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griddap Subset tabledap Make A Graph wms files Title Summary FGDC ISO 19115 Info Background Info RSS Email Institution Dataset ID TimeSeries - R4_x260_204_0030 - CONCORDE_2015_Fall-Spring_ADCP_C1 - 29.28N, 88.82W - 2015-11-03 Mixing Array Bottom Moorings from Fall 2015 to Spring 2016. Five Bottom moorings were deployed and collected data for approximately five months between the fall 2015 and spring 2016.  The bottom moorings were instrumented with bottom mounted ADCPs, which collected time series of u, v, & w currents at discrete depth levels of 1 m or finer.  Acoustic backscatter intensity data were also collected by the ADCPs.  The mounts for the Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) also had a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) sensor to collect time series of bottom temperature, salinity, pressure, and significant wave height.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile\nVARIABLES:\nstation (CONCORDE_2015_Fall-Spring_ADCP_C1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature_at_sea_floor (Temperature, degree_C)\ncell_depth (depth of cell, meters)\nzonal_sea_water_velocity (Zonal velocity, m s-1)\nmeridional_sea_water_velocity (meridional velocity, m s-1)\nvertical_sea_water_velocity (vertical velocity, m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (vertical velocity component, m s-1)\nvelocity_error (m s-1)\necho_amplitude (Signal Amplitude or Echo Intensity, count)\neia (Electronic Industries Association [counts], count)\nsignal_correlation (count)\npercent_good (percent)\nplatform (mooring)\ninstrument (ADCP)\ninstrument1 (CTD)\ncrs (grid mapping variable for horizontal spatial coordinate reference system (CRS))\n (external link) Naval Research Laboratory at Stennis Space Center / Ocean Sciences Branch R4_x260_204_0030_CONCORDE_2015_Fall_Spring_ADCP_C1 TimeSeries - R4_x260_204_0030 - CONCORDE_2015_Fall-Spring_ADCP_C2 - 29.28N, 88.68W - 2015-11-03 Five Bottom moorings were deployed and collected data for approximately five months between the fall 2015 and spring 2016.  The bottom moorings were instrumented with bottom mounted ADCPs, which collected time series of u, v, & w currents at discrete depth levels of 1 m or finer.  Acoustic backscatter intensity data were also collected by the ADCPs.  The mounts for the Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) also had a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) sensor to collect time series of bottom temperature, salinity, pressure, and significant wave height.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile\nVARIABLES:\nstation (CONCORDE_2015_Fall-Spring_ADCP_C2)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature_at_sea_floor (Temperature, degree_C)\ncell_depth (depth of cell, meters)\nzonal_sea_water_velocity (Zonal velocity, m s-1)\nmeridional_sea_water_velocity (meridional velocity, m s-1)\nvertical_sea_water_velocity (vertical velocity, m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (vertical velocity component, m s-1)\nvelocity_error (m s-1)\necho_amplitude (Signal Amplitude or Echo Intensity, count)\neia (Electronic Industries Association [counts], count)\nsignal_correlation (count)\npercent_good (percent)\nplatform (mooring)\ninstrument (ADCP)\ninstrument1 (CTD)\ncrs (grid mapping variable for horizontal spatial coordinate reference system (CRS))\n (external link) Naval Research Laboratory at Stennis Space Center / Ocean Sciences Branch R4_x260_204_0030_CONCORDE_2015_Fall_Spring_ADCP_C2 TimeSeries - R4_x260_204_0030 - CONCORDE_2015_Fall-Spring_ADCP_C3 - 29.28N, 88.56W - 2015-11-03 Five Bottom moorings were deployed and collected data for approximately five months between the fall 2015 and spring 2016.  The bottom moorings were instrumented with bottom mounted ADCPs, which collected time series of u, v, & w currents at discrete depth levels of 1 m or finer.  Acoustic backscatter intensity data were also collected by the ADCPs.  The mounts for the Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) also had a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) sensor to collect time series of bottom temperature, salinity, pressure, and significant wave height.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile\nVARIABLES:\nstation (CONCORDE_2015_Fall-Spring_ADCP_C3)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature_at_sea_floor (Temperature, degree_C)\ncell_depth (depth of cell, meters)\nzonal_sea_water_velocity (Zonal velocity, m s-1)\nmeridional_sea_water_velocity (meridional velocity, m s-1)\nvertical_sea_water_velocity (vertical velocity, m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (vertical velocity component, m s-1)\nvelocity_error (m s-1)\necho_amplitude (Signal Amplitude or Echo Intensity, count)\neia (Electronic Industries Association [counts], count)\nsignal_correlation (count)\npercent_good (percent)\nplatform (mooring)\ninstrument (ADCP)\ninstrument1 (CTD)\ncrs (grid mapping variable for horizontal spatial coordinate reference system (CRS))\n (external link) Naval Research Laboratory at Stennis Space Center / Ocean Sciences Branch R4_x260_204_0030_CONCORDE_2015_Fall_Spring_ADCP_C3 TimeSeries - R4_x260_204_0030 - CONCORDE_2015_Fall-Spring_ADCP_C4 - 29.34N, 88.80W - 2015-11-03 Mixing Array Bottom Moorings from Fall 2015 to Spring 2016. Five Bottom moorings were deployed and collected data for approximately five months between the fall 2015 and spring 2016.  The bottom moorings were instrumented with bottom mounted ADCPs, which collected time series of u, v, & w currents at discrete depth levels of 1 m or finer.  Acoustic backscatter intensity data were also collected by the ADCPs.  The mounts for the Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) also had a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) sensor to collect time series of bottom temperature, salinity, pressure, and significant wave height.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile\nVARIABLES:\nstation (CONCORDE_2015_Fall-Spring_ADCP_C4)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature_at_sea_floor (Temperature, degree_C)\ncell_depth (depth of cell, meters)\nzonal_sea_water_velocity (Zonal velocity, m s-1)\nmeridional_sea_water_velocity (meridional velocity, m s-1)\nvertical_sea_water_velocity (vertical velocity, m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (vertical velocity component, m s-1)\nvelocity_error (m s-1)\necho_amplitude (Signal Amplitude or Echo Intensity, count)\neia (Electronic Industries Association [counts], count)\nsignal_correlation (count)\npercent_good (percent)\nplatform (mooring)\ninstrument (ADCP)\ninstrument1 (CTD)\ncrs (grid mapping variable for horizontal spatial coordinate reference system (CRS))\n (external link) Naval Research Laboratory at Stennis Space Center / Ocean Sciences Branch R4_x260_204_0030_CONCORDE_2015_Fall_Spring_ADCP_C4 TimeSeries - R4_x260_204_0030 - CONCORDE_2015_Fall-Spring_ADCP_C5 - 29.36N, 88.68W - 2015-11-03 Mixing Array Bottom Moorings from Fall 2015 to Spring 2016. Five Bottom moorings were deployed and collected data for approximately five months between the fall 2015 and spring 2016.  The bottom moorings were instrumented with bottom mounted ADCPs, which collected time series of u, v, & w currents at discrete depth levels of 1 m or finer.  Acoustic backscatter intensity data were also collected by the ADCPs.  The mounts for the Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) also had a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) sensor to collect time series of bottom temperature, salinity, pressure, and significant wave height.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile\nVARIABLES:\nstation (CONCORDE_2015_Fall-Spring_ADCP_C5)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature_at_sea_floor (Temperature, degree_C)\ncell_depth (depth of cell, meters)\nzonal_sea_water_velocity (Zonal velocity, m s-1)\nmeridional_sea_water_velocity (meridional velocity, m s-1)\nvertical_sea_water_velocity (vertical velocity, m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (vertical velocity component, m s-1)\nvelocity_error (m s-1)\necho_amplitude (Signal Amplitude or Echo Intensity, count)\neia (Electronic Industries Association [counts], count)\nsignal_correlation (count)\npercent_good (percent)\nplatform (mooring)\ninstrument (ADCP)\ninstrument1 (CTD)\ncrs (grid mapping variable for horizontal spatial coordinate reference system (CRS))\n (external link) Naval Research Laboratory at Stennis Space Center / Ocean Sciences Branch R4_x260_204_0030_CONCORDE_2015_Fall_Spring_ADCP_C5 TimeSeriesProfile - R4_x260_204_0032 - CONCORDE_2016_Spring_MobileBay_ADCP_M1 - 30.05N, 88.12W - 2016-03-29 Mixing Array Bottom Moorings for Mobile Bay, March 29 to April 15, 2016. Six bottom moorings were deployed and collected data from March 29 to April 15, 2016. The bottom moorings were instrumented with bottom mounted ADCPs, which collected time series of u, v, and w currents at discrete depth levels of 1 m or finer. Acoustic backscatter intensity data were also collected by the ADCPs. The mounts for the Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) also had a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) or p-pod pressure sensor. The CTDs collected time series of bottom temperature, salinity, and pressure. The p-pods collected time series of bottom temperature, pressure, and significant wave height. At the M2 mooring, an automatic profiling unit was deployed, called the Bio-Optical Physical Pop-Up Environmental Reconnaissance System (BOPPERS). This unit consisted of the bottom mooring of the ADCPs, with the addition of a profiling unit that made profiles every 3 hours (if possible). It collected profiles of temperature, salinity, and bio-optical properties of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), fluorescence, optical backscatter, beam attenuation, and down welling irradiance. It also measured waves while at the surface. The BOPPERS data can be found in dataset R4.x260.000:0088.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile\nVARIABLES:\nstation (CONCORDE_2016_Spring_MobileBay_ADCP_M1)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nmatlabTime (matlab serial date number, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncell_depth (depth of cell, meters)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_C)\nzonal_velocity (Zonal velocity component, m s-1)\nmeridional_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (vertical velocity component, m s-1)\nvelocity_error (m s-1)\necho_amplitude (Signal Amplitude or Echo Intensity, count)\nsignal_correlation (count)\n... (5 more variables)\n (external link) Naval Research Laboratory at Stennis Space Center / Ocean Sciences Branch R4_x260_204_0032_CONCORDE_2016_Spring_MobileBay_ADCP_M1 TimeSeriesProfile - R4_x260_204_0032 - CONCORDE_2016_Spring_MobileBay_ADCP_M2 - 30.05N, 88.12W - 2016-04-03 Mixing Array Bottom Moorings for Mobile Bay, March 29 to April 15, 2016. Six bottom moorings were deployed and collected data from March 29 to April 15, 2016. The bottom moorings were instrumented with bottom mounted ADCPs, which collected time series of u, v, and w currents at discrete depth levels of 1 m or finer. Acoustic backscatter intensity data were also collected by the ADCPs. The mounts for the Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) also had a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) or p-pod pressure sensor. The CTDs collected time series of bottom temperature, salinity, and pressure. The p-pods collected time series of bottom temperature, pressure, and significant wave height. At the M2 mooring, an automatic profiling unit was deployed, called the Bio-Optical Physical Pop-Up Environmental Reconnaissance System (BOPPERS). This unit consisted of the bottom mooring of the ADCPs, with the addition of a profiling unit that made profiles every 3 hours (if possible). It collected profiles of temperature, salinity, and bio-optical properties of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), fluorescence, optical backscatter, beam attenuation, and down welling irradiance. It also measured waves while at the surface. The BOPPERS data can be found in dataset R4.x260.000:0088.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile\nVARIABLES:\nstation (CONCORDE_2016_Spring_MobileBay_ADCP_M2)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nmatlabTime (matlab serial date number, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncell_depth (depth of cell, meters)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_C)\nzonal_velocity (Zonal velocity component, m s-1)\nmeridional_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (vertical velocity component, m s-1)\nvelocity_error (m s-1)\necho_amplitude (Signal Amplitude or Echo Intensity, count)\nsignal_correlation (count)\n... (5 more variables)\n (external link) Naval Research Laboratory at Stennis Space Center / Ocean Sciences Branch R4_x260_204_0032_CONCORDE_2016_Spring_MobileBay_ADCP_M2 TimeSeriesProfile - R4_x260_204_0032 - CONCORDE_2016_Spring_MobileBay_ADCP_M3 - 30.05N, 88.12W - 2016-04-03 Mixing Array Bottom Moorings for Mobile Bay, March 29 to April 15, 2016. Six bottom moorings were deployed and collected data from March 29 to April 15, 2016. The bottom moorings were instrumented with bottom mounted ADCPs, which collected time series of u, v, and w currents at discrete depth levels of 1 m or finer. Acoustic backscatter intensity data were also collected by the ADCPs. The mounts for the Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) also had a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) or p-pod pressure sensor. The CTDs collected time series of bottom temperature, salinity, and pressure. The p-pods collected time series of bottom temperature, pressure, and significant wave height. At the M2 mooring, an automatic profiling unit was deployed, called the Bio-Optical Physical Pop-Up Environmental Reconnaissance System (BOPPERS). This unit consisted of the bottom mooring of the ADCPs, with the addition of a profiling unit that made profiles every 3 hours (if possible). It collected profiles of temperature, salinity, and bio-optical properties of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), fluorescence, optical backscatter, beam attenuation, and down welling irradiance. It also measured waves while at the surface. The BOPPERS data can be found in dataset R4.x260.000:0088.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile\nVARIABLES:\nstation (CONCORDE_2016_Spring_MobileBay_ADCP_M3)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nmatlabTime (matlab serial date number, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncell_depth (depth of cell, meters)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_C)\nzonal_velocity (Zonal velocity component, m s-1)\nmeridional_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (vertical velocity component, m s-1)\nvelocity_error (m s-1)\necho_amplitude (Signal Amplitude or Echo Intensity, count)\nsignal_correlation (count)\n... (5 more variables)\n (external link) Naval Research Laboratory at Stennis Space Center / Ocean Sciences Branch R4_x260_204_0032_CONCORDE_2016_Spring_MobileBay_ADCP_M3 TimeSeriesProfile - R4_x260_204_0032 - CONCORDE_2016_Spring_MobileBay_ADCP_M4 - 30.05N, 88.12W - 2016-03-30 Mixing Array Bottom Moorings for Mobile Bay, March 29 to April 15, 2016. Six bottom moorings were deployed and collected data from March 29 to April 15, 2016. The bottom moorings were instrumented with bottom mounted ADCPs, which collected time series of u, v, and w currents at discrete depth levels of 1 m or finer. Acoustic backscatter intensity data were also collected by the ADCPs. The mounts for the Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) also had a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) or p-pod pressure sensor. The CTDs collected time series of bottom temperature, salinity, and pressure. The p-pods collected time series of bottom temperature, pressure, and significant wave height. At the M2 mooring, an automatic profiling unit was deployed, called the Bio-Optical Physical Pop-Up Environmental Reconnaissance System (BOPPERS). This unit consisted of the bottom mooring of the ADCPs, with the addition of a profiling unit that made profiles every 3 hours (if possible). It collected profiles of temperature, salinity, and bio-optical properties of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), fluorescence, optical backscatter, beam attenuation, and down welling irradiance. It also measured waves while at the surface. The BOPPERS data can be found in dataset R4.x260.000:0088.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile\nVARIABLES:\nstation (CONCORDE_2016_Spring_MobileBay_ADCP_M4)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nmatlabTime (matlab serial date number, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncell_depth (depth of cell, meters)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_C)\nzonal_velocity (Zonal velocity component, m s-1)\nmeridional_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (vertical velocity component, m s-1)\nvelocity_error (m s-1)\necho_amplitude (Signal Amplitude or Echo Intensity, count)\nsignal_correlation (count)\n... (5 more variables)\n (external link) Naval Research Laboratory at Stennis Space Center / Ocean Sciences Branch R4_x260_204_0032_CONCORDE_2016_Spring_MobileBay_ADCP_M4 TimeSeriesProfile - R4_x260_204_0032 - CONCORDE_2016_Spring_MobileBay_ADCP_M5 - 30.05N, 88.12W - 2016-03-30 Mixing Array Bottom Moorings for Mobile Bay, March 29 to April 15, 2016. Six bottom moorings were deployed and collected data from March 29 to April 15, 2016. The bottom moorings were instrumented with bottom mounted ADCPs, which collected time series of u, v, and w currents at discrete depth levels of 1 m or finer. Acoustic backscatter intensity data were also collected by the ADCPs. The mounts for the Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) also had a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) or p-pod pressure sensor. The CTDs collected time series of bottom temperature, salinity, and pressure. The p-pods collected time series of bottom temperature, pressure, and significant wave height. At the M2 mooring, an automatic profiling unit was deployed, called the Bio-Optical Physical Pop-Up Environmental Reconnaissance System (BOPPERS). This unit consisted of the bottom mooring of the ADCPs, with the addition of a profiling unit that made profiles every 3 hours (if possible). It collected profiles of temperature, salinity, and bio-optical properties of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), fluorescence, optical backscatter, beam attenuation, and down welling irradiance. It also measured waves while at the surface. The BOPPERS data can be found in dataset R4.x260.000:0088.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile\nVARIABLES:\nstation (CONCORDE_2016_Spring_MobileBay_ADCP_M5)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nmatlabTime (matlab serial date number, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncell_depth (depth of cell, meters)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_C)\nzonal_velocity (Zonal velocity component, m s-1)\nmeridional_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (vertical velocity component, m s-1)\nvelocity_error (m s-1)\necho_amplitude (Signal Amplitude or Echo Intensity, count)\nsignal_correlation (count)\n... (5 more variables)\n (external link) Naval Research Laboratory at Stennis Space Center / Ocean Sciences Branch R4_x260_204_0032_CONCORDE_2016_Spring_MobileBay_ADCP_M5 TimeSeriesProfile - R4_x260_204_0032 - CONCORDE_2016_Spring_MobileBay_ADCP_M6 - 28.08N, 88.12W - 2016-03-30 Six bottom moorings were deployed and collected data from March 29 to April 15, 2016. The bottom moorings were instrumented with bottom mounted ADCPs, which collected time series of u, v, and w currents at discrete depth levels of 1 m or finer. Acoustic backscatter intensity data were also collected by the ADCPs. The mounts for the Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) also had a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) or p-pod pressure sensor. The CTDs collected time series of bottom temperature, salinity, and pressure. The p-pods collected time series of bottom temperature, pressure, and significant wave height. At the M2 mooring, an automatic profiling unit was deployed, called the Bio-Optical Physical Pop-Up Environmental Reconnaissance System (BOPPERS). This unit consisted of the bottom mooring of the ADCPs, with the addition of a profiling unit that made profiles every 3 hours (if possible). It collected profiles of temperature, salinity, and bio-optical properties of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), fluorescence, optical backscatter, beam attenuation, and down welling irradiance. It also measured waves while at the surface. The BOPPERS data can be found in dataset R4.x260.000:0088.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile\nVARIABLES:\nstation (CONCORDE_2016_Spring_MobileBay_ADCP_M6)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nmatlabTime (matlab serial date number, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncell_depth (depth of cell, meters)\ndepth (m)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_C)\nzonal_velocity (Zonal velocity component, m s-1)\nmeridional_velocity (m s-1)\nvertical_velocity (vertical velocity component, m s-1)\nvelocity_error (m s-1)\necho_amplitude (Signal Amplitude or Echo Intensity, count)\nsignal_correlation (count)\npercent_good (percent)\n... (4 more variables)\n (external link) Naval Research Laboratory at Stennis Space Center / Ocean Sciences Branch R4_x260_204_0032_CONCORDE_2016_Spring_MobileBay_ADCP_M6

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