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griddap Subset tabledap Make A Graph wms files Title Summary FGDC ISO 19115 Info Background Info RSS Email Institution Dataset ID Trajectory - R6.x815.000.0004 - WS1_MOC_all_1 - -484.94N, 543.43W - 2010-09-08 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 1 (WS1) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-08 to 2010-09-16. This survey (WS1, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0007.\n\ncdm_data_type = Trajectory\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS1_MOC_all_1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncruiseName (cruise name)\ncruiseNumber (cruise number)\nstation (station identification)\ndayNightSample (Day or Night Sample)\ndeepShallowSample (deep or shallow Sample)\ndeploymentID (deployment identification)\nfieldSampleID (field Sample identification)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC1 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (Salinity)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\n... (8 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0004_WS1_MOC_all_1 Trajectory - R6.x815.000.0005 - WS3_MOC_all_1 - -484.98N, 499.50W - 2010-09-26 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0009.\n\ncdm_data_type = Trajectory\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS3_MOC_all_1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncruiseName (cruise name)\ncruiseNumber (cruise number)\nstation (station identification)\ndayNightSample (Day or Night Sample)\ndeepShallowSample (deep or shallow Sample)\ndeploymentID (deployment identification)\nfieldSampleID (field Sample identification)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC1 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (Salinity)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\n... (8 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0005_WS3_MOC_all_1 Trajectory - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_MOC_all_1 - -484.93N, 542.95W - 2011-04-20 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = Trajectory\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_MOC_all_1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncruiseName (cruise name)\ncruiseNumber (cruise number)\nstation (station identification)\ndayNightSample (Day or Night Sample)\ndeepShallowSample (deep or shallow Sample)\ndeploymentID (deployment identification)\nfieldSampleID (field Sample identification)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC1 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (Salinity)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\n... (8 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_MOC_all_1 TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.000.0017 - DP6B001D - 28.95N, 87.91W - 2018-07-20 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude) from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP6B001D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1 (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_000_0017_DP6B001D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.000.0017 - DP6B001N - 28.99N, 87.93W - 2018-07-19 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude) from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP6B001N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1 (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_000_0017_DP6B001N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.000.0017 - DP6B065D - 27.48N, 88.00W - 2018-07-28 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude) from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP6B065D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1 (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_000_0017_DP6B065D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.000.0017 - DP6B065N - 27.50N, 87.99W - 2018-07-27 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude) from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP6B065N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1 (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_000_0017_DP6B065N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.000.0017 - DP6B082D - 27.99N, 88.02W - 2018-07-27 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude) from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP6B082D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1 (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_000_0017_DP6B082D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.000.0017 - DP6B082N - 28.00N, 87.98W - 2018-07-26 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude) from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP6B082N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1 (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_000_0017_DP6B082N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.000.0017 - DP6B175D - 28.99N, 87.51W - 2018-07-21 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude) from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP6B175D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1 (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_000_0017_DP6B175D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.000.0017 - DP6B175D2 - 29.00N, 87.49W - 2018-08-01 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude) from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP6B175D2)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1 (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_000_0017_DP6B175D2 TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.000.0017 - DP6B175N - 29.00N, 87.47W - 2018-07-20 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude) from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP6B175N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1 (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_000_0017_DP6B175N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.000.0017 - DP6B175N2 - 29.01N, 87.31W - 2018-07-21 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude) from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP6B175N2)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1 (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_000_0017_DP6B175N2 TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.000.0017 - DP6B175N3 - 29.01N, 87.31W - 2018-07-21 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude) from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP6B175N3)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1 (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_000_0017_DP6B175N3 TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.000.0017 - DP6B175N4 - 29.00N, 87.49W - 2018-08-01 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude) from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP6B175N4)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1 (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_000_0017_DP6B175N4 TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.000.0017 - DP6B250D - 27.99N, 88.53W - 2018-07-25 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude) from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP6B250D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1 (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_000_0017_DP6B250D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.000.0017 - DP6B250D2 - 27.99N, 88.51W - 2018-07-26 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude) from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP6B250D2)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1 (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_000_0017_DP6B250D2 TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.000.0017 - DP6B250N - 27.98N, 88.51W - 2018-07-25 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude) from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP6B250N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1 (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_000_0017_DP6B250N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.000.0017 - DP6B251D - 28.46N, 88.47W - 2018-07-24 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude) from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP6B251D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1 (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_000_0017_DP6B251D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.000.0017 - DP6B251N - 28.54N, 88.47W - 2018-07-24 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude) from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP6B251N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1 (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_000_0017_DP6B251N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.000.0017 - DP6B252D - 28.52N, 87.43W - 2018-07-31 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude) from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP6B252D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1 (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_000_0017_DP6B252D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.000.0017 - DP6B252N - 28.47N, 87.49W - 2018-07-30 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude) from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP6B252N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1 (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_000_0017_DP6B252N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.000.0017 - DP6B286D - 27.50N, 87.46W - 2018-07-29 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude) from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP6B286D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1 (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_000_0017_DP6B286D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.000.0017 - DP6B286N - 27.49N, 87.50W - 2018-07-28 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude) from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP6B286N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1 (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_000_0017_DP6B286N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.000.0017 - DP6B287D - 28.03N, 87.44W - 2018-07-30 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude) from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP6B287D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1 (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_000_0017_DP6B287D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.000.0017 - DP6B287N - 27.99N, 87.51W - 2018-07-29 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude) from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP6B287N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Seabird 911plus CTD)\ninstrument1 (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_000_0017_DP6B287N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0007 - D3B003D - 28.00N, 87.00W - 2016-05-05 Multiple Opening Closing Net Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) instrument data for Cruise DP03 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, April 30 - May 16, 2016, Viosca Knoll GoM. The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (MOCNESS) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (D3B003D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0007_D3B003D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0007 - D3B003N - 27.89N, 86.88W - 2016-05-04 Multiple Opening Closing Net Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) instrument data for Cruise DP03 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, April 30 - May 16, 2016, Viosca Knoll GoM. The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (MOCNESS) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (D3B003N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0007_D3B003N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0007 - D3B079D - 27.49N, 86.96W - 2016-05-06 Multiple Opening Closing Net Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) instrument data for Cruise DP03 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, April 30 - May 16, 2016, Viosca Knoll GoM. The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (MOCNESS) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (D3B079D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0007_D3B079D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0007 - D3B079N - 27.46N, 86.90W - 2016-05-06 Multiple Opening Closing Net Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) instrument data for Cruise DP03 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, April 30 - May 16, 2016, Viosca Knoll GoM. The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (MOCNESS) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (D3B079N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0007_D3B079N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0007 - D3B081D - 28.50N, 88.01W - 2016-05-12 Multiple Opening Closing Net Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) instrument data for Cruise DP03 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, April 30 - May 16, 2016, Viosca Knoll GoM. The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (MOCNESS) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (D3B081D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0007_D3B081D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0007 - D3B081N - 28.51N, 88.03W - 2016-05-11 Multiple Opening Closing Net Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) instrument data for Cruise DP03 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, April 30 - May 16, 2016, Viosca Knoll GoM. The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (MOCNESS) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (D3B081N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0007_D3B081N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0007 - D3B082D - 28.00N, 88.01W - 2016-05-01 Multiple Opening Closing Net Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) instrument data for Cruise DP03 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, April 30 - May 16, 2016, Viosca Knoll GoM. The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (MOCNESS) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (D3B082D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0007_D3B082D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0007 - D3B082D1 - 27.96N, 88.00W - 2016-05-02 Multiple Opening Closing Net Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) instrument data for Cruise DP03 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, April 30 - May 16, 2016, Viosca Knoll GoM. The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (MOCNESS) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (D3B082D1)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0007_D3B082D1 TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0007 - D3B082N - 27.99N, 88.00W - 2016-05-01 Multiple Opening Closing Net Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) instrument data for Cruise DP03 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, April 30 - May 16, 2016, Viosca Knoll GoM. The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (MOCNESS) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (D3B082N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0007_D3B082N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0007 - D3B175D - 28.99N, 87.50W - 2016-05-13 Multiple Opening Closing Net Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) instrument data for Cruise DP03 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, April 30 - May 16, 2016, Viosca Knoll GoM. The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (MOCNESS) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (D3B175D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0007_D3B175D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0007 - D3B175N - 29.00N, 87.50W - 2016-05-12 Multiple Opening Closing Net Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) instrument data for Cruise DP03 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, April 30 - May 16, 2016, Viosca Knoll GoM. The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (MOCNESS) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (D3B175N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0007_D3B175N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0007 - D3B252D - 28.50N, 28.51W - 2016-05-11 Multiple Opening Closing Net Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) instrument data for Cruise DP03 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, April 30 - May 16, 2016, Viosca Knoll GoM. The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (MOCNESS) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (D3B252D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0007_D3B252D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0007 - D3B252N - 28.49N, 87.55W - 2016-05-11 Multiple Opening Closing Net Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) instrument data for Cruise DP03 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, April 30 - May 16, 2016, Viosca Knoll GoM. The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (MOCNESS) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (D3B252N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0007_D3B252N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0007 - D3B287D - 28.00N, 87.50W - 2016-05-03 Multiple Opening Closing Net Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) instrument data for Cruise DP03 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, April 30 - May 16, 2016, Viosca Knoll GoM. The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (MOCNESS) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (D3B287D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0007_D3B287D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0007 - D3B287N - 27.99N, 87.50W - 2016-05-02 Multiple Opening Closing Net Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) instrument data for Cruise DP03 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, April 30 - May 16, 2016, Viosca Knoll GoM. The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (MOCNESS) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (D3B287N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0007_D3B287N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0007 - D3B287N1 - 27.94N, 87.50W - 2016-05-03 Multiple Opening Closing Net Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) instrument data for Cruise DP03 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, April 30 - May 16, 2016, Viosca Knoll GoM. The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (MOCNESS) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (D3B287N1)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0007_D3B287N1 TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0007 - D3SE04D - 26.96N, 86.42W - 2016-05-08 Multiple Opening Closing Net Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) instrument data for Cruise DP03 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, April 30 - May 16, 2016, Viosca Knoll GoM. The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (MOCNESS) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (D3SE04D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0007_D3SE04D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0007 - D3SE04N - 26.92N, 86.37W - 2016-05-07 Multiple Opening Closing Net Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) instrument data for Cruise DP03 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, April 30 - May 16, 2016, Viosca Knoll GoM. The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (MOCNESS) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (D3SE04N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0007_D3SE04N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0007 - D3SE04N1 - 26.97N, 86.41W - 2016-05-09 Multiple Opening Closing Net Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) instrument data for Cruise DP03 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, April 30 - May 16, 2016, Viosca Knoll GoM. The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (MOCNESS) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (D3SE04N1)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0007_D3SE04N1 TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0007 - D3SE05D - 26.97N, 85.93W - 2016-05-09 Multiple Opening Closing Net Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) instrument data for Cruise DP03 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, April 30 - May 16, 2016, Viosca Knoll GoM. The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (MOCNESS) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (D3SE05D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0007_D3SE05D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0007 - D3SE05N - 27.00N, 85.99W - 2016-05-10 Multiple Opening Closing Net Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) instrument data for Cruise DP03 R/V Point Sur in-situ deep seawater and associated fauna, April 30 - May 16, 2016, Viosca Knoll GoM. The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (MOCNESS) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (D3SE05N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0007_D3SE05N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0008 - DP4B064D - 27.51N, 89.00W - 2016-08-14 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP4B064D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0008_DP4B064D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0008 - DP4B064N - 27.51N, 80.01W - 2016-08-14 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP4B064N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0008_DP4B064N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0008 - DP4B065D - 27.52N, 87.98W - 2016-08-15 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP4B065D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0008_DP4B065D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0008 - DP4B065N - 27.49N, 87.97W - 2016-08-15 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP4B065N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0008_DP4B065N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0008 - DP4B175D - 29.01N, 28.93W - 2016-08-18 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP4B175D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0008_DP4B175D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0008 - DP4B175N - 29.04N, 28.95W - 2016-08-18 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP4B175N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0008_DP4B175N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0008 - DP4B252D - 28.51N, 28.45W - 2016-08-17 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP4B252D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0008_DP4B252D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0008 - DP4B252N - 28.52N, 28.38W - 2016-08-17 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP4B252N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0008_DP4B252N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0008 - DP4B287D - 28.00N, 27.94W - 2016-08-16 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP4B287D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0008_DP4B287D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0008 - DP4B287N - 28.03N, 27.94W - 2016-08-17 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP4B287N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0008_DP4B287N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0008 - DP4SE1D - 27.01N, 87.98W - 2016-08-08 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP4SE1D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0008_DP4SE1D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0008 - DP4SE1N - 26.98N, 87.95W - 2016-08-08 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP4SE1N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0008_DP4SE1N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0008 - DP4SE2D - 27.01N, 87.49W - 2016-08-10 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP4SE2D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0008_DP4SE2D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0008 - DP4SE2N - 26.99N, 87.51W - 2016-08-10 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP4SE2N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0008_DP4SE2N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0008 - DP4SE3D - 27.01N, 86.98W - 2016-08-09 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP4SE3D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0008_DP4SE3D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0008 - DP4SE3N - 26.99N, 86.99W - 2016-08-09 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP4SE3N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0008_DP4SE3N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0008 - DP4SW3D - 27.01N, 88.46W - 2016-08-11 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP4SW3D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0008_DP4SW3D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0008 - DP4SW3N - 26.89N, 88.51W - 2016-08-11 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP4SW3N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0008_DP4SW3N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0008 - DP4SW4D - 26.97N, 88.97W - 2016-08-07 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP4SW4D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0008_DP4SW4D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0008 - DP4SW4N - 26.88N, 89.04W - 2016-08-07 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP4SW4N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0008_DP4SW4N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0008 - DP4SW5D - 26.98N, 89.47W - 2016-08-12 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP4SW5D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0008_DP4SW5D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0008 - DP4SW5N - 26.93N, 89.43W - 2016-08-12 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP4SW5N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0008_DP4SW5N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0008 - DP4SW6D - 26.99N, 89.99W - 2016-08-06 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP4SW6D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0008_DP4SW6D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0008 - DP4SW6D1 - 26.99N, 89.99W - 2016-08-13 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP4SW6D1)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0008_DP4SW6D1 TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0008 - DP4SW6N - 27.00N, 90.01W - 2016-08-05 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP4SW6N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0008_DP4SW6N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0008 - DP4SW6N1 - 26.99N, 89.99W - 2016-08-06 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0004 and R4.x257.226:0012 respectively\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP4SW6N1)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\ndepth (Total Water Depth, m)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dBar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0008_DP4SW6N1 TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0009 - DP5B001N - 29.02N, 87.99W - 2017-05-11 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0005 and R4.x257.226:0014 respectively.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP5B001N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ntrawl_number\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0009_DP5B001N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0009 - DP5B003D - 27.99N, 87.00W - 2017-05-07 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0005 and R4.x257.226:0014 respectively.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP5B003D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ntrawl_number\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0009_DP5B003D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0009 - DP5B003D2 - 27.92N, 87.02W - 2017-05-08 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0005 and R4.x257.226:0014 respectively.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP5B003D2)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ntrawl_number\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0009_DP5B003D2 TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0009 - DP5B003N - 28.00N, 87.00W - 2017-05-07 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0005 and R4.x257.226:0014 respectively.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP5B003N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ntrawl_number\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0009_DP5B003N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0009 - DP5B065N - 28.53N, 88.02W - 2017-05-03 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0005 and R4.x257.226:0014 respectively.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP5B065N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ntrawl_number\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0009_DP5B065N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0009 - DP5B081D - 28.51N, 87.02W - 2017-05-02 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0005 and R4.x257.226:0014 respectively.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP5B081D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ntrawl_number\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0009_DP5B081D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0009 - DP5B081N - 28.51N, 87.99W - 2017-05-01 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0005 and R4.x257.226:0014 respectively.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP5B081N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ntrawl_number\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0009_DP5B081N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0009 - DP5B082D - 28.04N, 88.04W - 2017-05-03 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0005 and R4.x257.226:0014 respectively.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP5B082D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ntrawl_number\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0009_DP5B082D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0009 - DP5B082N - 28.01N, 88.05W - 2017-05-02 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0005 and R4.x257.226:0014 respectively.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP5B082N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ntrawl_number\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0009_DP5B082N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0009 - DP5B175D - 28.99N, 87.48W - 2017-05-10 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0005 and R4.x257.226:0014 respectively.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP5B175D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ntrawl_number\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0009_DP5B175D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0009 - DP5B175D2 - 28.96N, 87.44W - 2017-05-11 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0005 and R4.x257.226:0014 respectively.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP5B175D2)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ntrawl_number\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0009_DP5B175D2 TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0009 - DP5B175N - 29.03N, 87.01W - 2017-05-09 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0005 and R4.x257.226:0014 respectively.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP5B175N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ntrawl_number\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0009_DP5B175N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0009 - DP5B175N2 - 29.09N, 87.63W - 2017-05-10 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0005 and R4.x257.226:0014 respectively.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP5B175N2)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ntrawl_number\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0009_DP5B175N2 TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0009 - DP5B252D - 28.47N, 87.50W - 2017-05-09 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0005 and R4.x257.226:0014 respectively.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP5B252D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ntrawl_number\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0009_DP5B252D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0009 - DP5B252N - 28.49N, 87.50W - 2017-05-08 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0005 and R4.x257.226:0014 respectively.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP5B252N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ntrawl_number\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0009_DP5B252N TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0009 - DP5B287D - 27.97N, 87.12W - 2017-05-06 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0005 and R4.x257.226:0014 respectively.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP5B287D)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ntrawl_number\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0009_DP5B287D TrajectoryProfile - R4.x257.226.0009 - DP5B287N - 28.11N, 87.39W - 2017-05-06 The Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System(s) (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS)) deployed during the DEEPEND field program collects data (e.g., pressure, temperature, conductivity, volume filtered, horizontal and vertical velocity, latitude, and longitude)from several sensors while the instrument is in use. These data help characterize the environment and assess the orientation and speed of the MOCNESS. The flow and net angle can be used to calculate the volume of water filtered for each net. The biological data and ship data collected during this cruise are available in GRIIDC datasets R4.x257.226:0005 and R4.x257.226:0014 respectively.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (DP5B287N)\ntime (Decimal Days, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (Start latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (Start longitude, degrees_east)\nlatitude2 (End latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude2 (End longitude, degrees_east)\ntrawl_number\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nplatform (RV_Point_Sur)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) Nova Southeastern University / Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography R4_x257_226_0009_DP5B287N TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0004 - WS1_B001_D_D - -484.94N, 543.46W - 2010-09-14 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 1 (WS1) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-08 to 2010-09-16. This survey (WS1, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0007.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS1_B001_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0004_WS1_B001_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0004 - WS1_B001_N_D - -484.99N, 543.50W - 2010-09-15 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 1 (WS1) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-08 to 2010-09-16. This survey (WS1, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0007.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS1_B001_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0004_WS1_B001_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0004 - WS1_B016_D_D - -485.50N, 544.50W - 2010-09-16 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 1 (WS1) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-08 to 2010-09-16. This survey (WS1, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0007.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS1_B016_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0004_WS1_B016_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0004 - WS1_B081_D_D - -485.24N, 543.43W - 2010-09-13 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 1 (WS1) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-08 to 2010-09-16. This survey (WS1, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0007.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS1_B081_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0004_WS1_B081_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0004 - WS1_B081_N_D - -485.14N, 543.44W - 2010-09-14 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 1 (WS1) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-08 to 2010-09-16. This survey (WS1, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0007.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS1_B081_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0004_WS1_B081_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0004 - WS1_B083_D_D - -485.47N, 543.93W - 2010-09-11 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 1 (WS1) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-08 to 2010-09-16. This survey (WS1, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0007.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS1_B083_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0004_WS1_B083_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0004 - WS1_B083_N_D - -485.47N, 543.96W - 2010-09-12 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 1 (WS1) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-08 to 2010-09-16. This survey (WS1, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0007.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS1_B083_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0004_WS1_B083_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0004 - WS1_B184_D_D - -485.25N, 543.98W - 2010-09-15 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 1 (WS1) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-08 to 2010-09-16. This survey (WS1, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0007.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS1_B184_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0004_WS1_B184_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0004 - WS1_B184_N_D - -485.18N, 543.98W - 2010-09-16 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 1 (WS1) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-08 to 2010-09-16. This survey (WS1, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0007.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS1_B184_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0004_WS1_B184_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0004 - WS1_B246_D_D - 27.52N, 91.43W - 2010-09-08 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 1 (WS1) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-08 to 2010-09-16. This survey (WS1, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0007.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS1_B246_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0004_WS1_B246_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0004 - WS1_B246_N_D1 - -485.72N, 545.19W - 2010-09-08 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 1 (WS1) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-08 to 2010-09-16. This survey (WS1, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0007.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS1_B246_N_D1)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0004_WS1_B246_N_D1 TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0004 - WS1_B246_N_D2 - 27.50N, 91.49W - 2010-09-09 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 1 (WS1) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-08 to 2010-09-16. This survey (WS1, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0007.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS1_B246_N_D2)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0004_WS1_B246_N_D2 TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0004 - WS1_B247_D_D - -485.74N, 544.69W - 2010-09-09 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 1 (WS1) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-08 to 2010-09-16. This survey (WS1, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0007.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS1_B247_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0004_WS1_B247_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0004 - WS1_B247_N_D - -485.77N, 544.73W - 2010-09-10 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 1 (WS1) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-08 to 2010-09-16. This survey (WS1, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0007.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS1_B247_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0004_WS1_B247_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0004 - WS1_B248_D_D - -485.71N, 544.17W - 2010-09-10 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 1 (WS1) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-08 to 2010-09-16. This survey (WS1, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0007.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS1_B248_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0004_WS1_B248_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0004 - WS1_B248_N_D - -485.71N, 544.18W - 2010-09-11 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 1 (WS1) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-08 to 2010-09-16. This survey (WS1, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0007.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS1_B248_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0004_WS1_B248_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0004 - WS1_B250_D_D - -485.49N, 543.72W - 2010-09-12 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 1 (WS1) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-08 to 2010-09-16. This survey (WS1, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0007.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS1_B250_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0004_WS1_B250_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0004 - WS1_B250_N_D - -485.47N, 543.71W - 2010-09-13 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 1 (WS1) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-08 to 2010-09-16. This survey (WS1, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0007.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS1_B250_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0004_WS1_B250_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0005 - WS3_B175_D_D - -484.99N, 543.24W - 2010-09-28 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0009.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS3_B175_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0005_WS3_B175_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0005 - WS3_B175_N_D - -484.98N, 543.25W - 2010-09-28 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0009.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS3_B175_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0005_WS3_B175_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0005 - WS3_B249_N2_D - -485.79N, 543.73W - 2010-09-30 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0009.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS3_B249_N2_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0005_WS3_B249_N2_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0005 - WS3_B251_D_D - -485.20N, 543.74W - 2010-09-27 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0009.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS3_B251_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0005_WS3_B251_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0005 - WS3_B251_N_D - -485.24N, 543.69W - 2010-09-27 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0009.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS3_B251_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0005_WS3_B251_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0005 - WS3_B287_D_D - -485.42N, 543.26W - 2010-09-29 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0009.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS3_B287_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0005_WS3_B287_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0005 - WS3_B287_N_D - -485.43N, 543.26W - 2010-09-29 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0009.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS3_B287_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0005_WS3_B287_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0005 - WS3_SW6_D_D - -485.99N, 544.51W - 2010-10-01 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0009.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS3_SW6_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0005_WS3_SW6_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0005 - WS3_SW6_N_D - -485.96N, 544.50W - 2010-10-01 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0009.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS3_SW6_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0005_WS3_SW6_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0005 - WS3_SW8_N_D - -485.99N, 545.00W - 2010-10-02 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0009.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS3_SW8_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0005_WS3_SW8_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B061_D1_D - -485.74N, 544.44W - 2011-04-23 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B061_D1_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B061_D1_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B061_D2_D - -485.72N, 544.44W - 2011-04-24 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B061_D2_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B061_D2_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B061_D3_S - -485.74N, 544.50W - 2011-04-25 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B061_D3_S)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B061_D3_S TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B061_N1_D - -485.75N, 544.44W - 2011-04-24 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B061_N1_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B061_N1_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B061_N2_D - -485.74N, 544.45W - 2011-04-25 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B061_N2_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B061_N2_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B061_N3_S - -485.75N, 544.48W - 2011-04-26 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B061_N3_S)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B061_N3_S TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B080_D1_D - -485.22N, 543.01W - 2011-05-18 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B080_D1_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B080_D1_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B080_D2_D - -485.24N, 542.95W - 2011-05-19 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B080_D2_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B080_D2_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B080_D3_S - -485.23N, 543.02W - 2011-05-20 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B080_D3_S)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B080_D3_S TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B080_N1_D - -485.25N, 543.00W - 2011-05-19 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B080_N1_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B080_N1_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B080_N2_D - -485.25N, 543.00W - 2011-05-20 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B080_N2_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B080_N2_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B080_N3_S - -485.25N, 542.99W - 2011-05-21 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B080_N3_S)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B080_N3_S TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B082_D1_D - -485.49N, 543.48W - 2011-05-21 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B082_D1_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B082_D1_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B082_D2_D - -485.49N, 543.47W - 2011-05-22 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B082_D2_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B082_D2_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B082_D3_S - -485.49N, 543.47W - 2011-05-23 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B082_D3_S)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B082_D3_S TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B082_N1_D - -485.50N, 543.45W - 2011-05-22 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B082_N1_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B082_N1_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B082_N2_D - -485.49N, 543.50W - 2011-05-23 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B082_N2_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B082_N2_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B082_N3_S - -485.50N, 543.50W - 2011-05-24 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B082_N3_S)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B082_N3_S TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B083_D1_D - -485.49N, 543.94W - 2011-04-26 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B083_D1_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B083_D1_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B083_D3_S - -485.50N, 543.96W - 2011-04-29 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B083_D3_S)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B083_D3_S TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B083_N2_D - -485.45N, 543.94W - 2011-04-29 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B083_N2_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B083_N2_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B083_N3_S - -485.49N, 543.95W - 2011-04-30 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B083_N3_S)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B083_N3_S TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B184_D1_D - -485.21N, 543.95W - 2011-05-05 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B184_D1_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B184_D1_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B184_D2_D - -485.20N, 543.96W - 2011-05-06 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B184_D2_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B184_D2_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B184_D3_D - -485.22N, 543.96W - 2011-05-07 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B184_D3_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B184_D3_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B184_N1_D - -485.23N, 543.95W - 2011-05-06 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B184_N1_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B184_N1_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B184_N2_D - -485.23N, 543.96W - 2011-05-07 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B184_N2_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B184_N2_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B184_N3_D - -485.25N, 499.50W - 2011-05-08 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B184_N3_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B184_N3_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B185_D1_D - -485.48N, 544.19W - 2011-04-20 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B185_D1_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B185_D1_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B185_D2_D - -485.50N, 544.22W - 2011-04-21 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B185_D2_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B185_D2_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B185_D3_S - -485.49N, 544.24W - 2011-04-22 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B185_D3_S)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B185_D3_S TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B185_N1_D - -485.49N, 544.21W - 2011-04-21 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B185_N1_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B185_N1_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B185_N2_D - -485.50N, 544.23W - 2011-04-22 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B185_N2_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B185_N2_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_B185_N3_S - -485.50N, 544.23W - 2011-04-23 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_B185_N3_S)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_B185_N3_S TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_WS01_D1_D - -484.92N, 543.49W - 2011-05-11 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_WS01_D1_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_WS01_D1_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_WS01_D2_D - -484.92N, 543.50W - 2011-05-12 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_WS01_D2_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_WS01_D2_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_WS01_D3_S - -484.92N, 543.49W - 2011-05-13 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_WS01_D3_S)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_WS01_D3_S TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_WS01_N1_D1 - -484.92N, 543.50W - 2011-05-12 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_WS01_N1_D1)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_WS01_N1_D1 TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_WS01_N1_D2 - -484.93N, 543.52W - 2011-05-14 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_WS01_N1_D2)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_WS01_N1_D2 TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_WS01_N2_D - -484.93N, 543.51W - 2011-05-13 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_WS01_N2_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_WS01_N2_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_WS01_N3_S - -484.93N, 543.52W - 2011-05-14 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_WS01_N3_S)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_WS01_N3_S TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_WS02_D1_D - -485.14N, 543.62W - 2011-05-08 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_WS02_D1_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_WS02_D1_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_WS02_D2_D - -485.13N, 543.59W - 2011-05-09 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_WS02_D2_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_WS02_D2_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_WS02_D3_S - -485.13N, 543.69W - 2011-05-10 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_WS02_D3_S)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_WS02_D3_S TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_WS02_N1_D - -485.19N, 543.54W - 2011-05-09 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_WS02_N1_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_WS02_N1_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_WS02_N2_D - -485.16N, 543.59W - 2011-05-10 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_WS02_N2_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_WS02_N2_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_WS02_N3_S - 28.68N, 88.40W - 2011-05-11 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_WS02_N3_S)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_WS02_N3_S TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_WS03_D1_S - -485.19N, 543.36W - 2011-05-24 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_WS03_D1_S)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_WS03_D1_S TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_WS03_D2_D - -485.19N, 543.33W - 2011-05-25 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_WS03_D2_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_WS03_D2_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_WS03_D3_D - -485.19N, 543.30W - 2011-05-26 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_WS03_D3_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_WS03_D3_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_WS03_N1_S - -485.20N, 543.38W - 2011-05-25 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_WS03_N1_S)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_WS03_N1_S TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_WS03_N2_D - -485.21N, 543.37W - 2011-05-26 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_WS03_N2_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_WS03_N2_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0006 - WS4_WS03_N3_D - -485.12N, 543.37W - 2011-05-27 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the R/V F.G. Walton Smith during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Walton Smith 3 (WS3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-26 to 2010-10-02. This survey (WS3, chief scientist: Malinda Sutor) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume).This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton data found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0010.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (WS4_WS03_N3_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (RV_Walton_Smith)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0006_WS4_WS03_N3_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0028 - NSPC3_B064_D_D - 27.49N, 89.02W - 2010-10-02 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC3 (NSPC3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-25 to 2010-10-03. This survey (NSPC3, chief scientist: Tara Bardi) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. The dataset includes profile data collected (e.g. time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0025 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-7fxg-2980).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NSPC3_B064_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg/m^3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m/s)\nhorizontal_velocity (m/s)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0028_NSPC3_B064_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0028 - NSPC3_B064_N_D - 27.56N, 88.99W - 2010-10-02 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC3 (NSPC3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-25 to 2010-10-03. This survey (NSPC3, chief scientist: Tara Bardi) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. The dataset includes profile data collected (e.g. time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0025 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-7fxg-2980).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NSPC3_B064_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg/m^3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m/s)\nhorizontal_velocity (m/s)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0028_NSPC3_B064_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0028 - NSPC3_B245_D_D - 27.51N, 92.50W - 2010-09-25 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC3 (NSPC3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-25 to 2010-10-03. This survey (NSPC3, chief scientist: Tara Bardi) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. The dataset includes profile data collected (e.g. time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0025 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-7fxg-2980).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NSPC3_B245_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg/m^3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m/s)\nhorizontal_velocity (m/s)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0028_NSPC3_B245_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0028 - NSPC3_B245_N_D - 13.76N, 46.26W - 2010-09-25 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC3 (NSPC3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-25 to 2010-10-03. This survey (NSPC3, chief scientist: Tara Bardi) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. The dataset includes profile data collected (e.g. time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0025 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-7fxg-2980).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NSPC3_B245_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg/m^3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m/s)\nhorizontal_velocity (m/s)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0028_NSPC3_B245_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0028 - NSPC3_B247_D_D - 27.52N, 90.48W - 2010-09-28 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC3 (NSPC3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-25 to 2010-10-03. This survey (NSPC3, chief scientist: Tara Bardi) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. The dataset includes profile data collected (e.g. time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0025 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-7fxg-2980).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NSPC3_B247_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg/m^3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m/s)\nhorizontal_velocity (m/s)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0028_NSPC3_B247_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0028 - NSPC3_B247_N_D - 13.78N, 45.26W - 2010-09-28 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC3 (NSPC3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-25 to 2010-10-03. This survey (NSPC3, chief scientist: Tara Bardi) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. The dataset includes profile data collected (e.g. time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0025 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-7fxg-2980).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NSPC3_B247_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg/m^3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m/s)\nhorizontal_velocity (m/s)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0028_NSPC3_B247_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0028 - NSPC3_B248_D_D - 27.42N, 89.45W - 2010-09-30 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC3 (NSPC3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-25 to 2010-10-03. This survey (NSPC3, chief scientist: Tara Bardi) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. The dataset includes profile data collected (e.g. time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0025 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-7fxg-2980).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NSPC3_B248_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg/m^3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m/s)\nhorizontal_velocity (m/s)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0028_NSPC3_B248_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0028 - NSPC3_B248_N_D - 13.79N, 44.76W - 2010-09-30 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC3 (NSPC3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-25 to 2010-10-03. This survey (NSPC3, chief scientist: Tara Bardi) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. The dataset includes profile data collected (e.g. time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0025 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-7fxg-2980).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NSPC3_B248_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg/m^3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m/s)\nhorizontal_velocity (m/s)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0028_NSPC3_B248_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0028 - NSPC3_SW10_D_D - 13.51N, 46.01W - 2010-09-26 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC3 (NSPC3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-25 to 2010-10-03. This survey (NSPC3, chief scientist: Tara Bardi) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. The dataset includes profile data collected (e.g. time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0025 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-7fxg-2980).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NSPC3_SW10_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg/m^3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m/s)\nhorizontal_velocity (m/s)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0028_NSPC3_SW10_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0028 - NSPC3_SW10_N_D - 13.51N, 46.00W - 2010-09-26 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC3 (NSPC3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-25 to 2010-10-03. This survey (NSPC3, chief scientist: Tara Bardi) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. The dataset includes profile data collected (e.g. time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0025 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-7fxg-2980).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NSPC3_SW10_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg/m^3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m/s)\nhorizontal_velocity (m/s)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0028_NSPC3_SW10_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0028 - NSPC3_SW6_D_D - 27.07N, 89.94W - 2010-09-29 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC3 (NSPC3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-25 to 2010-10-03. This survey (NSPC3, chief scientist: Tara Bardi) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. The dataset includes profile data collected (e.g. time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0025 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-7fxg-2980).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NSPC3_SW6_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg/m^3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m/s)\nhorizontal_velocity (m/s)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0028_NSPC3_SW6_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0028 - NSPC3_SW6_N_D - 13.51N, 45.00W - 2010-09-29 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC3 (NSPC3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-25 to 2010-10-03. This survey (NSPC3, chief scientist: Tara Bardi) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. The dataset includes profile data collected (e.g. time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0025 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-7fxg-2980).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NSPC3_SW6_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg/m^3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m/s)\nhorizontal_velocity (m/s)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0028_NSPC3_SW6_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0028 - NSPC3_SW8_D_D - 26.93N, 90.99W - 2010-09-27 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC3 (NSPC3) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-25 to 2010-10-03. This survey (NSPC3, chief scientist: Tara Bardi) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. The dataset includes profile data collected (e.g. time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0025 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-7fxg-2980).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NSPC3_SW8_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg/m^3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m^3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m/s)\nhorizontal_velocity (m/s)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0028_NSPC3_SW8_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0029 - NSPC4_B061_D_D - 27.45N, 89.92W - 2010-10-20 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC4 (NSPC4) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-10-16 to 2010-10-24. This survey (NSPC4, chief scientist: Mark Benfield) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. The dataset includes profile data collected (e.g. time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0026.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NSPC4_B061_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (MV_Nick_Skansi)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0029_NSPC4_B061_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0029 - NSPC4_B061_N_D - 27.57N, 89.96W - 2010-10-20 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC4 (NSPC4) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-10-16 to 2010-10-24. This survey (NSPC4, chief scientist: Mark Benfield) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. The dataset includes profile data collected (e.g. time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0026.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NSPC4_B061_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (MV_Nick_Skansi)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0029_NSPC4_B061_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0029 - NSPC4_B083_D_D - 27.94N, 88.94W - 2010-10-23 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC4 (NSPC4) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-10-16 to 2010-10-24. This survey (NSPC4, chief scientist: Mark Benfield) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. The dataset includes profile data collected (e.g. time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0026.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NSPC4_B083_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (MV_Nick_Skansi)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0029_NSPC4_B083_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0029 - NSPC4_B083_N_D - 14.01N, 44.51W - 2010-10-23 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC4 (NSPC4) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-10-16 to 2010-10-24. This survey (NSPC4, chief scientist: Mark Benfield) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. The dataset includes profile data collected (e.g. time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0026.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NSPC4_B083_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (MV_Nick_Skansi)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0029_NSPC4_B083_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0029 - NSPC4_B185_D_D - 27.93N, 89.45W - 2010-10-22 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC4 (NSPC4) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-10-16 to 2010-10-24. This survey (NSPC4, chief scientist: Mark Benfield) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. The dataset includes profile data collected (e.g. time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0026.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NSPC4_B185_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (MV_Nick_Skansi)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0029_NSPC4_B185_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0029 - NSPC4_B185_N_D - 28.00N, 89.47W - 2010-10-22 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC4 (NSPC4) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-10-16 to 2010-10-24. This survey (NSPC4, chief scientist: Mark Benfield) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. The dataset includes profile data collected (e.g. time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0026.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NSPC4_B185_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (MV_Nick_Skansi)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0029_NSPC4_B185_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0029 - NSPC4_SW11_D_D - 27.09N, 92.45W - 2010-10-16 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC4 (NSPC4) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-10-16 to 2010-10-24. This survey (NSPC4, chief scientist: Mark Benfield) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. The dataset includes profile data collected (e.g. time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0026.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NSPC4_SW11_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (MV_Nick_Skansi)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0029_NSPC4_SW11_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0029 - NSPC4_SW11_N_D - 13.57N, 46.26W - 2010-10-16 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC4 (NSPC4) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-10-16 to 2010-10-24. This survey (NSPC4, chief scientist: Mark Benfield) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. The dataset includes profile data collected (e.g. time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0026.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NSPC4_SW11_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (MV_Nick_Skansi)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0029_NSPC4_SW11_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0029 - NSPC4_SW1_D_D - 13.86N, 45.51W - 2010-10-18 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC4 (NSPC4) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-10-16 to 2010-10-24. This survey (NSPC4, chief scientist: Mark Benfield) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. The dataset includes profile data collected (e.g. time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0026.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NSPC4_SW1_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (MV_Nick_Skansi)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0029_NSPC4_SW1_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0029 - NSPC4_SW1_N_D - 27.46N, 91.00W - 2010-10-18 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC4 (NSPC4) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-10-16 to 2010-10-24. This survey (NSPC4, chief scientist: Mark Benfield) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. The dataset includes profile data collected (e.g. time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0026.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NSPC4_SW1_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (MV_Nick_Skansi)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0029_NSPC4_SW1_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0029 - NSPC4_SW5_D_D - 27.09N, 89.48W - 2010-10-21 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC4 (NSPC4) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-10-16 to 2010-10-24. This survey (NSPC4, chief scientist: Mark Benfield) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. The dataset includes profile data collected (e.g. time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0026.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NSPC4_SW5_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (MV_Nick_Skansi)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0029_NSPC4_SW5_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0029 - NSPC4_SW5_N_D - 27.00N, 89.43W - 2010-10-21 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC4 (NSPC4) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-10-16 to 2010-10-24. This survey (NSPC4, chief scientist: Mark Benfield) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. The dataset includes profile data collected (e.g. time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0026.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NSPC4_SW5_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (MV_Nick_Skansi)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0029_NSPC4_SW5_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0029 - NSPC4_SW7_D_D - 27.07N, 90.56W - 2010-10-19 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC4 (NSPC4) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-10-16 to 2010-10-24. This survey (NSPC4, chief scientist: Mark Benfield) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. The dataset includes profile data collected (e.g. time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0026.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NSPC4_SW7_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (MV_Nick_Skansi)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0029_NSPC4_SW7_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0029 - NSPC4_SW7_N_D - 27.04N, 90.50W - 2010-10-19 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC4 (NSPC4) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-10-16 to 2010-10-24. This survey (NSPC4, chief scientist: Mark Benfield) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. The dataset includes profile data collected (e.g. time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0026.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NSPC4_SW7_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (MV_Nick_Skansi)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0029_NSPC4_SW7_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0029 - NSPC4_SW9_D_D - 26.92N, 91.47W - 2010-10-17 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC4 (NSPC4) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-10-16 to 2010-10-24. This survey (NSPC4, chief scientist: Mark Benfield) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. The dataset includes profile data collected (e.g. time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0026.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NSPC4_SW9_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (MV_Nick_Skansi)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0029_NSPC4_SW9_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0029 - NSPC4_SW9_N_D - 13.50N, 45.77W - 2010-10-17 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi PC4 (NSPC4) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2010-10-16 to 2010-10-24. This survey (NSPC4, chief scientist: Mark Benfield) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. The dataset includes profile data collected (e.g. time, longitude, latitude, salinity, temperature, depth, fluorescence, velocity, and volume). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset found at DOI: R6.x815.000:0026.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NSPC4_SW9_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_C)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degrees)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (m s-1)\nplatform (MV_Nick_Skansi)\ninstrument (Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNEES))\ncrs\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0029_NSPC4_SW9_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0030 - NS9_B001_D_D - 14.49N, 44.06W - 2011-04-18 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NS9_B001_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0030_NS9_B001_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0030 - NS9_B001_N_D - 28.96N, 88.05W - 2011-04-17 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NS9_B001_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0030_NS9_B001_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0030 - NS9_B003_D_D - 14.01N, 43.54W - 2011-04-21 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NS9_B003_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0030_NS9_B003_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0030 - NS9_B003_N_D - 27.99N, 86.99W - 2011-04-20 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NS9_B003_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0030_NS9_B003_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0030 - NS9_B016_D_D - 27.97N, 89.97W - 2011-05-10 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NS9_B016_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0030_NS9_B016_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0030 - NS9_B016_D_S - 28.00N, 89.97W - 2011-05-10 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NS9_B016_D_S)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0030_NS9_B016_D_S TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0030 - NS9_B016_N_D - 27.98N, 89.97W - 2011-05-10 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NS9_B016_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0030_NS9_B016_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0030 - NS9_B016_N_S - 27.99N, 89.99W - 2011-05-10 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NS9_B016_N_S)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0030_NS9_B016_N_S TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0030 - NS9_B061_D_D - 27.46N, 89.99W - 2011-05-11 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NS9_B061_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0030_NS9_B061_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0030 - NS9_B061_D_S - 13.75N, 45.01W - 2011-05-11 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NS9_B061_D_S)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0030_NS9_B061_D_S TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0030 - NS9_B061_N_D - 27.48N, 89.98W - 2011-05-11 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NS9_B061_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0030_NS9_B061_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0030 - NS9_B064_D_D - 27.47N, 88.96W - 2011-05-07 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NS9_B064_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0030_NS9_B064_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0030 - NS9_B064_D_S - 27.51N, 89.00W - 2011-05-07 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NS9_B064_D_S)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0030_NS9_B064_D_S TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0030 - NS9_B064_N_D - 27.48N, 89.04W - 2011-05-07 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NS9_B064_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0030_NS9_B064_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0030 - NS9_B064_N_S - 13.71N, 44.55W - 2011-05-08 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NS9_B064_N_S)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0030_NS9_B064_N_S TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0030 - NS9_B065_D_D - 13.77N, 44.01W - 2011-05-22 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NS9_B065_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0030_NS9_B065_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0030 - NS9_B065_D_S - 27.52N, 87.87W - 2011-05-22 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NS9_B065_D_S)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0030_NS9_B065_D_S TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0030 - NS9_B065_N_D - 27.51N, 87.95W - 2011-05-21 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NS9_B065_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0030_NS9_B065_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0030 - NS9_B078_D_D - 27.42N, 86.04W - 2011-06-05 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NS9_B078_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0030_NS9_B078_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0030 - NS9_B078_D_S - 27.47N, 86.02W - 2011-06-05 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NS9_B078_D_S)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0030_NS9_B078_D_S TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0030 - NS9_B078_N_D - 27.49N, 86.01W - 2011-06-04 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NS9_B078_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0030_NS9_B078_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0030 - NS9_B078_N_S - 13.75N, 43.03W - 2011-06-04 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NS9_B078_N_S)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0030_NS9_B078_N_S TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0030 - NS9_B079_D_D - 13.78N, 43.53W - 2011-05-24 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NS9_B079_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0030_NS9_B079_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0030 - NS9_B079_N_D - 27.48N, 87.01W - 2011-05-23 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NS9_B079_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0030_NS9_B079_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0030 - NS9_B079_N_S - 27.47N, 86.96W - 2011-05-23 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NS9_B079_N_S)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0030_NS9_B079_N_S TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0030 - NS9_B080_D_D - 14.25N, 43.52W - 2011-04-20 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NS9_B080_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0030_NS9_B080_D_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0030 - NS9_B080_D_S - 28.44N, 87.02W - 2011-04-20 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NS9_B080_D_S)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0030_NS9_B080_D_S TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0030 - NS9_B080_N_D - 14.25N, 43.50W - 2011-04-19 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NS9_B080_N_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0030_NS9_B080_N_D TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0030 - NS9_B080_N_S - 28.45N, 87.01W - 2011-04-20 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NS9_B080_N_S)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University of Southern Mississippi / Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi / Department of Coastal Sciences R6_x815_000_0030_NS9_B080_N_S TrajectoryProfile - R6.x815.000.0030 - NS9_B081_D_D - 28.45N, 87.94W - 2011-04-24 This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntrajectory (NS9_B081_D_D)\ntime (julian Days [days], seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth_range (Depth range of MOC10 net tow, m)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\nsea_water_temperature (Temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_salinity (PSU)\nsea_water_potential_temperature (potential temperature, degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_sigma_t (density, kg m-3)\nsignal_strength (Signal Strength/echo intensity, count)\nnet_number (number of net)\nvolume_filtered (volumen of filtered water, m3)\nnet_angle (angle of net, degree)\nwater_flow (flow of water, m s-1)\nhorizontal_velocity (m s-1)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) University