg C)\ncond1 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ncond2 (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S/m)\ndc1_2 (sea_water_electrical_conductivity_difference 2 - 1, S/m)\nvol0 (Voltage 0, Volt)\nbat (Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, 1/m)\nxmiss (Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech, percent)\nvol2 (Voltage 2, Volt)\nalt (Descent Rate, m)\n... (24 more variables)\n (external link) University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences R1_x132_134_0003_EN510_006_05_downcast

ERDDAP, Version 2.02
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